"Why are undead night elves joining their killers?"

This is the most upvoted comment on the post where they’re asking for lore topics to discuss. The most important thing that needed to be answered.
Entirely ignored.

“Terror of Darkshore is a nice callback to how the night elves were in WC3!” You clearly have no love for them whatsoever. Seeing you pat yourselves on the back for your elf-hate is disgusting.


Because they are released from under the spell of the void god Elune.


Because they have no answer for it . Also Danuser said the stuff that happens in books isn’t tied to the game. So why should players purchase the books with no real connection to what happens in game???


1- brainwash
2- mind controlling
3- mind totally distort and screwed after the resurrection
4- a bit of everything from above
5- badlore

They are basically like the lordaeron citizens following arthas and the LK, and they were under his control after all


Because people just want to survive (Even if they are undead).

You guys are thinking a lot of soldiers are loyal. The threat of death can change that in a person easier than you think.

Also, where else do they have to go?


Arthas had nerzuhls power that made them follow him. Sylvannas lacks that aspect. Bad/hack writing.


Its these two. According to blizz they are raised in a rage state and undead just naturally attack the living. Also in Darkshore the Valks say they only raise those who would be willing so they probably pick ones that would follow them.


The point is the story/lore livestream didn’t even mention this topic. Even a hamfisted, stupid answer is an answer.

Yeah, a Warden throwing a hissy fit because she was burdened with responsibility while Maiev was imprisoned by the Legion in Black Rook is a matter of “wanting to survive.” Wardens, who sacrifice everything for the kaldorei.


The priest hall obviously. Wait there’s also the mage hall!

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If you roll a forsaken and start as a level 1 undead, you get an idea as to why the forsaken join Sylvanas. Encountering important characters like Marshal Redpath and LIlian Voss also gives you a strong impression behind what it is like to be a fresh undead - the horrible realization of what you have become and how incredibly hard it is for you to readjust to your previous life or your loved ones to re-embrace you.

I assume it is something similar for the NEs who are dead. Faced with the fact that their previous lives have been wrested from them, they have two choices - roam the lands as a nameless revenant and slowly go insane or embrace a cause and fight for…something. And justify your new cause by how life has literally forsaken you.

I think it’s somewhat comparable to how religion is the opeum of the masses and how religious indoctrination takes place.


To be honest, she sounded like she was lashing out.

Some undead have a hard time dealing with their new lives after.


Best explanation thus far. I’m going with this one! Look at all the night elf eyes now that they’re black…black like the void!!!


Nightelves like worgen are connected to the dream/elune. You see in silverpine humans drinking worgen blood to prevent themselves from being raised as forsaken. There ignoring that part of the lore.


He was a dk, thus could control the undead, same could do with sylvanas

like, she have valkyr, and they putting her in a pedestal, she might just have the similar power now, because it follow their plot

the points its, after the “frenzy” they would have their minds again, and if they still follow sylvanas, its because of mind control/brainwash


This is particularly odd because there is so much in the books and literature that doesn’t see the light of day in the game. If you aren’t going to tell the whole story in game, and the books don’t matter as far as the game is concerned, then stop writing the books and bloody well tell the story in the game.

Can’t do it in game? Then make the books relevant.

That’s a little critique they could seriously listen to.


She is a Warden. Not some rank-and-file Watcher, she is at the highest echelon of a 10000 year old martial order devoted to preserving the order of night elf civilization. Who then lashes out and throws a fit because Maiev dared to assume she could handle the responsibility she’s been handling for thousands of years? It’s horrible writing. At least when Cordana betrayed the Watchers she was literally mind-controlled by Gul’dan. Sira just huffs and puffs that she had too much work to do and she felt oh so burdened by her job.


New allied race duh


Night elves aren’t humans, though. Nor does it show them drinking worgen blood anywhere?


Danuser said near the end of the stream that the books and in game aren’t tied together. You get two different worlds, meaning there gonna ignore previous wow lore when it impedes there writing direction while only using key parts.

Face it the story in game has gotten worse at there hands. Players should show others the vid of danuser mentioning this.


The humans drinking the blood turn into worgen we learn. Both worgen and nightelves share the dream connection. Hence why nightelves shouldn’t be able to be raised.