The vote kick system needs major rework

I’d argue OP was actually the one playing the game.


Yeah that isn’t the fix for anything. There are so many people that will just run around and refuse to do anything. Tanks don’t tank sometimes when they want to throw fits. Healers refusing to heal letting the whole party die because they would rather dps instead of doing what they’re there for. So while it does need a rework giving 2 options that allow kicking would not work at all.

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No because that’ll prevent me and my friends from kicking people for fun.

You can’t even imagine how many deserter buffs we were able to bestow on those poor dps scrubs.

No, working as intended

This is the entire reason getting vote kicked gives deserter now. Tanks or healers would refuse to do their roles if they didn’t like the group or dungeon and would just AFK at the entrance until kicked.


One of the reasons for this post is I know it works, it’s been proven in other games.

In FFXIV you can’t kick for bad performance - against TOS. Community is MUCH healthier over there. I guess part of the issue is that some wow dungeons are not as much on rails, but hey that’s not my problem, Blizz should design better with the dungeon finder in mind.


I agree I think harsher punishments should be put in the game for that. I had a tank leave a mythic dungeon when he didn’t get the mount drop off a boss and tell us we didn’t need the gear since the pre patch was coming. So … he locked us out of the dungeon for the week because he was selfish. FFXIV gives you 3 times to not accept the invite or leave dungeon early and you get a 24 hour lockout of dungeons.

How does that work?

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My crime was wanting to do the BRD detention block quest.

Again Blizzard should change the design of the dungeon – it’s not my problem they put a quest there in the dungeon finder but the dungeon win conditions aren’t for the quests!

Inappropriate kick, it’s on Blizzard to fix it.

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I think there is more to the story than you wanting to do a quest uwu.


That is untrue… It isn’t against TOS to kick someone that won’t perform their class correct. If they are causing the group constant wipes then they’re the problem and they should learn the fights. There is no reason people should have to deal with that if someone can’t grasp fights. Grouping with random people you get exactly that. You need to group with guilds if you want patient people that are more understanding to those situations.

Kicking someone to just kick someone is against ToS and clearly grieving but we aren’t talking about that. What your group did is exactly that. But the kick system is in place for a reason on there just as it is in WoW.

So are you going to respond to this OP? Because I want to know how GM are monitoring every dungeon.

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  1. Working as intended, people didn’t want to play with you, so they didn’t have to.

  2. I don’t think time matters, it’s if you kill the first boss or not. Or maybe that’s just for people leaving.

Ah ok. And if someone isn’t afk or outside, but it trolling the group/continually wiping them on purpose/etc? What then?



This can easily be abused, which is why Blizzard will keep things as they are.

What determines if someone is afk? If they haven’t done anything for a while. So if all they do is move one step every 3 minutes, they’ll never be afk, but they also won’t be contributing and you can’t kick them because they’re not afk.

The current system has its flaws, but it’s the least abusable, which is why it’s been this way since WotLK.

From the prohibited activities in the TOS.

・Improper expulsion voting

This means excluding another person by manipulation of expulsion voting.

So you can’t gang up on a player and kick him for being bad in dungeon finder content.

Group can vote dismiss the whole thing though if it’s really bad and nobody gets penalized.

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And how is this determined?

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The OP has it absolutely wrong in respect to FFXIV. You absolutely can kick people for bad performance. What the team at Square are referring to are cases where a group boots players so they don’t have to compete with them for loot etc.


No OP, as bad as it is it still meant the majority of the group wanted you out of there.

Your “solution” means that anyone would be able grief an entire group for 10 minutes completely free of consequences while the current system means 4 can grief 1, so I still prefer the solution that has less impact.

I too have been unfairly or unnecessarily kicked from groups before but the amount of times votekick actually helped me and the group I was on get rid of troublemakers is far superior to the amount of times it was used against me so I prefer the current system.