Blizz should remove deserter for being kicked

Hi everyone. I posted the other day after I had been kicked from AV and given the deserter debuff. I finally found the screen shot of chat ( which shows I was not being toxic. At the advice of those on here, I put in a ticket to report abuse of the pre-made system and received this response from the gm today:

Hey there! Game Master Paskelche here, at your service.

I am sorry that you were removed by a premade group.

In these cases, the system is working as intended. Premades can remove anyone they want for whatever reason they want. This does mean that some people will get removed from groups for no reason at all, and I am sorry about that.

You can put them on your ignore list, so you will not be grouped with them again.

I know I wasn't able to help much in this situation, but if you need anything else, please reach out, and we will see what we can do.

If this is working as intended, it's not right to give us deserter. I did not desert the bg, i was forcibly removed.
Is that actually true? If you put somebody on your ignore list, you won't be grouped with them?
so what.
10/26/2018 07:25 PMPosted by JoeboĂ´
so what.

So, being given deserter because a premade didn't like me is lame. I didn't leave, I was removed, and the system is working as intended. Why should I be punished when I did nothing wrong?
1 Like
Thank you for showing the last few seconds of the bg before you were kicked, if I had not seen such a huge glimpse of the chat I would never had believed you.
Nah, it needs to be longer. That problem the OP hasn't anything to do with Deserter per se, but queues.
10/26/2018 06:38 PMPosted by Lathral
I am sorry that you were removed by a premade group.
Hmm... So you were kicked out by a premade?

10/26/2018 06:38 PMPosted by Lathral
In these cases, the system is working as intended. Premades can remove anyone they want for whatever reason they want. This does mean that some people will get removed from groups for no reason at all, and I am sorry about that.
Uh... That's true for premades votekicking anyone they want in PvE.

But, that's different from submitting false AFK reports in PvP. In PvP, there is no actual votekick option.

10/26/2018 06:38 PMPosted by Lathral
You can put them on your ignore list, so you will not be grouped with them again.
Again, that only applies to PvE. I don't believe the ignore lists work for PvP.

I think the GM got confused and gave you the response for premades using votekick in PvE.

07/27/2012 09:43 AMPosted by Ovorpoworged
Hello, I really am not sure whether this is the proper forum for this, sorry if it's not. I'm just curious as to Blizzard's Official stance on the use of the "Report AFK" button. I'm part of a premade group that regularly and often uses this function to kick players who are NOT AFK.
07/27/2012 09:45 AMPosted by Orlyia
You want confirmation you can point to that says - No, this is not the intended use?

Here it is.

No, that is not the intended use.
The Op's statement is perfect......He did not desert.....therefore he is not a Deserter

Op wins this one hands down.....Blizz u r nedd to gat sum engylish.
10/26/2018 09:04 PMPosted by Bubsdaddy
The Op's statement is perfect......He did not desert.....therefore he is not a Deserter

Op wins this one hands down.....Blizz u r nedd to gat sum engylish.

Yea, neither did those afkers or bots, who it's intended for. Unfortunately, sometimes it can be used without good intention.
Like 1 SS from chat proves anything.
I was in the same BG in Lathrals group and I also was removed from AV for advocating winning and questioning her getting kicked. I wasn't angered about that tho, it's a little ridiculous that you get a Deserter when you get voted to be kicked after playing the whole BG practically. Blizzard really gotta fix their !@#$ and get it together.
There is no vote kick in PvP.

Some players are abusing the report AFK system. They're submitting false AFK reports. It's especially bad when premades decide to coordinate their false AFK reporting to instantly remove teammates.
10/27/2018 10:25 AMPosted by Forums
There is no vote kick in PvP.

Some players are abusing the report AFK system. They're submitting false AFK reports. It's especially bad when premades decide to coordinate their false AFK reporting to instantly remove teammates.

I've reopened my ticket. I wish I was more surprised that the gm responding to my ticket either didn't read it or was incompetent. Seems like most of them lack reading comprehension skills.
10/27/2018 02:44 PMPosted by Lathral
I wish I was more surprised that the gm responding to my ticket either didn't read it or was incompetent. Seems like most of them lack reading comprehension skills.

Eh, this PvP issue is a bit niche. The GM gave you the response for premades using votekick in PvE. That probably happens a lot more frequently.

Many players are also unaware of this hidden "feature" of report AFK in PvP. People will often talk about the 1-minute inactivity debuff before you get removed. They don't know that coordinated AFK reporting will instantly remove players from a bg. Unfortunately, premades tend to be aware of this exploit.
10/27/2018 03:05 PMPosted by Forums
10/27/2018 02:44 PMPosted by Lathral
I wish I was more surprised that the gm responding to my ticket either didn't read it or was incompetent. Seems like most of them lack reading comprehension skills.

Eh, this PvP issue is a bit niche. The GM gave you the response for premades using votekick in PvE. That probably happens a lot more frequently.

Many players are also unaware of this hidden "feature" of report AFK in PvP. People will often talk about the 1-minute inactivity debuff before you get removed. They don't know that coordinated AFK reporting will instantly remove players from a bg. Unfortunately, premades tend to be aware of this exploit.

I'm so beyond frustrated with the GM's..... here is the whole ticket from beginning to end. The second gm, again gave me the canned pve response and ignored everything I wrote.... is there a trick to getting them to read what you write?

I was removed from a bg by an abusive premade I believe. I will attach a screenshot of the chat that shows what I said, and me being removed shortly after.
23 hours ago

This ticket has been marked as Answered.
23 hours ago
Hey there! Game Master Paskelche here, at your service.

I am sorry that you were removed by a premade group.

In these cases, the system is working as intended. Premades can remove anyone they want for whatever reason they want. This does mean that some people will get removed from groups for no reason at all, and I am sorry about that.

You can put them on your ignore list, so you will not be grouped with them again.

I know I wasn't able to help much in this situation, but if you need anything else, please reach out, and we will see what we can do.
22 hours ago

This ticket was marked as Resolved.
2 hours ago

I marked this as resolved but it was brought to my attention on the forums that Paskelche's response is only correct for dungeons, and this happened in a battleground. According to this exchange from the forums, being removed by a premade abusing the "report afk" option is abuse.

Posted by Ovorpoworged
Hello, I really am not sure whether this is the proper forum for this, sorry if it's not. I'm just curious as to Blizzard's Official stance on the use of the "Report AFK" button. I'm part of a premade group that regularly and often uses this function to kick players who are NOT AFK.
07/27/2012 09:45 AMPosted by Orlyia
You want confirmation you can point to that says - No, this is not the intended use?

Here it is.

No, that is not the intended use.
1 hour ago

This ticket has been marked as Answered.
1 hour ago
Hey there,
My name is Game Master Chamerrust, I want to thank you for your patience while we looked into your ticket today. I hope your day is going well!

Groups are empowered to manage their own members through the vote-kick system. If the majority of the group feels a player should be removed, they can initiate a vote-kick to remove them. The system is entirely under the control of our players. Players may choose to remove any other player from the group for any reason, provided the vote to kick passes.

If you have any feedback about the group management system and how you think it can be improved, please submit a suggestion in-game:

Press the ESC key to open the Game Menu, and click Help
Click Submit Suggestion
Enter your suggestion or feedback
Click Submit

If you need anything else, we'll always be here to do everything that we can to help you out. I wish you all the best of luck for your adventures through Azeroth and beyond. Until next time, friend!
If it’s okay for pve it is for pvp. Doesn’t happen enough to be an issue and solves more good than not: getting rid of actual Afkers. This happened to me once this year and I just waited 15 minutes and queued up again.
10/27/2018 04:49 PMPosted by Jugajr
If it’s okay for pve it is for pvp. Doesn’t happen enough to be an issue and solves more good than not: getting rid of actual Afkers. This happened to me once this year and I just waited 15 minutes and queued up again.

If you scroll up you will find the quoted blue text where it specifically says this is not okay.
10/27/2018 05:02 PMPosted by Lathral
10/27/2018 04:49 PMPosted by Jugajr
If it’s okay for pve it is for pvp. Doesn’t happen enough to be an issue and solves more good than not: getting rid of actual Afkers. This happened to me once this year and I just waited 15 minutes and queued up again.

If you scroll up you will find the quoted blue text where it specifically says this is not okay.
Not okay on players who aren’t afk. I get that. But it was put in place for people who actually do afk and you want them to not get deserter?
It's not the same thing.

In PvE, there's an actual vote kick option.

In PvP, there is no vote kick option. Some players are abusing the report AFK system by submitting false AFK reports to remove their teammates.
10/27/2018 05:08 PMPosted by Forums
It's not the same thing.

In PvE, there's an actual vote kick option.

In PvP, there is no vote kick option. Some players are abusing the report AFK system by submitting false AFK reports to remove their teammates.
Please Forums you act like this is new. Epi used to make videos about a certain group doing this.