Deserter for being Kicked

Look, I get that you guys are trying to prevent people from abusing the system when they get queued in to content they don’t want to play. But honestly, spending 20-30minutes in a dungeon queue and getting kicked for absolutely no reason and giving me a deserter debuff is literally punishing me for other peoples actions.

Totally and absolutely unnecessary. That’s over an hour of my night gone, between the initial wait, waiting out the damn debuff, and then having to queue for another 20-30minutes again. That’s just absolutely inappropriate. Punish the people abusing the system, not the whole damn community.

pbs.twimg. com/media/DtyAchbUwAYWYzW.jpg


Do you actually have a solution in mind, or are you complaining just to complain?

Because we’ve been down this road many times already, through multiple incarnations of the vote kick and deserter systems, and what we have now is the best compromise. It’s not perfect, but literally everything else that has been tried was far worse.


I honestly don’t know how people get kicked. I pull everything and still do fine in groups.

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Avoid pugs as much as possible, and dont bother complaining on here, you’ll just be pummeled by people who either don’t care or figure you’re lying.


People aren’t abusing the VTK system. In fact, it isn’t possible to abuse the system. Anybody can initiate a vote against anybody else, for any reason or no reason at all. The only thing that is required is a majority vote.

Blizzard is not in the business of micromanaging the thousands upon thousands of random social interactions between players every day.


You were probably a lazy dps and they got tired of carrying you

What did you do that got you kicked? Whatever it was learn from it and don’t do it again?

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I once got kicked from a group because they went the wrong way and when I told them we had to come back they ignored me so I ran to where they were then asked them to follow me to the boss then got kicked

It was really annoying


There’s no reason to do IEs or dungeons, you can easily get to ilvl 320 from world quests. Then do lfr and warfronts if you want more. If you want to do group content beyond that, try to find a good guild or build a group of friends, avoid the toxicity.

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I was in a group and a dps got kicked because they were in the fray with the tank. It was a warrior class. There was no reason to kick them because they were doing damage the only way that they could: up close and personal. People get kicked for the dumbest reasons sometimes, and it’s almost always because of the elitism and self importance of a large portion of the player base. People wonder why there aren’t new people signing up and it’s largely due to the closed and hostile nature of the people playing. Punishing fellow players for no reason hurts us all, and i think OP should be addressing the community and people abusing the system as opposed to the devs


What they give you deserter for being kicked? WTH

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It used to be that being kicked didn’t give you deserter. People (mainly tanks) who didn’t like the dungeon they got into would abuse it simply by afking until they got kicked, after which they would immediately requeue.

Needless to say they quickly added deserter to people who got kicked, to discourage this behavior.


This sounds like a tough situation. I hate no win situations like these :frowning:

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What if they added a two option system:
Select Kick and type the reason as is the case currently, or Select Kick for Afk.
If you are kicked for afk you get deserter and if you are kicked for the other reasons you don’t. Obviously this could still be abused by jerks, but at least it would avoid situations like the one that OP had.

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Because, obviously, any group trollish enough to VTK for aholish reasons will still have enough integrity to not lie about it, just to force the kickee to suffer even more.

Humans are evil. Get used to it. Any system that can be used to punish miscreants is equally likely to be used to punish the innocent.


Did you read what I put? I am well aware that there are jerks, and this system won’t prevent that. However, if you look at the screenshot posted by the op this kick was not because of people just wanting to be jerks. There are plenty of people who kick for other reasons and it happens in island expeditions too not just dungeons.
Even if the person initiating the kick is a jerk, the other people might not go along with it if they see Kick:AFK Yes/No when the person is clearly not afk. And if the person is kicked by the default method where you type the reason they won’t get the debuff.
This is not a perfect solution, but it would at least help in some of the cases, and It sounds like there is no perfect solution to an issue like this.

Everyone would be kicked for AFK, because anonymous people like to punish other anonymous people.

And yes, I ready your post. You’re spitballing ways to limit players’ abilities to abuse a system, then immediately admit that your solution does absolutely nothing to solve the problem.


I very much doubt that the percentage of people kicked simply because of a premade group of trolls who are trying to “punish others” is more than 50%. It is likely a bit less. This can help in all the other situations where someone is kicked and then receives a deserter debuff. This would have certainly helped in the OP’s case. Clearly you did not look at their screenshot.

Also I am not ‘spitballing ways’ not did I admit that my solution does nothing. Either your reading comprehension is quite poor or you are purposefully twisting my words :wink:
I said that my solution was not perfect since there is not a perfect solution to this - meaning it wouldn’t solve 100% of the problems that getting the deserter debuff on kick creates, but it absolutely would help in MANY cases.

How would this have helped in the OP’s situation? Where in his screenshot does it give any indication why the vote was initiated? All I see is a couple other group members claiming they accidentally voted to kick.

People who aren’t jerks don’t typically vote to kick other players without cause.
So, your solution prevents people who aren’t jerks from acting like jerks, but does nothing to stop the jerks.

Maybe rethink your ‘solution’ or explain in some detail how I’ve misunderstood it.

Out of about 40 heroic island expeditions, I was kicked twice in total. Once I’m pretty sure because I stopped to hit an azurite node and maybe they saw trashy azurite numbers from the trash that attacked me while I was hitting the node and thought I was going to waste all my time fighting trash. Another time, the other two players stayed on the ship to discuss strategy after the gangplank went down and they kicked me when I was halfway to the azurite node on the beach by the ship. Before those two kicks, I’d already been part of 20+ winning heroic teams where we all just moved in a loose formation hitting azerite and converging on powerful foes with nobody talking. Overall we lost maybe 3; one due to back-to-back afk’ers after we kicked one, and I think a couple due to the alliance NPCs being unusually brutal at ganking two of us while a third undergeared person was off getting killed by powerful foes. :slight_smile: For the rest we won by anywhere between 100 and 4000 azurite. I came here to complain about the deserter debuff when those two kicks happened because they happened back to back Monday night when I was trying to clear the weekly. Nobody’s come close to kicking or talking much on any other day of the week.

I do agree the deserter debuff should be reserved for actual deserters. Or maybe blizzard could write some code that if you were flagged afk at the time you were kicked, you get the deserter buff then. Getting kicked and having to re-cue should be sufficient penalty for anyone else if anyone thinks we need penalties. Others allude to other systems tried and failed, but not sure what those were or how they failed or if they were close to what I just suggested.