🐖 Hog fix, without buffing shotgun

My preferred fix for Roadhog would be this:
🐖 [Roadhog] Changes I want

But if the devs don’t want to buff his shotgun, at all, then I got a fix for that:


Chain hook

  • Cooldown reduced to 6 seconds, down from 8 seconds.
  • Hooked targets instantly lose all sideways momentum.
  • Hook pulls targets the instant all preliminary LOS/Lag checks are completed

Passive: Thick Skin

  • Enemies gain 50% less Ultimate charge when damaging Roadhog

Would make it so using Roadhog is less of an Ultimate-Economy liability for your team, and is actually an asset for friendly Healers to gain Ult charge off of.
Would also return a lot of Roadhog’s threat presence. And create a decent damage loop of : Hook, firing off a clip of ammo, reloading, and then almost instantly have the hook ready to go afterwards.

Would give him a lot less downtime, more persistent threat presence, and a lot less opportunity for the enemy to farm him for ultimate charge.


It would be a huge buff to Roadhog to completely remove his shotgun and give him another weapon. ANY other kind of weapon.

Pellet-based guns are flat out inferior to every other kind of gun in the game. They have huge penalties to their ranged damage and to their damage against armor, but they aren’t intrinsically better than other guns in close
or in any other way. They have no advantages. They’re a straight downgrade.


Why not just revert him back to before the damage nerf?


I would be 100% okay with that.

Heck, my other thread is mostly just some anti-RNG and reverting the right click.

But if they are determined to make Roadhog be less rewarding, then they should at least give him less risk.

Roadhog has very little risk. He has an insane hp pool with his buffed E.

Being alive doesn’t mean anything if you don’t do anything. That’s the issue.


Hook already instantly halts horizontal momentum, with the exception of dash abilities that disable physics (Swift Strike, Rocket Punch, etc.). The only reason you see them keep moving is because it waits to resolve the opponent’s position on the server, in order to prevent you from hooking people straight through a wall on their screen.

blizzard will probably buff roadhog but in very small babysteps.

The risk is that he becomes an ultimate charge liability for your team, and missing a hook is much more consequential at 8 seconds.

There’s a good half second or more after the hook lands that the hooked player maintains their momentum in the air.


Same problem with D.Va since Day 1. Yeah, she can reposition. To what end? If she doesn’t have strong attack or strong utility, being able to move around is meaningless. The response is, “reposition to do chip damage and hope you can eat an ult”.

Wow. Compelling and fun. /sarcasm

Yeah, it shows them keep moving during the delay, because they had already moved before you hooked them. Hook comes with an explicit delay for server-side hit detection now, to prevent the frustration from how it appeared to ignore walls with “Hook 1.0.”

The target ultimately gets pulled to exactly the same location as where you hit them with the hook on your screen (as long as it resolves as a successful hook on the server), so the appearance of momentum makes no actual difference.

I don’t think it’s a lag thing.


ive played roadhog today and my hook still broke
 so idk if its really fixed.

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Fixes aren’t in live yet.

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 Okay. Why did you specify “sideways momentum” if you were talking about airborne targets dropping down?

Mostly because I’m at work and don’t feel like digging around gfycat too much.

But that Soldier clip is what I’m talking about. And that Widow hook is a good indication that it’s not anywhere near an instant pull after hook.

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Old hog could one shot tanks.

That version of Roadhog was only Live for about 2 weeks.

Was the full damage hook combo, and 2m hook destination distance.


No, this clip is before that. This is release day Roadhog.

Rudolph skin Roadhog, and release day?