More SR for Tanks?

They are balanced now.

Another day, another GreyFalcon weird idea thread with a checkmark in the title

He thinks there’s a fix for the community by and large preferring to play damage heroes and that somehow doubling down on a bad idea (2-2-2) is somehow fixable. But the real fun starts when 2-2-2 hits QP. Expect to see DPS times in QP that exceed the duration of a match and a large number of people queuing other roles but playing DPS on those characters.

If it is fixable, one would think you’d have to change things to do it.

Don’t really understand the idea that changes are unjustifiable, but at the same time it needs to be fixed.

So you think DPS, the most hated role in the game, should not only have long queue times, but should also receive less SR just for picking DPS?

That’s just absurd.

So the problem would be at lower tiers ? directly in the biggest player base ?

Why would Blizzard do that ?

Kinda surprising how many of those weird ideas end up becoming a reality.

I much be good at guessing, huh :slight_smile:

If you push DPS down a bit into higher populated SR brackets, they would have lower queue times.

And the fewer DPS that stay at high ranks would have more tanks and healers.

Again, you just want to punish DPS just because they picked DPS.

Do you not see how dumb this is?

Hey you! You picked DPS, so you get plat!

More like reduce the amount of DPS in the top 15% of the playerbase, in a very gradual way.

Since DPS queue times there are a population size issue.

Why are people suggesting giving positive SR or negative SR increments depending on role? Firstly, picking tank does not mean you ‘deserve’ more SR. All that would happen by adding a larger net gain is you push the average higher but the distribution would stay the same. In a sense the ‘tank diamond’ would just be the new ‘tank plat’ and diminish any sense of achievement. There’s really no point.

K, so make it harder to gain and maintain DPS rank in Diamond and above.

More sense of achievement.

Just add 0-6-0 comp for dps queue. They will play vs 2-2-2 as well. This will resolve many problems.

That’s not such a bad idea…

Regenerating HP, faster respawns, maybe lower sniper damage a bit.

So you are a tank main I see?

No. Dps players should suffer

You could say that.
Although I got over 300 hours in DPS.

Top picks
Sombra (main), Ana, Mei, brig, ball.
Actually I’m flex. But this dps crying… I like this.

Inb4 “BuT rOaDhOg Is A fAt DpS! nOt A tAnK!”

Heh and almost all those hog hours were before season 5, where he could oneshot a Dva mech, if it had a discord on it.

Again, you’re dodging the issue. You think just manipulating people’s rank just because of what they choose to play is OKAY?