People that don’t give you 1 or 2 mins to come back online after a DC are spiteful jerks. That is all.
Come to the BGs. It’s a lot more fun.
In fact, I think DCing should give you some kind of 1 or 2 minute timer that protects you from being kicked.
You only do dungeon queues when lvling anyway
So? I was almost finished with my dungeon when I DC’d. Now I have to queue for it again to finish it. People need to stop being impatient zoomers.
Id agree if its 0-5 minutes that is kinda silly. A group can continue to pull upto a boss… if its after 5 minutes then you start getting into grey area… Sucks that happend thou
Something something no one cares what you do or happens to you something something selfish < insert typical raging ignorant comment >
Yes I was sarcastic and didn’t mean it. I agree… 1 or 2 mins should never be all that bad… the longer DC’d people well tough tomatos I guess.
personally? I never click a DC kick the second someone goes DC, for this very reason. Unfortunately, there’s always others in the group that, I think, don’t even read the vtk reason and just click yes immediately.
This is a problem? Any groups I’ve been in wait a few mins before we kick anyone who has DC’d. Even then, sometimes we finish the run without bothering.
I’m a spiteful jerk.
Option1-Get better internet.
Option2- Get satellite
Option3- live nextdoor to internet provider
How are they supposed to know you’re coming back?
I come into the wow forums and I instantly lose faith in humanity by 50 points.
--------------------------------The Vote Kick Feature---------------------------
Is Broken. Please spend your 500+ Gold repair bill to fix it at the local repair shop blacksmith.
It would only be broken if you vote to kick someone and they don’t get kicked.
I hear satellite internet lags w bit.
Or, they’re simply just people that value their time.
Why should we wait to proceed because you DCed? What guarantee do we have you are coming back? Don’t DC, or know that when you do you have a high chance of being kicked. Every time I do, i fully expect it.
Why should a group of randomly assembled players whom owe you nothing be forced to operate at a gimped capacity because of your network/PC issues?
I’m going to go with this bit.
It means when I log back in and I’m still in the group I get to be pleasantly surprised and thank the group for not providing me the proverbial boot.
If I am kicked, then it’s not a surprise and I can move on with my day.
Usually after like 20 secs to 1 minute, the person who dced if they haven’t had the time to reboot/restart wow and their pc isn’t coming back. And with dps getting near instant replacement ques, it just makes sense to pug or replace them with another guy waiting 40 minutes as the next. Healers though might take a while so i might wait 1-2 minutes for them. Just supply, demand, and probability.