Vote to kick is really being abused

Ok, this really happened to me within one evening and I can post pics for proof. So here goes:

  1. I joined a random heroic as tank for satchel. The instance was SoB. I mount up, jump down and start pulling mobs. The healer goes off the bat “Hey, idiot. Can you go the normal route?” I was trying to be courteous and say how to get to where I am. The healer insists that we have to go the route “we are supposed to take”. The druid and hunter dps in the grp say that they are confused about which way to go. I just say that “there is no supposed route, and the route I have taken is the efficient route”. What do you know, I was kicked out of the grp. And to add salt to the wound, I was given a 30 min debuff. I thought they dont give debuff when you are removed by vote kick? And I was not even arguing with these guys. I was just trying to explain how to reach me.

  2. Few hour later I join a random island expidition. Tank wanted to pull big and burn them all down. I agree and he starts running around. I was attacked by the mob which kills me and I am far away from the other two guys. I start farming things on my own. The tank types “hey warrior, you are going to help us kill or be useless?”. I didnt read it because I am killing crap. Before I could realize I am removed from the grp.

I am not asking that the vote to kick be removed. nope.
But there has to be something else that needs to be done.

One suggestion is: in island expedition please give us a table of contributions from individual players. Damage done, Azerite collected. So at least ppl can see how others are spending time in the instance. Currently the +Azerite collected from mob is not useful. It doesn’t show what each player has done.

Regarding random heroics, I don’t know what could be done. Also there has to be repercussion for those that abuse the vote to kick system.



I just finished posting about this too. It is abused and it gives us a penalty that we don’t deserve because of toxic people. Blizzard wont do anything about it because they never do.


I would have followed the healer because its much more efficient than arguing or getting kicked.


Hope they do something about this crap. [quote=“Helpmelord-tichondrius, post:2, topic:120828, full:true”]
I just finished posting about this too. It is abused and it gives us a penalty that we don’t deserve because of toxic people. Blizzard wont do anything about it because they never do.

There’s nothing to do. It’s working as intended. People didn’t like how you were running the instance. You got removed.


know what… I guess I have to start doing that. of fear of idiots abusing the system.

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Its working as intended. Don’t like being kicked? Form your own group…


Well yeah. You dont want to give them a reason to vote you out. And its not abuse. At all.


Except it’s not abuse. The system specifically allows the majority of the group to remove you for any or NO reason. Heck, they could just not like your name, remove you, and that’s perfectly legitimate and within the rules.


The alternative is worse.

You get a dungeon the tank hates? He’s just going to sit there until you kick him. And if he’s simply being a toxic little troll, he’ll join another dungeon and say he hates it as well until the group kicks him.

This happened. A lot. People would purposely misbehave until you kicked them from the group. And then they’d go do it again.


what according to you guys is an abuse of vote kick then?

looks like based on your responses there is absolutely no way to abuse this system.

Is that what I am gathering?

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Any system can be abused. I’m just saying that the VtK system is better than the other options. If you have a way that lets us punish trolls and jerks that try and ruin the entire group’s run, feel free to dish it out.

I’m sure there are many people who’d love to see a new system.

But, until we find something better, VtK is here to stay.


well, I am going to wish what happened to me upon all of you who pretend like this is a non-issue. If it happens over and over perhaps you will come to your senses.

Good luck.
I did nothing wrong and was just trying to be curteous in the heroic dungeon. in second instance I just followed the suggestion. the tank failed and they decided to kick me out.
If you guys dont understand this, perhaps your own sour experiences will drive home the message.



Lemme stop you right there. This doesn’t happen frequently enough to be an issue worth fixing. It’s not perfect but if you make it more difficult to kick, people will just AFK or screw with groups.

Just take a unjustified kick once in a while when you’re groups with a cancerous group and the next one you queue with will be fine.

It’s happened to me and I feel even less sorry for you if you’re vindictive enough to wish misfortune on us just because we don’t agree with you.

No. We do know.


I never said make it difficult to vote kick. read my OP

If Blizzard would just not give a 30 minute debuff if kicked, I think this would fix some things. People should be able to kick and it WILL be abused because it’s very difficult to determine when something is a fair kick and when it’s not by a computer. At least not giving the debuff and maybe prevent the person kicked from immediately rejoining the group you just got kicked from when re-queueing - since that does happen sometimes - for 30 minutes rather than prevent them re-queueing at all would also be fair to the person being kicked.


according to you it is not a big issue. so why is me wishing that upon you would be such a misfortune? just shrug it off.


Problem is that say a person is kicked because they’re being a jerk. If there’s no real punishment for being kicked from a group, there’s no incentive to behave.

If you’re just removed from the queue, you can always hop back in and go be a dirtbag to the next group until they VtK you as well.

So there has to be some kind of punishment.


The system didn’t give the debuff to start with.
People held groups hostage demanding they be kicked because they got into a dungeon they didn’t want.
They were able to requeue instantly if they were actually kicked.

The debuff was added to combat that toxic behavior. It’s not the best thing in the world, but it’s better than what existed previously.


It isn’t. But you thinking it’s an issue and therefore wishing it on others is disgusting.