Why is kicking a thing?

All of the “legitimate” reasons people kick could be taken care of in the programming but allowing players to take it upon themselves to do so is part of why this game is (somewhat) on the decline. If you’re gonna have an online game, you should support a learning curve. This probably won’t be a popular post because most of the folks who would agree have already left. If blizz/activision want people who are so damn serious about a videogame then they should probably have dedicated servers for the more competitive community but nobody should treat other like shiz regardless. I guess I don’t get it…

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A computer program cannot define player intent…as of yet


Correct. But most people are kicked for reasons that can be defined with in the parameters of an if/if not statement.

No it isn’t. The system before kicking where it was decided by 1 party lead or when there was no debuff, was worse.


I’m in a group with someone. I don’t want to be in a group with that someone. I can vote to remove that person. If the majority rules, he or she is gone. Could be that they’re bad, could be that they’re toxic, could be that they’re afk. Bottom line is it doesn’t matter. I get to play with who I want to play with, and if others agree with me, that’s how it goes.


Because it’s in the rogue spellbook. /drums

Seriously though. There’s no simple answer to this.

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I remember the first time I was kicked. I was new to the game, it was my first time in LFR and I accidentally voted need on a green. I was instantly kicked. I didn’t join another LFR for a very long time after that.

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So if someone is bad, how are they ever supposed to get better? Is the game supposed to thrive on people who have been playing forever?

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Mind you, I haven’t tried ffxiv myself yet so I have only second hand knowledge, but I read that there’s incentives to helping newbies there.
As far as rewards go, we already have tanking/healing satchels in WoW :slight_smile:

Apparently you were never here when people were held hostage in dungeons by other players simply because said player didn’t want to do that dungeon or was throwing a hissy fit.

Occasionally someone is kicked because some people in the group just want to be mean but as much as some try to say different it doesn’t happen enough that would necessitate removing the system or taking control away from the players.

If someone is being kicked enough times that they find it necessary to make a thread about the current system I hate to say it but it is usually that person that is the issue not the kick system.


Lol I’ve never been kicked on my rogue. Was trying to figure out mage and wasn’t too good at it and was kicked instead of offered helpful feedback. There wasn’t any good reason I was kicked, just that my numbers weren’t spectacular.

This is a complex issue. If that person is 1 of 2 tanks in an LFR, should 24 other players have to deal with wipes so the person can learn? Or should they have come in as dps first so they could learn the fights? I personally don’t mind someone learning as long as they take advice that is given. But not everyone is like that and just want to get through the instance.

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I’ve been kicked for voting not to kick someone because they weren’t doing well… lol this community tends to have its toxic moments

Yah I didn’t say it didn’t have it’s moments but thankfully it doesn’t happen very often.

It’s not my job to deal with you when you don’t know how to play your class or you are learning mechanics. If you need to learn to play do it on a target dummy, or if it’s a mechanical issue then read the dungeon journal or watch videos. I’d vote kick you too, I’m not getting paid to deal with you and your learn to play issues.

Learn to play in a group with friends, not with strangers who you won’t ever see again.


It’s up to you to find people who want to teach you the game. You can’t have the game force players to carry you just because you feel like you’re entitled to it. And I promise you will not be made to feel welcome if you are in a group that doesn’t want to play with you but has no choice in the matter.

Either find friends who like your style of play or git gud


There is jerks. You can be top dps/healer/tank and still get kicked.

Some of the troll kick comments people put in is just toxic, Trolly, and unwarranted.

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Petty stuff like this… it’s a fckn game, no reason to kick you over that

As much as I want to agree with you here I do have to point out that there was a time when people would help rather than kick you, those days for the most part are gone for some.

I still when leveling will not kick someone for bad performance unless they are purposely trying to ruin the fun for others.


There are no shortage of guides to learn to play well and ample single player content in which to practice. Similarly, there are no shortage of tools to find friends. Take your pick