Tanks and what do we do?

I’m gonna guess none of that experience involves class based shooter games.

Here’s what I got.

About 40 changes into a game called PlanetSide. Including how all the 10 massive zones across about 80 warp gates were all connected. Hotdropping out of ground vehicles. And I’m probably the reason the Terran MAX Suit eventually got better mobility.
I also wrote and hosted a mini installer that got 30,000 downloads, used in a guerilla marketing campaign, and was later copied by the devs.

I wrote a tournament server modification for a game called TRIBES, called Shifter_v1G with 40 servers running it, and about 20 teams, for about 2 years. With heavies including Dreadnaughts and Juggernauts.

And the amount of “coincidences” that the devs keep putting ideas almost exactly what I suggested into the game, including the really complicated ones, is stacking up higher and higher.

Including suggesting almost exactly the changes they went with, for Roadhog.

And for Mei (Which is almost a Tank)

Not to mention I’ve been talking about Tank balance concepts, constantly for the past 6 months.

And I could probably write a few more pages on highly specific “coincidences” where what got put into the game matched up to what I suggested.

Including the Mercy 50hps changes along with the specific reasoning for it, and the backend changes that allowed for rapid patching and the experimental mode.

Also lastly, you would have thought GOATs was a pretty clear indicator that “Too much MOBA, and not enough FPS” is unhealthy for Overwatch.

And that somehow you think additional Tank players to fix queue times, are just going to magically appear out of nowhere. Instead of primarily coming from the excess people currently playing DPS.
That somehow convincing DPS to play Tank instead, isn’t exactly what the devs need to do.

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