Kicked from scarlet dungeon

TL;DR(Skip to conclusion if you wish)
This shouldn’t be a huge deal, and of course I wouldn’t share my complaint regardless of the outcome.

However, being kicked for “not” holding aggro astounded me. Clearly I can see when the mobs are attacking other players thanks to the Orange glow around their health bars. It allows me to react quickly and use my taunt to target me once again. Since I am level 29, of course I don’t have all my tanking abilities yet. What made me question rather tanking a dungeon at this level is fun; I kind of lost my good mood because of this. I didn’t cuss, nor treated anyone with disrespect at all. I was being completely professional throughout the first half of the dungeon(and always).

It started when I was waiting for a rogue to come join us because we had a player d/c. As a good tank, I wait for my group to show up (because I know the elites mobs can still kill us if were not careful). But this warlock proceeds to aggro the next boss because of his impatience, and of course I didn’t mind at first because this is a dungeon of progression(this is the hound boss). Of course I made sure I would aggro the hounds and face the boss away from the group(just in case he cleaves). Two group members died(and I saw them die to a bleed), but we successfully killed the boss nonetheless.

After the the priest resurrects, the warlock starts to complain I wasn’t holding aggro and jokingly calls me the man to steel(Thank you <3). This is where it hit me because I’ve gotten complaints about “not” holding aggro before and I have no idea where these players get these excuses from. I know when mobs lose aggro because I can see their health bars turn from red to orange. The one thing I worry most is the healing part because the healer does more labor work for the group then I do(out of courtesy for all healers out there). I know its sometimes hard to keep track of players health when you’re healer(I am a Holy paladin main) and I usually rely on the tank to keep the aggro as much as possible while the dps can do whatever they want.

I will admit, I made a mistake in say “You’re not tanking, you have no excuse”. However, I say this because I am the one suppose to do whatever it takes to progress through the dungeon; and the only thing I rely on is the healer to do their work as much as possible. It gets much worse right after he says this “Then F-ing hold aggro you piece of F-ing crap”

He didn’t have the nicest things to say to me of course. I told him to “Chill, I don’t need anyone complaining about anything in a level 30 dungeon”. Then I was meant with the kick hammer.


Got kicked for not holding aggro(somehow), and was meant with profanity. I did my best to ensure no one was getting attacked at all, and made sure all mobs faced me to stay away from the healer and dps.

Honestly, there should be absolutely no problem at all. I am doing my best to progress through any dungeon as fast as possible. I want to level, I want to get to 120 and start earning some gear as well. We all want to do this, but I doing my absolute hardest to be the best tank.

Encountered this on my tank when I was lvling thru Northrend TW.
Id pull a pack of trash and A DPS JUST WENT HAM, I was going at a steady pace aswell so all my AOEtaunts weren’t up yet.

A dps got one shot, and started crying a river, but then he left after throwing insults my way… it was amusing at best.
We didn’t have an issue the rest of the dungeon.


Then I would assume its the player, not the tank. But I don’t want to jump to conclusions.

It sounds like you’re the kind of tank I would like to have in dungeons.

The thing is - it’s not. Tanking leveling dungeons is a horrible experience. You’re going to encounter a lot of people like the one you described. Just let it roll off your back, they’re not worth getting upset over.


Welcome to low level tanking, it’s a game of wondering why blizzard won’t give you all the tools you need to actually do your job until 80. Brewmaster is especially bad about this.
AoE? Talented at level 100
Stagger? Learned only after level 15, and you don’t get the ability to increase your stagger until level 50 or such
Tankiness? Just go windwalker, it will be easier on your healer.

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I’ve tanked a ton in my wow career and I agree that low level dungeons are just terrible.

About every second or third group I will get some dps that does their damnest to make the tanks job miserable. Sometimes I’m convinced their doing it on purpose. I’m confident in my tanking abilities and have little trouble maintaining aggro but I always think that people like them are the reason new players or new tanks quit because they make tanking a pain.


because they 100% are

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You need to have thicker skin if you wanna be a tank.


This is true. It may not be your fault, but you will (probably) get blamed. And sometimes the DPS really is doing it on purpose.

I got myself killed in one of the Lv. 50 dungeons. Poor tank immediately apologized for not holding threat, and said he didn’t understand how I generated so much hate. I could tell the poor guy had seen the usual ‘tank abuse,’ so I told him it was entirely my fault - because I was the one using Shield of Vengeance, then taunting so a mob would break the bubble. And I made the mistake of picking a mob that hit for over 1K a strike.


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Report that lock for being toxic. No reason anyone should act like that in game.

Sorry you had to deal with a goober.


I already have it, I’m Superman.

People actually flame you on purpose? Seems I have been out of tanking too long, what a shame.

It’s not against the rules.

Ah I am not too worried about it, things happen.

I’ll report them and let blizzard sort it out. If they consistently treat people like garbage they don’t deserve to have chat privileges.


You’re right, it isnt. However, its abnoxious to hear it sometimes.

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The comments you mention that get thrown your way are comments made by idiots who die themselves by rushing or trying to faceroll dungeons then need to find someone to blame. Simple.

Problem is while we may not be hurt by such words all the time, it sours the experience.

While I’ve not had the luxury of running leveling dungeons with friends, and thus experienced the horrible time of random group queue’s… it’s a genuinely polar opposite experience when with friendly people who don’t flip their lid over a mistake and just laugh it off.

Stay strong Man of Steel, the world of Azeroth needs you! :wink:

You’re very kind shaman, thank you for opening my mind up to these experiences!

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It is to say the potty words that guy said to him.

Just report, right after they say naughty stuff.


No worries, I did report the lock. Lets have faith blizzard might talk some sense!

sounds like you got that one group of hozenrumps.
s’ok. I was healing for them but once more their infantile behavior ran me away from healing or tanking and back into farming transmogs to get a break.
They try to vote kick tanks for all sorts of childish crap, including just making a wrong turn, then correcting two seconds later.
9/10 runs are just fine, but it only takes that one mouthy clown to irritate me enough to tell them all to find someone else to heal for them.
I play this game for fun. Not to have to feel like Im rolling the D10 to see if I end up with that one group in ten who will certainly make me wish I hadnt started healing for them again.

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