Right way to fix Night Elves

I may have not been much of a fan of Night Elves ever since BFA launched and ever since then I lost all interest in Night Elves in the Lore.

Which is why I come up with my own ideas of how to make Night Elves Better or overall fix the Iconic Identity they have been lacking.

Story and Lore: Within the Story Night Elves have been punching bags and have been a meme within the community. Its time for them to rise up and actually defend and take back their lands instead one small single land like darkshore that has no iconic presents like Ashenvale since Ashenvale atleast in Warcraft 3 had more meaning for the Night Elves since it is their lands after. If it was up to them they probably would destroy horde bases and knock down the wall from Northern Barrens sending the Horde away.

Another thing for the race is not to be harsh or cruel to the allies that offer them a safe place of refuge or aid them in the past after one of their leaders died. Yes I know Human Potential and what not. But if your allies are fighting wars on all fronts and they couldn’t have the actually forces since they were thin on troops. Doesn’t mean you have to be completely impatience and storm off threaten to leave the alliance. That’s not good character development at all in terms of what I see in Tyrande of course. Another scenario would have been that Tyrande comes to Anduin ask for aid and He would say his forces are running thin and can’t spare more of his people. What he and Tyrande could have done was that Anduin ask Genn if he could spare his forces to aid the Night Elves as well as Velen for the Draenei since Draenei have been allies to not just Night Elves but also the rest of the Alliance as a whole. So the agreement would be settled and 3 forces of the Alliance not only takes back Darkshore but also Ashenvale as well. Again Darkshire isn’t really that important from Warcraft 3. Ashenvale was.

Finally the other Story for the Night Elves that blizzard completely messed up was not spending the Night Elves like Maiev, Malfurian, Tyrande, and Prince Farondis to Nazjatar. Very big mistake on blizzard’s writing. Yes Genn and Jaina will be there but also you have atleast Maiev, Farondis, that Highborne Night Elf Mage and of course Tyrande with Shandris. Now of course that didn’t happen but since Azshara is alive. One can hope in the Future all of the Night Elves including Tyrande can get a chance at Azshara as well as other alliance elves.

You can still fight back and not give up easily but at the same time you also don’t want to lose part of your peaceful self when it comes to your allies within the Alliance. Doesn’t matter if its Humans, Draeneis, and etc. Atleast have a share of being equals and right now in terms of how the story is. Its not going how it is. I’m all for other races getting more attention than just Humans. Atleast don’t have forced inner conflicts that seems kind of stupid. I know the Vanilla WoW Alliance since Vanilla and I know alot of people wanted High Elves within the Alliance. But Night Elves came first. If you take away one Vanilla wow race from a faction its no longer part of the Alliance. Same can be said for the Undead, Tauren, and etc.

Heritage Armor: In terms of the Heritage Armor I would like it for Night Elves to ether have the Iconic Amazon look of the Archers or Wardens from Warcraft 3. I probably would enjoy the Wardens since Warden is my favorite night elf class since Warcraft 3 and I would be happy for Warden Heritage Armor to be a thing for Night Elves but others will say otherwise. Archer or Warden look I would be happy ether way.

Better Place for Night Elves in terms of a City: There’s Gilneas but most people don’t want Gilneas so how about give Night Elves a Home within Moonglade, Mount Hyjal, and even Val’sharah. But I probably would like to see Moonglade or Mount hyjal as Night Elf Cities. But again others will probably want something else like Val’sharah. Atleast anything that is Night Elven than being refugees in Stormwind. Stormwind already has enough races that is refugees and I think races like the Worgen and Night Elves should have a land of their own.

Glaives should be a option for other Classes. Not just Demon Hunters: Glaives have been iconic to the Night Elves since Warcraft 3. Now that Glaives are a actually weapon. It would be nice for the Weapon to be a option for Rogues, Warriors, and Hunters. You can’t have Huntress without Glaive with a Shield and you also can’t have a Warden like the Rogue Class without a Glaive. Glaives should be a option for other classes instead of demon hunters. Making a Weapon like Glaives for a Class only weapon is not good player choice in terms of gameplay.

Customization Options: I think Night Elves should get more options other than Black Night Warrior Eyes like for example:

Eye Color: Gold Eyes for Females and Silver for Male, Blue Eyes, and Emerald Green Eyes.
Beards: Full Beards like Malfurian and etc.
Hairstyles: Haircut style like Tyrande or Maiev and etc.
Hair Color: Black, and different colors of Green and etc.
Skin Color: White if there are some Albino Elves like the Druids of the Fang, Red Skin if Flame Druids are still around, Green Skin, and Pinkish.
More Tattoo Options:
Druid Customization options like Bird Options, Bear, Deer, and Owl.

So that’s my ideas of making Night Elves bit better. Of course others will say other wise. That’s fine. Its just my opinion. But at the end of day I do hope Night Elves get better treatment and also screentime. I also hope Story for them will get Better seeing as how Azshara is still alive. We’ll see how it goes in the future.

That’s a wall of text describing a fix for something that isn’t broken.

The Banchie hoe burned my home, when she is burned alive, it will all be good. Won’t be the first tree we’ve planted, won’t be the last.


Just shrink my hands and feet.

The problem stems from the fact that blizzard doesn’t care about the alliance. They write the story for horde first and then halfass the alliance’s reaction. When they destroyed Teldrassil, they also burned down where most of the Gilnean survivors were. They are so absorbed into the horde story that they don’t care the night elves and worgen won’t get revenge.

They have to hire new people who maybe then will feel like they get paid enough to write a cohesive two faction story. Because right now, it aint happening.

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