Night Elf Mega Thread - Please Stop Blizzard

As we all know, the Blizzard team has no respect or interest in Night Elves beyond using them as a punching bag or plot device. It seems like they think 40% of their player base and paying customers are worthless and not worth the effort of actually making a decent plot. The Alliance went from having our own separate cinematics and story lines, to being typecasted as victims and “free territory” for Horde narratives and expansion. Night elves in particular have been poorly written dopes who are helpless before plot armored favorites.

To avoid further abuse (possibly making the NE leader into a raid boss for getting the justice she and her people deserve), let us come together on this mega thread and keep the topic alive. Let’s not let Blizzard get away with making genocide “plausibly deniable”.

Night Elf Threads:
8.2.5 WAS the last chance to save Night Elves
Right way to fix Night Elves
Let’s Talk About the Night Elf Problem: When Trauma is Used as a Narrative Crutch
Night elves did NOT get their revenge, this is unacceptable!
The Alliance Lost
Theory: Blizz wants the night elves to go extinct
Night Elves Trashed: Written Into Corner
Why does Blizzard hate Night Elves?
So can the Night Elves get their lands back or
The perfect time for Night Elves and Worgen to take back their lands
“Why are undead night elves joining their killers?”
What’s up with the Night Elves getting brutalized every expansion?

Tyrande as a Possible Villian:

Soon the Alliance will have to pick a Side
Tyrande: Should Blizzard Go There Or Just Cut Their Losses
I want a choice to follow Tyrande/Genn
Will Tyrande be a new antagonist?
Please don’t make Tyrande a raid boss

Please comment and add to this thread relevant posts/criticisms to show Blizzard we will not go gently into that good night. Thanks!


Mentioned this often, but please Blizz let us side with Tyrande and push this horde scum out of our lands. It’s perfectly reasonable to give us atleast something back after our race has done nothing but lose since vanilla.

It would be nice if after the story has been going downhill for the night elves since vanilla, blizz would release a patch where it goes atleast a little uphill again instead of just spitting on the night elves while they’re on the ground.


I completely agree. the horde players have an option to follow sylvanas vs saurfang. would it be so unbelievable for them to also offer the alliance the same choice? by giving them the option to follow a leader who while may not be in direct opposition of anduin, certainly isnt bowing to his will? It’d add something interesting, a lil flavor if you will. If anything, it’d only be fair considering the amount of attention the horde has been getting.


Until the BS at the Beach™ where we saw the full extent of Nat and the Girls’ Plot Armor of the Devs I would have disagreed with this statement. After hearing people argue “Of course a powered up Sylvanas handled Saurfang with ease!” while ignoring that the living avatar of Elune’s Wrath couldn’t handle one undead ranger while Malfurion couldn’t take out a Val’kyr without help I am now forced to agree.


I’m all for more night elf content. Shafting them with that whole “they killed a val’kyr and got their revenge” line was BS.


Yes it was - as if a single unnamed Val’kyr balances the scales for the thousands burned alive when Teldrassil went up in flames.


I just want positive content for once. I don’t want the game to only focus on Night Elves, but every damn time the Night Elves are involved they just lose.

BfA was the final blow to the race, they are completely on the ground now.

Make a patch where the Night elf story goes uphill, just one single time.


I dont want to be negative, but after whats happened?.. Lets face it, blizz has had ever opportunity to redeem the night elves to their rightful status. they’ve had more then enough of their fans plees and cries to listen to, but have they listened? not in my opinion. sure, they gave tyrande some cool powers, but what good are powers if they aren’t used? instead she’s just been side-lined with the rest of the race. and if that wasn’t bad enough… they’ve added that whole 8.2.5 “where is tyrande” text. Now that really felt like a slap in the face.
but, i still hope against hope… as others have stated before, maybe thats foreshadowing for something involving tyrande… although whether that something is good or just another insult is yet to be revealed.


No guys it’s ok, Blizz made that badass Darkshore cinematic with the Night elves!

Was that not enough?

We’re Demigod Tyrande and Demigod Malfurion supposed to kill one of Sylvanas’ extra lives AND the self insert OC?

And set the Horde back? Nonsense.


Oh my lord…

Please allow me to keep following Slyvanas and keep killing every night and void elf on sight because of reasons.

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Honestly if they’d let her kill Nathanos and then had Sylvanas use that val’kyr to bring him back, that would have felt SO much freaking better.


I doubt they’ll turn Tyrande into a villain. But they’ll still make her responsible for resetting the faction status quo so they can continue to get those sweet sweet faction transfers.

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I don’t see how that’s better, the end result is the same, Nathanos lives and they’re out one Valkyr.

If they brought Nathanos back but he was a vegetable forever and royally ticked Sylvanas off, then I’d be ok with it.


It would be better in that it showed Sylvanas actually had something she cared about. And also forcing her to sacrifice something important rather than simply taking it from her, would have been more interesting.


Uh because having two demigods unable to kill a dumb guy with a bow looks and feels really, really bad? It’s the same ending but it makes a lot more sense that way.


And having 2 demigods not permanently kill a dumb guy with a bow and an undead factory is better?

That scenario is not balanced at all unless the Horde take a named NPC loss permanently.

Guess there’s no point arguing it now, it’s done, still dumb though.


I agree he should have died, definitely. But I’m being realistic, they’re not going to kill him off. He’s a self insert and “important” to the story somehow. He’ll die whenever Sylvanas dies. If at all.


Also, having to make peace with the faction that has the genocide of your people as a glorious victory in their history books is a punch in the face.


Its not seen as a glorious victory. At all.