This topic needs to be revisited. I asked to fix an issue with my UI and was kicked almost immediately from a group that didn’t even start pulling mobs. I receive a 30 minute deserter debuff which kills my time as, being a father of 5, I have little time to play this game as it is. I don’t feel that this is warranted or appropriate. Blizzard has so many things in place to monitor their game that they can put a little more effort into applying this debuff to people who actually deserve it. If the reason for vote to kick is “i can tank, kick this guy” (as it was when I whispered someone in the group), then the one who initiated the kick should be punished, not me.
The current method of applying this debuff punishes a majority of good people that are just here to have fun. If the poor behavior of the few prompted this, then blizzard was entirely amiss in instituting this in the game. I pay good money to play this game. I work hard for my time. This is wrong. There is no argument to the contrary here. This should be changed.
I enjoy forum trolls like these 2 guys… They are the reason the vote to kick system was created, though it needs a slight revamp. It’s ok tho, keep em coming.
I think it’s rude when people show up to a group and are not ready to go. It wastes everyone elses time. You can’t expect patience from strangers even if it was a new issue w/ your UI.
People are snappy to judge but when a tank shows up after an instant queue and isn’t on the ball I can see why the group gets annoyed.
Sounds like a group of people didn’t want to play with you so they gave you the boot. As a cost, you had to take a short time out. Sounds like everything is working as intended.
That’s unfortunate. I understand the capitalism behind it. However, there has to be an option somewhere to make this system more reliable and not just used by children who are impatient and spoiled. I understand trolling is a huge issue in online gaming communities. But can we actually discuss options here instead of just telling each other we’re wrong or right?
Most groups are pretty chill about small things, but yeah, there are a few people who are miserable just to be miserable.
There’s been a few variations of the vote kick system, and while getting the deserter debuff really does suck if you’re limited in play time, it’s likely the most fair overall for the community.
Some UI issues can’t bee seen until you get into a group, like if you use the default raid frames. There’s no toggle to adjust them while you’re solo, you can only do it once you’re in a group. (You can adjust the frame size/height, but you can’t see what it looks like, or where it’s placed until you’re in a group.) And if you’re a healer, things like party/raid frame size and placement make a difference.
Some people can just make changes on the fly, others can’t.
I guess I just don’t find things like this a big deal. An extra 30 seconds out of my day isn’t going to hurt me. The group could have just started the run without the OP, and he’d catch up in a minute or two.
When LFG was first implemented in Cataclysm, the deserter penalty only applied if you left the group, not if you got kicked. This led to people realizing they could just /sit at the entrance of a dungeon they didn’t want to do, forcing the group to kick them; at which point they simply re-queued. Those people led to the implementation of a deserter penalty for anyone leaving a dungeon for any reason before the first boss was defeated.
And that is precisely what people would go back to doing were that change reverted. I get it; it sucks to be kicked for reasons you view as arbitrary. Lay the blame where it belongs; with players abusing the system and not with Blizzard. And make sure you are ready to start pulling before you queue.
This is exactly what happened. I knew how to fix it. Didn’t realize that it was an issue till I joined the group. I had just updated my main UI addon.
I suppose I have more patience than most. I run “Learn to Raid” groups where I teach people how to raid in Normal. It can be frustrating, but it always ends up being a good time and friendships are made.
Anyway, my hope was to get a good discussion going on what changes can be made to the system to help this and other situations where the kick isn’t warranted. Perhaps future replies can be suggestions? Here’s hoping.
Perhaps a system similar to Overwatch that can give people a rank related to their team play and attitude during dungeons, raids, pvp, and open world? This rank can than be used to create groups using like minded people? Trolls will be trolls, but there are many people out there that will “up vote” people when they have a good experience.
Some might think this would make queues longer… but depending on what’s important to you, you could choose to use your rank in queue or turn it off and roll the (grouped with trolls) dice?
I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve been booted and left scratching my head wondering why. There’s always a Paul Harvey “more to the story” when you get booted