To the players that are quick to kick

to kick others for not living up to your expections in pvp/raids/dungeons.

What goes around comes back on you.

I fight hard when I am in whatever instance and to be punished by those with unrealistic expectations, you do not deserve to be backed up.

You are all ungrateful for the support/help given you. I hate you all equally.


i never done mythic+ before. im forming a team. want to join?


Just the underperforming and/or toxic support/help. If said person wasn’t underperforming and/or toxic they would probably be able to stay till the end.


I don’t say anything to be toxic. I am tired of being unfairly judged by judgmental people who are two-faced. I give my best and when things aren’t going well, I stop to access the situation before going again.

People want to win but they don’t take the time to reevaluate what is going on before going into action again. And those that do reevaluate, are kicked for not just jumping in like idiots to do the same stupid stuff.

You guys need to stop getting mad at those that are trying their best to help by not doing the same stupid stuff.

Seriously. I want to win, but not just jumping in without watching was is going on.


But…as a Rogue, I’m supposed to be quick to kick.


Sounds to me like either said something that got you kicked or just stood around doing nothing.

You want to give us the full story now?


Oh, knock off that attitude and insults. :roll_eyes:

You absolutely never once gave any details. It’s all vague bs. So no, you gave absolutely no details on any specific situation.


Like I said, you are too dense to understand.

Sure. Just keep up the insults and never actually give specifics. Because you’ll get so much sympathy and respect that way. :roll_eyes:

Now I know exactly why you got kicked. Have fun with that.


You have zero comprehension.

Ya well what this person is saying is right, you get booted now when everyone dies to a game mechanic but you and you get booted because of low dps.

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And you feel that shouting this into the wind will help how?


Seriously, you are talking like each of us have personally offended you. You are a product of the social media age. you think we care how you feel. I don’t know you.


So, which mechanic did you screw up?


This came across like a passive-aggressive Facebook status obviously targeted at one specific person.


We kicked a tank out of LFR last night. He was really good, knew his role, and was way over geared. He talked down to everyone, refused to take aggro when someone accidentally face pulled a small group, got pissy when someone did a quick rundown while he was typing the novel of the third boss, then refused to help when the boss split. He was kicked, and I’m sure he thought he did nothing wrong. There are always two sides (at least) of any story, and I bet you aren’t telling the other one.


You’ve had 120 levels to learn the game, of course I’m going to boot you without second thought if you can’t play.


My money is more on them getting the boot because they do like 10% of the DPS expected for someone with their gear.

I had a mage before who was almost 460ilvl, but averaged less than 20k over a dungeon. They also didn’t decurse and didn’t interrupt.

That run didn’t go well.

Rhielle was not rude to you in their request, you seem to be rather quick to jump on someone who seems to just try to get to the bottom of your clear issue which is a definite sign that is leaning more to your complaint being a “you” problem and not others.


I run a lot of instances, granted most are with friends. I never kick a pug…Unless they start yapping about something or commit the same error wiping the group.
I rarely ever see peeps get kicked I must be lucky.

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