The Alliance Lost

  • Horde bombed Theramore in Cataclysm - forgiven
  • Horde bombed a Night elf school in Cataclysm - forgiven
  • Horde genocided a race and destroyed their lands in BfA - forgiven

What did the horde lose, the evil warchief that used them as tools? Oh no, what a loss! Ignoring the fact that she’s still out there doing her evil machinations.

It’s the same every time: Horde commits a crime against the alliance, then the alliance has to help them get rid of their evil warchief and then everything is forgiven and forgotten. My favorite part is Night elves working alongside the same horde that genocided them. Prime example here.


ehh… at this point Its not so much losing as we are just along for the ride and happy Blizzard remembered to put our name on the board at all in another horde v horde expansion.


While I mostly agree, technically the “Horde” we helped was led by Saurfang, a character who deliberately disobeyed Sylvanas and refused to assist her during the genocide in the way she wanted him to (simply injuring Malfurion rather than kill him).
From my understanding, the PC and Alliance Night Elves are under the authority of mainly Shandris. While I do think characters on the Alliance should have been given a branching path of Tyrande vs. the rest of the Alliance, I speculate the idea is that some Night Elves are okay with the Alliance and are more than willing to just follow Anduin’s pacifistic route rather than follow Tyrande’s vengeful route. The problem though is that we the PCs aren’t GIVEN that choice, and so there is a clear disconnect there, especially if the tree burning makes you angry.

However, you make a good point that it seems the Alliance is being mostly written as forgiving and pacifistic when we shouldn’t be.


Horde had Org sacked, Dazar’alor burned, Dalaran purged and I’m sure there’s more I’m forgetting


That’s what happens when you wanna be the noble hero faction.

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Alliance helped the horde get rid of their corrupt warchief and instead of dismantling them, they even did them a favor.

Hm my horde characters can still access Dazar’alor and there didn’t seem to be any damage done to it?


Eleves killed every orc in orgrimmar to get to garrosh in mists. Even the peanut vendor and auctioneers.


Humans unleash Arthas on the world - Forgiven
Night Elves unleash Illidan on the world - Forgiven
High Elves unleash Queen Ashara/Burning Legion on the world - Forgiven
Draenei/Eredar unleash the Burning Legion on the universe - Forgiven
Humans continue to let H0gg3R to genocide countless low levels - Forgiven

The things that the Horde have done are small fries compared to the races of the Alliance.


And Arthas only happened because of Ner’zhul who was… an orc oh yea right.

The one who saved us all?

Either way, none of these are offenses from the alliance against the horde.


Who was corrupted by the burning legion and the Lich King is a creation of the burning legion (see Draenei above)…

meh, that was the Legion retcon, everyone knows Illidan was evil before that. why else do you think the Night Elves imprisoned him for 10,000 years then exiled him to the outland, and was the main protagonist of an expansion. You don’t imprison a good guy savior for 10,000 years for no reason then require the combined forces of the Alliance and Horde to put them down…

We all lost.

We are nothing…

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Saurfang went out like a boss and got his warrior’s death.

The Alliance is supposed to be altruistic and such, but we’ve seen Genn and Tyrande bear a grudge. Sylvannas took their homes, TWICE, and the Horde is about surviving despite the odds.

MAYBE down the line we’ll see Teldrassil put out and be repopulated again, MAYBE we’ll see Lordaeron reclaimed by the Horde, we don’t know.

What I DO know is, it feels more like the Alliance is showing pity to the Horde for their hardships, almost like how you take it easy on that sibling who has a disability and struggles to survive despite your best efforts, and you still worry about them.

The Horde is focused on survival, while the Alliance has had it easy before the Orcs came to Azeroth and didn’t face adversity until then.


Pretty much this. I mean i liked the Horde movie i have been watching all expansion…i was just waiting to have some part in it other then help prop them up again so they could solve their own problems at our expense, while watching our “leadership” fall in line and then let bygones be bygones because the only one responsible for the factions atrocities is their high leader and everyone else gets off with a “we’ll be watching”.


Admit it, you’d do that, too.

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  • Dazar’alor was raided but sustained minimal losses. Naval prowess crippled and Rastakhan killed and replaced with a vastly more beloved and trusted leader.
  • Orgrimmar was not sacked nor even raided. People stood around threateningly until Saurfang got himself killed and got Sylvanas to say something she shouldn’t have.
  • Dalaran is no longer purged as its no longer under Alliance control. The Horde and Alliance use it as a neutral hub under Khadar and his council.

If anything, the Horde lost Undercity by Sylvanas’s hand. The Alliance never truly thwarted the Horde without plot armor or a plot hole (Naz’jatar) forcing them to be balanced again.

Whoa whoa, excuse me. But I hardly see the Horde as a bunch of inept morons. They’re quite capable of damage and have done it time and again. A disability or struggle does not make them free of blame for crimes they commit.


This, I couldn’t have put it better myself.

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You don’t really know much about Jaina then

Been there said that, heres what I learnt. If you insist on seeing the overall story in simple terms of win/losses then your going to be unhappy 50% of time every time a major event happens.

That did seem a bit out of place, seeing the Night Elf forces in Razor Hill in formation near those of the orcs, just before the march to Orgrimmar.

I think you just enjoy being unhappy.