Good for kicking afks and trolls but anyone who acts their age, never trolls and always tries their best knows that Vote to Kick isn’t perfect, but it would be just as easy to fix and change as it is to vote kick.
Too often people agree with the decision to kick because it “feels good to press the big red button” and that’s what vote kick is to a lot of people who never initiate, but are sadists who grin and laugh while agreeing to the kick vote.
I’m sick of it being an anti-social way for a-type tanks and heals to indirectly say: “I disagree with your point and rather than using ignore, I’m going to troll you out of the group and waste the last 10+ minutes of your time JUST because I don’t like your POV and because I can!”.
Maybe you should have to ignore a player before you initiate a vote to kick. Something needs to happen because the only time I ever get kicked is after talking about a certain encounter we had trouble with and who ever initiates a vote to kick me has usually said something implying they don’t want me to talk anymore (ignore player works great ty sadists…) or that they simply don’t like my point of view.
So vote to kick is also an indirect way to say “I disagree” or simply “Screw you; get kicked loser; I win you lose.”
It’s an indirect for of harassment and players often won’t tell you why they unsubbed at least not entirely. This is just wrong and we shouldn’t have to write an essay on why vote to kick is bugged or broken or needs adjustment.
The players not saying anything don’t care and they’ll leave/unsub without a word. The loyal customers and players are where your most valuable feedback is going to be. Please don’t tune this game so that sadists and sociopaths have yet one more way to cause grief or to harass others.
I can ignore those I don’t want to hear from again but this doesn’t do ME any good as a player who actually uses the chat to talk about the game or make suggestions.
Is it really that difficult to “troll proof” the game?
Vote to kick is good, but we shouldn’t have vote to kick EVERYWHERE.
It’s TOO EASY to troll with in small groups and it NEVER WORKS in big groups or raids.
The incident that caused this happened in a dungeon where we had wiped many many times and the tank was likely upset people saw them not being a perfect high dmg dealing tank out dpsing the plebs still leveling like a lot of tanks seem to want to be seen as.
Tanks and Heals queuing together initiate vote kicks to troll people whose point of view they disagree with far too often as well.
It’s either the tank and healer queuing together try and vote kick who they disagree with or don’t like, or the d-bag tank gets kicked for insulting people or face pulling too much and getting us killed and then their healer friend says something salty and insulting before dropping group.
It’s more fun with friends, I get that, but these players logic is fallible and intolerant and they propagate the socially toxic side of the game and use the fact that WoW is a game the excuse their being insulting humans concerned with harassing and cyber bullying players in their group until they stick up for themselves, then they vote kick and laugh.
I feel like all I have to do to get kicked is just say something like “this is why I think we died” and BOOM…I’m kicked before the last boss… as if my comment made them sooooo mad they wanted revenge?