The Kick System is TOO LOOSE

The kick system is too loose with people who don’t deserve to be kicked, people who should be kicked are still running around making wow much worse, and the stupid meta ruined so many people who get kicked for not picking meta specs. The kick system needs to be refined in a way where people should not be kicked for the most stupid reasons. I have seen a mage kicked for not being arcane. Yet the person who wanted to kick the fire mage. just rolled his head on the keyboard and that passes. So I believe you need actual evidence, need an actual reason to kick, and should be more involved to remove the toxicity from the dungeons and raids. Those who disagree and say the kick system is fine. I believe they have kicked people who probably didn’t even deserve it in the first place. So yes the kick system needs to be revised so it’s less of a toxic means to remove people of “oh i dont like them kick em” or “Oh you critiqued my tanking, get kicked”. So its an actual kick system. Like ff14 or most shooters with their report system.


So I take it you got kicked?


I only kick people if they give me a proper reason to, like being a jag.


what if you’re running a dungeon and you notice some poor soul with a “KICK ME” sign on his back


oh so you’ve also run dungeons with vulpera?


i was the poor soul with a “KICK ME” sign on his back :cry:


For what it’s worth, I agree with you. But that would mean Blizzard would have to put man hours into actually moderating the game and players’ interactions, and it seems like they don’t want to put as much time into that anymore.


If by “kick me sign on their back” you mean a gnome tank, then yes, I will send a vote kick and see if it gets lucky. Hilarious when it actually works.

The comments so far very accurately describe how Blizzard feels about the situation, OP. Sorry to hear you too also would like some systems to be better implemented.

Sadly, GD for the most part fully embraces the" “if it isn’t happening to me, clearly it isn’t a real problem.” mentality.


It is abused…the INTENT of it anyway…and we ALL know that fact, including the ones who pretend that it isnt abused.
NO ONE at blizzard sat in board room one day and though up some crap “lets make a kick system so anyone can eject players for their transmog choices”
its pretty idiotic to think thats even possibly how it went down. We know it didnt.

They needed make it so one player who was misbehaving, DC’ed, etc, could be removed.
The reason its so ‘loose’ is they simply dont have the money or manpower to deal with the long list of complaints they’d get if they promised to do something about every unfair kick.

If you get kicked by toxic players, they did you a favor.
Do what I do…put their characters on ignore so you dont see them in random content again.


If someone doesn’t want to play with me, do I really want to spend more time playing with them?


This 100%.

Best advice I’ve seen TBH. It is what it is, until it ever gets addressed.


I saw the idiots kick a tank who made a wrong turn then quickly corrected, lol.
I told them to find another healer too and left them sitting. Betting that was a bit of a wait, lol.

I think the problem is most players THINK the kick is legit and just click Yes when they arent sure what the actual problem is.
I think if we all REFUSE to click yes unless we know the player is actually doing something wrong, that the vote kicks will drop down to 10% of what they are now.
I NEVER click yes unless I KNOW the person did something and is continuing to do it…ie pulling for the tank causing deaths, etc.


One of the main problems I see behind this kick debacle is pre-made groups. 9/10 of the complaints I read, come from a jolly 3-man that queue up together and then by power in numbers decide to grief people they don’t agree with, with no consequence.

Again, I keep saying these kind of queues into casual content is heavily eroding the game and what little is left of it’s social interactions. You shouldn’t be able to queue like that, to precisely help prevent these situations.


The tactic blizz has taken is generally hands off. they’ve given us the ability to remove people from random queued groups, but it goes on a CD if you use it too much.

What would you suggest then that they do on top of that?


Not much they can do. Limit it more maybe. But they dont have the manpower to deal with all the complaints and I honestly wouldnt expect them to.

It never goes on CD in a 3-man group if they rotate who initiates the kick between them. And this isn’t an outlier, it is a very common practice complained about for a long time. The issue is the system in place is very easily exploitable because it has very little parameters established.

With regards to LFD, for example, the fix could be a few things.

Either do not allow less than 5 in a group to queue (meaning either solo queue everyone or a full 5-man group.)


do not allow pre-made groups to kick without a non-previously group member consenting to the kick. Basically, require 4 votes instead of 3, for a kick to happen.

At the very least it would curb the wanton kicks happening.

I’ll keep saying it, I don’t understand why people with guilds, friends and ability to organize group content are too often allowed to troll their way into those that can’t or won’t engage in those things and queue up alone just to play with like minded people.

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I learned long time ago if i named a char kickme i never get kicked boy was i wrong!

If this is true, it should be changed.

not allowing people to play with their friends unless they have four friends on at once is a terrible solution.

I thought this was already the case? maybe not

At the end of the day, there has to be a way to remove problem people from groups. I don’t deny that troll kicks happen - It’s unfortunate that sometimes kicks go out that aren’t necessarily justified. But I think not being able to remove problem players is just as bad if not worse than troll kicks.

As for troll kicks, unless blizz is going to monitor each and every one of those, I’m not sure they can prevent it, and, well, I don’t see them hiring people to monitor lfg kicks.


I am not one for kicking peeps, unless they go afk or are straight up trolls. No kick option would be awful in some cases.