So for some reason bgs that I have been joining if someone doesn’t like being told to play the game they report afk me and for some reason it instant kicks me. Like this is ridiculous and if this is working as intended it needs to be changed because I’m sick of getting booted from bgs when I’m the only one participating in objectives. What is this game even. Also I work 12 hour days so I get a limited amount of time to play and having to get stuck with a 15 min deserter because some A-Hole is abusing the vote kick system really sucks.
In order to be instantly removed you need several players to vote kick you.
Judging by your post I’m guessing you’re one of those people that likes to criticize others in chat while being abusive. I’d kick you too.
You just solved your own problem. One person didn’t abuse the system. I’m guessing you were the A-hole, and the group collectively said “bye”.
I’m always curious what the other side of these threads story would be.
We never get it but boy howdy I’d bet it would be enlightening.
So because I want to win and people want to jerk off and fight on roads and ruin the gameplay of others I’m the A-hole. Got it. I wasn’t even being mean about it. I said in chat to help the flag carrier (me) and nobody came. But way to just assume and reaffirm that this community is a bunch of toxic jerks and clearly instant kicks are easily abused. Several players or not I’ve never been instant kicked. It’s always a idle timer. Anyways good night and thanks for not answering my question jerks.
…so which is it?
You clearly cant read. I’m saying only in the last week have I been getting instant kicked which is why I’m asking if this is now working as intended. Change of circumstances. And you can stop twisting what I’m saying. And the more you respond the more I realize you are probably one of those players that doesn’t care about anyone but themselves and just wants to do things like ignore objectives and fight mindlessly in objective based games.
But sure keep quoting things out of context in your replies to fit your narrative of being being the jerk.
Perhaps the change of circumstance is that you are being toxic and others aren’t willing to put up with it anymore?
I said it’s never been auto kick. Always an idle timer…only recently has it been auto kick. You got it now? Or do you need your hand held more.
I’m sorry, I didn’t see a question in your initial post.
I guess you need better reading comprehension then. Not explicitly stated but I’m obviously wondering what is going on if I’m making a forum post about it. God you are insufferable. I’m done replying to this thread.
So you keep getting kicked from BGs after telling people how to play, and you’re blaming vote-kick abuse? How about you share the chat logs next time you get removed from a BG? I’m sure none of us will be surprised at why you were kicked.
You’re the common denominator here, you see that, right? Or you assume you’re doing absolutely nothing wrong, but random groups of strangers keep removing you for no reason?
Got a screenshot of what you said, by chance?
Unlikely you got kicked for saying that … I have said far worse and never have I got kicked from any BG
Always been auto kick if enough report you.
Yeah there’s something about this dudes story that he isn’t being forthright about, takes 5 people to report you within something like a 5-10 second window to get auto kicked
I am going to say the other side of the story is “Well I was ranting and telling everyone to go here and go their and calling them stupid for not doing what I told them to do and because I was being a jerk they voted to kick me. The system needs to be changed and people should be forced to do what I say.”
I run into people like you all the time in BG’s, your more of the problem then you think.
In my exp, they are yelling in caps, swearing/calling people names, and getting killed constantly because they are typing instead of fighting with the team.
Lost count of how many times I have literally said - you can’t be fighting much or handling objectives with all the typing you do.
It is called Report AFK, for those in this thread saying it’s OK that people exploited this; you’re wrong. Was March Away from their keyboard, or botting? Then that’s not an intended use, it is not ‘vote kick’. There’s a very specific thing it’s supposed to be used for, which is sad because it seems I can never get people to report legitimate AFKs or bots.
Judging from your condescending tone and attitude here, if there was a vote kick from the forums your butt would be outta here too.
Maybe work on your attitude, make some friends not enemies.