Blizzard, for the love of Cenarius! Please fix the votekick system!
I don’t know the best solution to the problem, but votekick trolling is getting out of hand. I am sure there are logs that are made when someone initiates a votekick ingame.
I am not a top 100 raider, but I am competent with the classes I play. I take the time to setup key binds and macros for my spells to optimize my play style to the best of my ability. I have healed Heroic raids as a Shaman and understand the mechanics of the class and when to use abilities.
A month ago I queued into a normal Waycrest Manor at level 111 with a 4 stack group of players from Stormrage. The tank and 1 dps were decently geared 340+. For a normal I consider that overgeared. We ran the dungeon perfectly no wipes, I hexed mobs and performed my abilities as the healer. As we entered the stairwell to Gorak Tul, they all stopped on the stairs and I saw the loading screen sending me back to Boralus. Nothing was said, no complaints made. Just an instant removal moments before downing the boss I needed for my quest.
Today I queued into Timewalking Stonecore. I used every cooldown I had on the 2nd trash pack as the group refused to stun, CC, or interrupt the mob that transforms into the duststorm that does major aoe. I interrupted Millhouse’s first fear, and that was the only time he was interrupted. I was chosen as the fear target and was spamming healing surge trying to keep the group alive. On our 3rd attempt at the trash I hexed the mob and the mage instantly broke it with an arcane blast. We wipe again as the tank ran out of my Sprit Link Totem. Tank runs back in resto form and the mobs run from each of us as we are generating more threat. We wipe again as we didn’t have a tank and the mobs nearly one shot anything without mitigation. Loading screen “you’ve been removed from group”.
I consider myself lucky to be removed from the group that had such little awareness. I still am frustrated for sitting in queue for 5-10 minutes, going into a dungeon, wasting time on trash just to get kicked and given a cooldown timer that I cannot enter another dungeon. This is what I am more frustrated about.
I am already on the fence about the game. I find little enjoyment in the current carrot chasing meta, so I level alts and farm achievements. Every once in a while I get a second wind and want to level a 110-119 and the trolls have the ability to ruin my experience.
My best suggestion is to do what Overwatch does. Put in a report player feature and then a report is generated on how the reported player performed, what they said in chat, if they broke CC, etc. Just a frustration rant while I wait for my dungeon queue timer to run out.