TL;DR(Skip to conclusion if you wish)
This shouldn’t be a huge deal, and of course I wouldn’t share my complaint regardless of the outcome.
However, being kicked for “not” holding aggro astounded me. Clearly I can see when the mobs are attacking other players thanks to the Orange glow around their health bars. It allows me to react quickly and use my taunt to target me once again. Since I am level 29, of course I don’t have all my tanking abilities yet. What made me question rather tanking a dungeon at this level is fun; I kind of lost my good mood because of this. I didn’t cuss, nor treated anyone with disrespect at all. I was being completely professional throughout the first half of the dungeon(and always).
It started when I was waiting for a rogue to come join us because we had a player d/c. As a good tank, I wait for my group to show up (because I know the elites mobs can still kill us if were not careful). But this warlock proceeds to aggro the next boss because of his impatience, and of course I didn’t mind at first because this is a dungeon of progression(this is the hound boss). Of course I made sure I would aggro the hounds and face the boss away from the group(just in case he cleaves). Two group members died(and I saw them die to a bleed), but we successfully killed the boss nonetheless.
After the the priest resurrects, the warlock starts to complain I wasn’t holding aggro and jokingly calls me the man to steel(Thank you <3). This is where it hit me because I’ve gotten complaints about “not” holding aggro before and I have no idea where these players get these excuses from. I know when mobs lose aggro because I can see their health bars turn from red to orange. The one thing I worry most is the healing part because the healer does more labor work for the group then I do(out of courtesy for all healers out there). I know its sometimes hard to keep track of players health when you’re healer(I am a Holy paladin main) and I usually rely on the tank to keep the aggro as much as possible while the dps can do whatever they want.
I will admit, I made a mistake in say “You’re not tanking, you have no excuse”. However, I say this because I am the one suppose to do whatever it takes to progress through the dungeon; and the only thing I rely on is the healer to do their work as much as possible. It gets much worse right after he says this “Then F-ing hold aggro you piece of F-ing crap”
He didn’t have the nicest things to say to me of course. I told him to “Chill, I don’t need anyone complaining about anything in a level 30 dungeon”. Then I was meant with the kick hammer.
Got kicked for not holding aggro(somehow), and was meant with profanity. I did my best to ensure no one was getting attacked at all, and made sure all mobs faced me to stay away from the healer and dps.
Honestly, there should be absolutely no problem at all. I am doing my best to progress through any dungeon as fast as possible. I want to level, I want to get to 120 and start earning some gear as well. We all want to do this, but I doing my absolute hardest to be the best tank.