Will Tyrande be a new antagonist?

As a night warrior, will the level of vengeance make her a fanatic? While the rest of the Alliance has reached a point of peace with the Horde. Will Tyrande see no difference between Sylvanas’s loyalists and the Horde we have now? If so, will she create a rift among the night elves? Tyrande loyalist who will forever hate the Horde and night elves who choose to stand with the Alliance and maintain peace with the Horde. Will she develop an attitude of you are either with me or against me? Leading to a divide like Garrosh and Sylvanas created.
Having not responded to King Andiun’s messages could be a sign of a growing feeling of distrust or abandonment Tyrande has for the Alliance. What will become of her?


We finally have peace and I’m sure TyranDUH will mess it all up.


I really hope so.

The horde has been getting away with their atrocities for far too long, it’s time that someone finally acts on it. Tyrande and the Night Elves would be the perfect suit for that because they have suffered under the horde’s evilness more than any other race.
It would be more than reasonable.


She has been so poorly written for years, would be nice to have her be impactful again. I just don’t want bliz to reduce her to dumb raid boss level.


I hope the one Alliance leader in practically the history of WoW who actually is willing to take the fight to the Horde… and actually has some measure of follow through (IE: Not Genn)… doesn’t suddenly become a loot pinata.

She can be a raid boss like Jaina if need be… but if we’re forced to kill her, especially as Alliance, I’ll be very, very annoyed.


Short answer? Yes, yes she will

I really hope not, that would ruin her character.

Tyrande has always be the one who follows her heart. She acts on impulse to do what she beleives in and deals with the consiquences after instead of thinking it through in advance, Malfurion is her foil, he’s the one who says “Ok Tyrande, thats enough stop and think for a second yeah?” And she is his foil so when he’s being all passive and ‘let nature take its course’ She will step up and say “Thats enough, we got to do something.” The two of them have a nice blance going on. Tyrande respects Malfurion’s wisdom, and he respects Tyrande’s passion.

You want a Nightelf who’s consumed by revenge and vengance, we allready have Maiev AND Illidan.


She does have an out, that being the “Night Warrior” thing.

I’ll accept a raid where we’re fighting the Night Warrior who has become consumed by vengeance… so long as the goal is to “free” Tyrande from it. In the end, we beat the Night Warrior… and save Tyrande.

That, I can be fine with.


I think that’s a way to save her character. She has been passive for far too long, it is time for her and the Night Elves to strike back.

They have nothing, they have reached the absolute bottom, it’s time to take something back.


Ahh !@#$ here we go again…

That I’m ok with, As I said she follows her heart, she should be out there leading the hunt for sylvanas, but once thats over Tyrande should know when to draw the line and not just rehash Maiev’s personality.


Hard to say, as she has completely disappeared from the story at this point. I believe she’s vacationing on the beach in Cancun. It’s hard to be consumed with thoughts of vengeance on the Riviera Maya, the drinks and ceviche are just too good. :mexico: :desert_island: :fried_shrimp: :tropical_drink:

It’s funny, because Maiev has actually reminded me more of Tyrande lately. In Darkshore, she was the voice of reason… more measured, more “are you sure you know what you’re doing?”.

I can just get chills of Maiev confronting the Night Warrior and saying: “Believe me when I say this… I’ve been where you are. No one can possibly understand more than I where you are right now… and how hard it is to let go of vengeance… but after 10,000 years… I’ve finally learned the only victim of vengeance was myself… etc etc.”

Blizzard could go to an amazing place with these two characters. I’m hoping they don’t shy away from it.


I think her character was ruined by “Hush, Tyrande!” back in Well of Eternity.

Alliance has had…what…three characters who were at one point “consumed by vengeance” and they are all just fine. If nothing else Tyrande will be pissed at the horde for a long time, but not doing anything blatantly evil.

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The night warrior is going to continue to be a sub theme of this expac and next expac. I seriously don’t count on one line to mean that she will be the next baddie.

I doubt Maiev is at a point of power high enough to influence all night elves. And I can see Malfurion confronting her like what happen to the passionate high priestess I knew? What is this night warrior full of vengeance? Though Malfurion has had his moment of uncontrolled outburst, in the long run he has always been one of wisdom. It would be horrible for them to split.

Hmmm. Would it have been a better idea for Tyrande to appear?

edit: I’m curious since Saurfang is there.

I think it’s good that she isn’t there. She should be busy getting the horde scum out of her lands.

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Yeah, not in this case…

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