Being kicked from dungeon

Im currently a 470 tank warrior i queue for waycrest mannor (NORMAL) for transmog, i clear the mob quite fast and people are mostly happy with that but then in last run, there are 3 noobs or whatever i should call refuse to follow me tightly and run up stairs and aggro some mobs. i know waycrest is a bit like a maze but i dont think its that hard to follow me in a not-insanely-fast pace, im not one hitting mobs, but they whine and kick me out the dungeon while they cant follow me down the stairs inside the kitchen. I am so angry that i need to take a break from this game and the toxicity for a while. Im just here to whine, nothing special. I never think walking a straight line for new toxic players is that hard.


Tldr you got kicked that one time and decided to make a stink of it, am I close?


i was being kicked in the past because im a noob. But now i was being kicked by noobs becasue im not a noob lmao, i think i need to go out for some fresh air.


I got kicked from a timewalking dungeon for “Doing to much DPS”. People out there just suck.


3 new players and Waycrest being a maze would need guidance

You can’t GO GO GO , when they are wandering about as they obviously lost you.

Social skills > ilvl or any experience mate


I don’t generally understand the need to come to the forum and make posts like this. If it’s for sympathy, it’s an odd place to seek that. I’d probably get a better response if I had a salty rant to my guildies, who would at least go ‘there there, go eat some chocolate’ or some such.

What we really need is a Rant Space - comments are disallowed, so people can just go and yell about the unfairness of life in WoW. You go there to let off stream about things like this and then feel better about it.


yes, they want you to get out to make them look cool, people play too much COD and they clearly bring the toxicity to WOW nowadays

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happens. It’s normal. Just move on


WM is a maze for people unfamiliar with it. You need to be willing to escort new players through it if you’re going to be grouped with them and tanking.

Sometimes that means going back to get them because they’re lost.


This is the community we have nowadays. Really sorry that happened to you dude.


i did twice but they still lost me, then when i was going back the third time they kicked me lol sad

Not everyone wants to gogogogogogogo all the time. Slow down and chill out. Plus, if it’s a normal WC, just go in and solo it. It’s not hard. Only the wicker tree boss guy is a challenge with the root stun, but at 470, you’ll live. Just takes a few minutes.


Why not just set it to normal, fly there and do it alone. 470 warrior of your stature surely could do that, especially if you are “one hitting” mobs.

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yea i was just trying to carry some low level players to lv up faster but then get kicked thats why its the second reason im so angry

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Not everyone needs a white knight hero.


Oh come on that’s :racehorse: :poop:. Tanks get enough grief as it is. There is no harm helping some lowbies. He was probably just being a little too aggressive for the players.


Trust me, I know. I tank a lot

Or so he thinks. Maybe they didn’t want or need his help. Maybe they were all friends that wanted to RP walk through the zone. Who knows
 Point is, they obviously didn’t like his energy/showing off/whatever abusive stuff he said in chat like “u guais r dum cant fallo me.” We don’t know the whole story, only the side he’s telling us.

Sure, if we take OP at his word and assume he wasn’t being snarky or impatient with them.

I think one might need to be a little less cynical/jaded than I am to buy that, though.


When they think you’re moving too fast that’s when you toggle RP walk and just strut through the dungeon lmao

Jokes aside though that place is a nightmare and I’ve seen even experienced players lose their way in there.

If your a tank and ilvl 470 why don’t you just solo the place?

I solo’d WCM on my ele shaman during 8.2 for a herbalism quest.