There’s a possibility the devs might be grabbing some of my ideas. (Or I’m just good at guessing).
- So, you know those low win rate heroes which people say are OP? - #11 by GreyFalcon-11737
- GreyFalcon Topic Codex
Generally the approach I go for is:
- As many heroes as viable as possible at the same time. I.e. Heros should be both unique and worthwhile. Which is kind of like an ecological niche theory design. (I.e. Ashe fills the niche between McCree and Widow)
- When making changes, try to do the minimum change, while getting maximum benefit, and also in such a way that blocks negative sideeffects.
I.e. A scalpel instead of a chainsaw. - When solving for problem heroes, try to gradually make them weaker without stripping out their core playstyle. Usually focusing on what makes the hero feel OP or Unnecessarily annoying.
- A hero can be allowed to be annoying, if they feel balanced on counterplay. I.e. Roadhog, and hopefully current Mei.
- If you can accomplish the needed balance changes through “only numbers adjustments”, it’s a lot more likely devs will patch it in, since it’s a ton easier to code, playtest and patch.
I’m also a big fan of LoL’s main balance guys writing on the subject. - Techniques for Achieving Play Balance
That said. Devs are gearing up for some barrier tank changes soon. Hopefully it looks like this:
✅ Fixing BarrierTanks and OffTanks
Although they could go with one of these if they are feeling extra spicy.