Does nobody play comp or what?

Just not enough tank and support players.

No offense bud but you’re not a developer, this wont be a better fix what you’re trying to suggest here.
You seriously dont know what you’re talking about do you?


I’ve lost over 400 SR playing her this season and sunk my tank role to gold. This boring Origma meta is 100% flaming garbage.


^Sigma: “Observe the barrier!”


Lots of people still play comp.

It’s just that there are VASTLY more people who want to play DPS.

Well then :slight_smile:

PlanetSide 1
About 40 of my suggested changes got into the game, including how all the zones interconnected, base binding, and ground vehicle hotdropping.
I also created a 1Mb version of their 8GB installer, that was downloaded 13,000+ times, and later copied by the SOE devs in a 10Mb version.

I made a server modication with 10 classes, that was run by 40 servers, and had years of tournament play, with 20+ teams.

I’ve been posting RoleQueue concepts consistently for about the past year, notably these two:
✅ [Role Select] Finalizing this concept
✅ [2-2-2] Putting RoleQ into Quickplay

And considering how often I’m right about highly specific gameplay changes, I at least figure I “know what I’m talking about”.
GreyFalcon Topic Codex


Suuure bud suuuure.

I literally dont care about your ‘‘40’’ suggested things, etc. That still doesnt make you a developer. Or someone who decides what’s good for the game or not.

Also, you posting those concepts of role q, doesnt meant that they copied it from yours just sayin’.

And considering how often you’re not right about higly specific gameplay changes, doesnt mean that they should listen to you about everything you say. And doesnt mean that every one of those are good for the game.

Specially the last ideas you’ve been throwing around. Like the one with the backfill changes for ranked.

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Do you have a better idea than his? Because it makes complete sense

what real reason do I have to play ranked over quickplay?

mechanically the only difference is you are forced to switch sides whilst in QP you have to wait till the loading screen is finished.

visually, unless you actually care about your rank, ranked only has extra shiny pixles that supposedly approximate your rank

and socially, well lets just say if am not getting moaned or berated at because of my rank then i will get it from the characters I like to play.

the seasons are a joke they blend into one another ive forgotten what season we are on now, they not special in anyway they’re shorter probaly to appease gold weapon hoarders

Nobody is playing anything Blizzard right now

I actually think it’s a pretty great idea to have another match ready in 45 seconds, instead of having 11 players have to reenter the queue.

Play fortnite

No one is playing comp because they decided to hand out SR in off roles, instead of letting people earn SR by role, and screwed up all the games anyway.

Then why am I getting tanks 300 sr below me ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I’ve had a lot of games with SR ratings that were all over the place. I was around 2680 or something and got placed in a 2950 game where the majority of players were diamond. I’ve also seen a lot more games with golds, diamonds, or silvers just thrown in.

Yeah seems almost like the queue times are so bad they increased the sr difference allowed. But I still got like 12 minute queues so feelsbad.

I got bored when the game devolved into a mix of… most smurfs win, least Damage playing Support/Tank or least throwers wins.

Also none of the changes in the PTR made the game any more appealing and the buff to Tracer makes me weary of where the game is heading…

I only get annoyed with it really if the other tank is gold because… Let’s just say I often get very frustrated.

i dont think the role sr is equivalent now. im sure tank and support t500 starts much lower than dps
so masters is equivalent of gm dps.
they should probably retweak the way sr works for tank/support.

sry there is no choice to stack you proppertly, not enough players. ggs.