GreyFalcon Topic Codex

Formerly a different post, but thought I’d put this trophy post, incase anyone hiring is looking:

  • Junkrat, mines twice as often. Geoff replied to my post on it, with double mines instead.
  • Mei, no falloff icicles made a frontpage Reddit post about it with 56,000 views, with piercing on her frost blaster so she’s better in team fights.
  • Mercy, 50hps on the basis of high healing per round across all skill tiers, along with a balance pass on buffing all the healers that were lower tier. So that they could stop focusing so much on balancing Mercy. And focus on balancing lower tier heroes. (The developers did all of this, almost to the exclusion of anything else).
  • Bastion, more accurate the longer he shoots (although maybe I can’t call dibs on this one)
  • Symmetra, fix her primary tickrate (no dibs on this), and make the beam wider so you don’t need Geguri levels of accuracy (Called It!)
  • Sombra, no 0.1sec grace period on hack because 0.55sec hack with potentially 0.2sec lag is too much.
  • Reaper/Roadhog, more damage versus armor (instead it looks like everybody gets more damage versus armor, including additional dynamic armor changes next patch).
  • Roadhog, more accurate spread pattern and fix bugs, also cancel momentum with hook, pull hook in sooner, reduce hook cooldown by 2 sec, don’t change the shotgun damage.
  • I posted an idea about making Pharah rapidly fall from the air to the ground with the crouch button. Which is basically an identical game mechanic for the hamster hero, Hammond.
  • I also made a big fuss about how there is about 6 weeks left before their multi-Billion-Dollar esports tournament, OWL, starts, and that in order to deal with a visually boring Tank/Healer exclusive team composition “GOATs”. I posited that I thought it was very unlikely devs would drastically weaken fan-favorite heroes like Dva, weaken armor, and one more nerf to Brigitte. I had a different solution, but to my surprise, Devs went ahead with nerfing Dva/Armor/Brig.
  • Oh and I posted a Junkrat with a light green boba tea, and a Krampus Junkrat in a Santa Suit, which were put into the game and were some of their most popular cosmetics.

These kinda remind me of Batiste:
Re-Balancing Defense Matrix - #56 by GreyFalcon-11737


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Here are the main topics I think should be changed.

As many many people told you, the last one is not liked by both Mercy players and devs (as they said res should be in no way dependant on valk)

Would you prefer something more like this?
Res being earned:

(っ◔◡◔)っ :heart: bump :heart:

cause this is important

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Ye I’d prefer double ult. Can make a difference, tho I don’t think it would be quite good as we knew how symm’s ult worked. You had to click Q to switch ults and res/valk is not placeable. But I liked the idea. Can open up the chance to either escape that genji OR res fallen allies if needed.

You could add an E ability, something interesting yet not too OP netiher UP. (or just make her ults tied to E and Q dunno)

Tho I doubt blizz would dare to do the double-ult thing again as you saw with symm, one gets more used than the other mainly because its better in most situations

So just have Valk on Q, and Rez on E.

I see Neon posting


Why sombra is a devil?

Was thinking more of a trickster imp.
And it’s purple. Got a better icon?

:smiling_imp: the purple icon fits better with her colour scheme.

Also, :space_invader: