Another Vote Kick Rant

Blizzard, for the love of Cenarius! Please fix the votekick system!

I don’t know the best solution to the problem, but votekick trolling is getting out of hand. I am sure there are logs that are made when someone initiates a votekick ingame.

I am not a top 100 raider, but I am competent with the classes I play. I take the time to setup key binds and macros for my spells to optimize my play style to the best of my ability. I have healed Heroic raids as a Shaman and understand the mechanics of the class and when to use abilities.

A month ago I queued into a normal Waycrest Manor at level 111 with a 4 stack group of players from Stormrage. The tank and 1 dps were decently geared 340+. For a normal I consider that overgeared. We ran the dungeon perfectly no wipes, I hexed mobs and performed my abilities as the healer. As we entered the stairwell to Gorak Tul, they all stopped on the stairs and I saw the loading screen sending me back to Boralus. Nothing was said, no complaints made. Just an instant removal moments before downing the boss I needed for my quest.

Today I queued into Timewalking Stonecore. I used every cooldown I had on the 2nd trash pack as the group refused to stun, CC, or interrupt the mob that transforms into the duststorm that does major aoe. I interrupted Millhouse’s first fear, and that was the only time he was interrupted. I was chosen as the fear target and was spamming healing surge trying to keep the group alive. On our 3rd attempt at the trash I hexed the mob and the mage instantly broke it with an arcane blast. We wipe again as the tank ran out of my Sprit Link Totem. Tank runs back in resto form and the mobs run from each of us as we are generating more threat. We wipe again as we didn’t have a tank and the mobs nearly one shot anything without mitigation. Loading screen “you’ve been removed from group”.

I consider myself lucky to be removed from the group that had such little awareness. I still am frustrated for sitting in queue for 5-10 minutes, going into a dungeon, wasting time on trash just to get kicked and given a cooldown timer that I cannot enter another dungeon. This is what I am more frustrated about.

I am already on the fence about the game. I find little enjoyment in the current carrot chasing meta, so I level alts and farm achievements. Every once in a while I get a second wind and want to level a 110-119 and the trolls have the ability to ruin my experience.

My best suggestion is to do what Overwatch does. Put in a report player feature and then a report is generated on how the reported player performed, what they said in chat, if they broke CC, etc. Just a frustration rant while I wait for my dungeon queue timer to run out.


Honestly, the content that even uses this system is such a mess its hard for me to be too interested in this topic.
If I were to say anything, I’d probably just say vote kick should just not be a thing any more.

Heroics dungeons probably just need to be removed at this point as they have no purpose with world quests and M0s, so its really just normal leveling dungeons and time walking that have any value to the game.
The issue is, normal dungeons are so impossibly easy, some one would really have to be trolling intentionally to deserve a kick, so as you described, the more common usage is to just roadhouse people out of your groups for laughs.
Then you have timewalking, which can actually be somewhat difficult if 5 people don’t know what they are doing in these some times decade old dungeons or have any preparation for the downscaling.

I’m not sure how I feel about Timewalking at this point, but I’d probably say it should stick around and continue with its current place in the game.

Otherwise, I believe all non-leveling queueable content should be removed.
The fact that you can anonymously vote to kick a party member is the most anti-social anti-MMORPG thing in the game and its just sad that its still a thing.
There are ways to fix vote kicking abuse I’m sure, but the best way to fix it is to just remove this anti-social feature from the game and make people actually have to communicate and work as a team to solve their mistakes.

Your example really makes me sad. The fact that there wasn’t even a conversation about your removal…
Man that’s just not what an MMORPG is supposed to be about.
Its such a shame that we have gotten to that point, especially with as many advancements as we made in other areas.


Don’t worry my friend if we complain enough we might get a “working as intended” from blizzard eventually, stay hopeful.


I am fully open to criticism, especially if I am under-performing my role. It seems that some people mindlessly click yes anytime the vote-kick shows up on screen. I am not a fan of LFD/LFR but I am 1 of 2 left in a guild I’ve been in since 2007, so I don’t have many options. Honestly it may be time to move on, but I hate leaving my ingame home after all this time.


If you are looking to start fresh, come on over to horde and contact me! Can help you move past these types of situations and get you into content where people actually communicate and work together to better themselves.

Such a sad state of affairs that in an MMORPG, some one can just be removed from the group for trivially easy content without so much as a word said about it.
That really upsets me, and makes me sad players are put in that position.


My favorite vote kick reason so far was: “gnome player” Hell why not I guess


This is the kind of anti-social behavior that stops me from queuing anything except LFR as a DPS and stay low profile, and also avoid the manual party finder.

Oh wait I queued normal Shrine and Waycrest Manor as a iLvl 367 healer today for the main story questline. <_<

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If I ever make the switch I’ll be in contact, thank you!

That why I do not run often. I been in today and it is bad. Not as bad as legeon. It was very horrible to run at any level. Seen alot of people just not use feature. If betting man my guess a whole lot not running them. None peak hours my tank if running them average wait is 25 minutes. Peak varies.

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I main a feral druid and they weren’t very desired at the start of BFA, I would get rejected from +1 +2 Mythics at 355 Item level. I am not proficient or confident enough in leading groups to start my own, so I just don’t do that content.

My external score from a website deems I am not good enough to play with others. Its turning into a single player game for casual players :frowning:


I don’t even bother with mythic mode. As an ex-raider it looks like my kind of content and I’d like to heal something challenging, but I haven’t grown a thick enough skin yet to weather what the WoW community has become.


What fact? Everyone else except the kickee (is that even a word?) knows who started the VtK. In addition, what would be the point of knowing who VtK’d you? It would bring more harassment. Furthermore, a single player cannot kick another, you still need majority of the group for that to happen.

I take it you were not there for MoP dungeons where the healer and/or the tank would sit down at the entrance of the instance and demand to be kicked because they did not like where they landed or proceeded to troll the rest of the party?

I take it that means ‘no’ to my previous question.

Then you would be advocating for the removal of LFG/LFD/LFR, if not, how do you propose to dismiss an abusive/trolling player from the instance that you got put with by those systems since you want to remove VtK? As long as LF* systems are in place in the game, VtK is the “lesser evil” solution to remove undesirable players (as in not wanted) in the group.


Yea, if it wasn’t clear my point was that only intentional trolls ever really deserve to be kicked, you can do basically all queueable content without tanks or healers, and because of all this plus how bad the incentives are, they should just remove all queueable content so players can move on from content where people they don’t even talk to agree to vote kick them for no reason.


This is not completely accurate: N/H dungeons are (or rather ‘were’) intended as stepping stones for gearing (although there are other more, efficient ways to achieve better ilvl in the game now), unless you overgear the instance or play a class that can tank, you won’t be able to solo it.

…and go back to LFG channel spam? Nah, man. I rather deal with VtK than waste my sub stuck in the main city spamming LFG just for a chance to get a group together for a dungeon that might get me some gear.


I couldn’t agree more. While It rarely has happened to me lately, It happens all the time and It’s just insane. At the beginning of Legion I played my warlock and they were the only class where all 3 DPS specs were behind every triple DPS class AND all hybrid’s as well.

After waiting an hour in que I had been kicked before runs had even started or anything at times because people thought it was funny / warlocks were terrible DPS.

I’ve had 3 people in a group before including myself, we wanted to vote kick someone who was trolling and we all voted yes. I thought if you had 3 or more yes votes it was a kick?

It’s really frustrating dealing with the vote kick system in my experience. I’ve seen people kicked for no reason at all sometimes just because everyone hits yes.


Everything you’ve said here is wrong. We HAD queue’d content without vote to kick. There is a reason this system was implemented. With the system, a full 3 people in the group need to agree to remove you. Without the system, it only takes ONE jerk to ruin everyone’s fun.

Just think of it this way, regardless of the reason, if 3 people don’t want you there, they get to remove you. They didn’t break any rules, they aren’t being jerks, they just don’t want to party with you anymore. Majority rules.


Probably the most aggro sensitive dungeon in this game. I have been in dungeon run where player tell others not to use any aoe on the way to the third boss :rofl::rofl:

Not silencing the earth-callers is pretty much a wipe among the first packs as well.

It can get really frustrating and i can see the negative behaviors being a problem in these dungeon . Such is an online environment unfortunately

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I couldn’t agree more.

I feel bad this type of junk even happens with this system. I’m really sorry OP.

I agree with the idea of getting rid of queue systems we currently have. Maybe I’m just dumb but I actually really like the lfg channel spam. Made it feel like there were people out there in the world to make friends and hang with.

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Actually I think this needs to happen. Just delete the vote kick system and be done with it. Let the group leader have sole discretion on when to boot. And delete dungeon deserter.

At this point removing these 2 things would greatly improved the game experience.

Think about it. Don’t like the group? Leave and join a new one. Get booted by leader? Join a new one. No more waiting around. Fixes booting from Islands etc. There is no downside here.


I never had issues with the voting system until yesterday when I decided to level my DH on Alliance side. We zone into a Freehold, the tank says heads up guys this is my first time here so I said no worries I’ll guide you.

After first boss, stupid healer pulls 2 extra groups, the two huntards broke any CC I did, did not even try to CC themselves then the dumb healer blamed it on tank and they voted him out I couldn’t even hit No, it just instantly kicked him.

When I asked them why did you do that to a person who was upfront about not having experience and he wasn’t bad either we didn’t even wipe, no one died and we killed the big group and the response I got “I don’t have time for this” and 2 huntards just kept pulling.