Please don't make Tyrande a raid boss

She’s been one of, if not the, most screwed over and underused major lore character since WoW started, especially as leader of the most screwed over race.

Please don’t take the lazy and honestly insulting route of going “oh she wants to keep the war against the Horde going and that’s bad, so boom raid boss” with her character.

The SMART idea would to give Alliance players a choice of going with Anduin and forgiving the Horde to fight greater evils, or going with Tyrande and getting revenge for Teldrassil in a way she deems fitting.

I barely play Alliance and I’m BEGGING you to not go the insulting route.


The Horde has asked for this for a decade.

I say, bring it on. The Alliance has asked for the Horde treatment when it comes to the story. Don’t back down now.

Hell, have dialogue in-game that continues the debate many players have had here about if Saurfang is as guilty of the burning of Teldrassil as Sylvanas is, that’d be a GREAT way to divide the Alliance fanbase and cause some much needed friction within the Alliance leadership ranks.

I hope they do so we don’t have to see her anymore, I find her very annoying…

I don’t remember anyone asking for Tyrande as a raid boss.

And why would she be? Fear of her being consumed by vengeance doesn’t mean she’s bat crazy evil and turns into a raid boss.

I think people are reaching a little too far. Maiev was consumed with vengeance, she wasn’t a raid boss. Jaina wasn’t a raid boss when she went bat crazy either. And she was only after her crazy and only for Horde.


Yeah, dude. I am super worried about this, too. She is “consumed by vengeance” or what have you. My even greater fear is if she goes that way, she’ll take Genn down with her. <:’(

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I don’t mean that.

The Horde asked for its leaders not to be given the lazy/insulting route of ruining the character, and making them a raid boss. Much in the same way the OP is asking for Tyrande not to turn blood thirsty and become a raid boss.

I have a gut feeling that it is going to be Tyrande and Malfurion who will set the factions off on each other again. Darkshore is too close to Orgrimmar…it’s going to happen…I hope anyway…and while I am ride or die Horde I have always liked Tyrandes character

Oh… I see.