Tyrande: Should Blizzard Go There Or Just Cut Their Losses

The X factor that still remains in this expansion: Tyrande Whisperwind, the Night Warrior of Elune.

It’s clear Blizzard has something in mind for her in their headspace. She’s not returning Brad Pitt’s calls. Brad thinks vengeance has consumed her. Night elf soldiers can be heard muttering, hoping Tyrande hunts Sylvanas and the Horde to the ends of the earth.

The stage is set for two possible outcomes:

1.) Blizzard cuts their losses with BFA and breaks the Cycle. Tyrande remains an arrow in their quiver for next expansion - or 2 expansions from now when they remember she exists, as I don’t recall her doing anything worthwhile in game up until I wanna say Cataclysm. It wouldn’t be the first time Blizzard has forgotten about her.

Cons: Almost everyone is equally unsatisfied with the BFA story.

Pros: They can’t screw it up more. They’ve gotten to a point where it seems a majority (though not overwhelming) accepts a faction merger… if only to prevent yet another terrible faction-based story somewhere down the line.

2.) Night falls… and Tyrande gets her revenge. Her vengeance is reaped by both Sylvanas loyalists and rebels alike, for both sides burned Teldrissal on the Banshee’s orders.

Pros: Could be epic. The devastation her and her Soldiers of the Moon could cause to the Horde might actually achieve a parity on the level of Teldrissal. For the first time since Cataclysm, Alliance would actually get a genuine “fist pump moment”. We were promised one in MoP, instead we controlled a robot cat, did chores for Vol’Jin, and supported him while he reclaimed Orgrimmar. We were promised one after Teldrissal, instead we were given the joke that was the Battle of the Undercity. We were promised a chance to strike back at the Horde, instead we butchered a bunch of trolls who’d joined the Horde yesterday and killed a King we’d never heard of.

Hell, I’d be interested in this, if for no other reason than to see Horde cry about it on the forums. Because, really, they’ve been telling me for years that its something only Alliance does. Curious if it still applies when they’re the ones getting their faces rubbed in the mud.

Cons: They’re probably going to screw it up. Heck, the last time the Alliance did something proactive at Darkshore, it took community uproar that got so loud, even Red Shirt kid begged Blizzard to make a dozen 11th hour changes to salvage that questline… and even after all that, it still barely came off as satisfying, having merely killed a few Horde soldiers, made Nathanos run away - the biggest prize we claimed was so uncelebrated and understated that Blizzard needed to explain it to us: we killed a Forsaken babymaker. Great, glad you told me how important that was (rather than showed me) - otherwise, wouldn’t have believed we accomplished anything worthwhile since nothing gets mentioned beyond that point.

So, likely, Tyrande will reappear, cause a little chaos by incapacitating some Horde soldiers, making Thrall withdraw… and then turn into a loot pinata for both sides.

I’m torn - do you just wanna cut your losses this expac, faction merge, be done with the stupidity… or do you want Blizzard to get back on the horse one last time, make Tyrande reappear in a non-cancelled 8.3… and see if they can achieve some measure of success in resuming a faction-based story?


I really hope she tries to reclaim her people’s lands and get justice for those that were murdered.

It’s not okay that the horde gets away with every atrocity and later proudly celebrates their genocide as a giant victory in their history books.


They’ve backed her into a corner and will probably take a similar route as they did with Maiev and Jaina. Because they don’t know how to deal with these types of things.


They will … sooner or later

Tyrande probably has the most legitimate reason for not trusting the Horde and wanting to kill them… and they’re going to try and have her painted as antagonist, I just know it. It’s ridiculous.


They will have the factions almost merge. Thrall and the rest of the traitors will sing kumbaya with Anduin and Jaina. Then Tyrande will pull something like Wrathgate 2.0 to mess it up.

“You think we have forgotten?”


My guess is Tyrande will kill Sylvanas during the next novel.


Personally the best I’m hoping for is it wont make me want to quit the game. I’m pretty sure whatever it is wont be satisfying, fulfilling or good. Sry blizz you just hose things up too much.


Good god the rage that would ensue if something like that was locked into a book :rofl: If people thought Cairne dying in a book was bad (which it was), oh boy…


Well, the Horde has lost the last of the OG faction leaders, time for the Alliance to lose the last of there own. Raid Boss Tyrande.


First let her reclaim Night Elf lands and avenge the thousands of innocents that were killed in the hatred of the horde before killing her off for doing the right thing.


Imagine; Alliance and Horde working together and suddenly there’s night warrior/Gilnean raids ravaging Horde (loyalists and rebels alike) encampments.

Some Alliance will have to make a choice.

Pick up arms against their former friends to defend their former enemies.


Dredge up the past and aid the renegade night elf/Gilnean anarchists. Destroying peace in the process.

It would remind me of the Federation, Cardassian and Maquis’ triangle of strife.


Darling, you might be disappointed in the horde players reaction if the night elves had a major win. Myself. I haven’t cared about the horde leaders for years. They die all the time anyway

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That’s a risk I’m willing to take.

If the threads I’m seeing about Horde being angry over an Alliance only bee mount is any indicator, I’m fairly certain I won’t be disappointed. :wink:

Joking aside, it would be nice to get one, genuine massive Alliance victory over the Horde - no strings attached, no caveats -… an Alliance Theramore, an Alliance Teldrissel. You can argue how “atrocious” it should get, but I will settle for 1 single moment where the Alliance shove Horde’s face into the mud… no upside, no silver lining, no restraint. Just pure defeat on the level of having them do an unwinnable quest where they spend 5 minutes suffering while their world burns.
Let them debate how evil/heroic we are in regards to the degree we make them suffer…

… then give them a goddam CGI cinamatic of Anduin feeling sorry for them. :wink:

That, I wouldn’t mind seeing.


With what story? The one 2 expansions from now that hasn’t been written yet?

The BFA one.

Tyrande in BFA is a setting up of a coming plot point. Something Blizzard needs to do a lot more of. If you don’t put it in the game ahead of schedule and with some consistency, people say things like “Who tf is Deathwing?”

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I’m all for Tyrande staying angry and killing a few horde… Give the player a choice in the route they take similar to how they gave a choice to the horde. The burning of Teldrassil was too significant for them to just ignore it. Honestly something should have already been done… They should have incorporated Tyrande into the final cinematic in some way…

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I think it would be absolutely epic IF they can execute it… I just remember all the times Blizzard promised the Alliance would do something epic and by the end, everyone is just left staring at Ion or whoever and are like: “Wait, that’s it?”

It’s seems like the developers in charge of story are just incapable of giving Alliance something cool. I’m thinking the best we’re going to get is a bee that they’ll eventually make ridable on your Horde character, so if you actually play your Alliance alt enough, you can still get it on your main.

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This is such a mood it isn’t even funny at this point.
Seems like this is a scenario that comes up time and time again.

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