8.2.5 WAS the last chance to save Night Elves

8.2.5 Update: I predicted all of it, was only wrong with the Siding-With-Sylvanas part - I edited 1 word in the title and added this update, the rest was posted before 8.2.5:

They already lost everything to the horde.

They lost Azshara, Ashenvale, Darkshore, Teldrassil and Stonetalon.

In Cataclysm, the horde bombed a night elf school full of innocents (in Stonetalon) while in BfA, the horde brutally killed the majority of the race on their bloody rush towards teldrassil and their final victory of intentionally burning several thousands of civilians alive.

So, the war is ending in 8.2.5 - and Sylvanas won’t die as confirmed by a dev. This means that we’ll side with her against a greater evil. Wow, brilliant writing (not really).

Anyway, I was wondering why the Night Elves would then fight alongside the Horde?
They would then help the Horde to save Azeroth. The same Azeroth that the Night Elves have no place in, because the Horde has taken/destroyed all of it. The same Horde that genocided their race.

I’m 100% sure it’s going to be this way because the writers seem to be on some strong drugs ever since they started writing the whole BfA Story.

Also, the title is a bit misleading I guess, they can’t be saved anymore. They are beyond destroyed already. I just hope that Blizzard doesn’t land the final blow on the few night elves that are left.


Oh cmon stop being melodramatic

You did not even come close to losing everything


very good troll right there


Very good pity party, conviently forget everything alliance has done-er


They really can’t stop themselves.
Just burn the whole of Northern Kalimdor down for good measure. Watching elf fans squirm is amazing.


I couldn’t imagine feeling this sorry for myself ever in irl or in a game lol


You haven’t lost everything until you’ve (unwillingly) sacrificed your dolly to the Burning Legion…

It’s the main reason I became a Demon Hunter. Oh, and because they’ve killed my family. But them burning my doll was unforgiveable, that doll tied the room together!


I saved a ton of night elves. I have them right over my fireplace. In an ash tray.


Anyone remember how in the lore Teldrassil didn’t even exist until Fandral Staghelm created it against Malfurion’s wishes? And then it was a corrupted conduit for old god shenanigans for a while, until eventually it got cleansed in a book, off-screen?

You’d think they’d lost some ancient ancestral home the way they’re acting, not some random development project that half their race opposed creating like 15 years ago.


They’re hippies, they get very sensitive about any deforestation happening. You know how it is.


Losing their home is one thing but the real problem is that they lost the majority of their civilian population, which is crippling.

From a lore standpoint they are in a very, very bad spot.

That being said, folks whining on the forums about it is getting old… this is just the way the story was written. You (as in the night elves) will or will not get closure and will just have to wait and see.


Clearly we need Horde Hunters as a new class


imagine your god/deity that you worship for protection lets your home be burned and friends and family be murdered. Then imagine your leader “Anduin” says we dont have the resources to take back your home with the war going on sorry.

The “night elfs” as a race have pulled out of the war if you were not aware. There’s a reason tyrande and malfurion went back and took darkshore alone. as a race the night elfs will not be fighting alongside the horde only the player character will.

the story isn’t written bad your comprehension of it just sucks.


Cmon Blizzard, land the final blow. You know you want to.


The Night Elves are largely a race of hippy vegans. They weren’t written be sword/board warriors and whatever till much later.

If your last hope relies on Blizzard to be better at writing, you’ve already lost.

The low, neglectful quality of their storytelling was already legendary before the mass layoffs, the communications blackout and the deep-rooted hatred of the playerbase kicked in.



Do you feel saved yet?

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Well we can take some of that wood we have been harvesting and build you a new treehouse. OH wait, sorry carry on.

Nope, the undead night elves were an insult to begin with. Seeing even more of them makes it worse. Another victory for the horde.


yeah your faction and god turn their backs on you and let you die, for you to be raised and have a second chance at living. such an insult even more so than your leader anduin telling you to pound sand when asking to retake darkshore.