PTR goes live tomorrow

Again live patches on Tuesdays, PTR patches on Thursdays.

Also North American authentication server maintenance was yesterday…

All I’m asking is don’t hold your breath… I don’t know how to do CPR…


Regardless of the outcome, Symmetra’s beam does need a nerf. Sure, it is what’s making her enter kinda-viable territory… But it’s still too strong and consistent for what it is.

She certainly still needs a buff and will never be part of the Viable Gang if she’s stuck with such a short range. But “breaking” a part of her kit isn’t the right way to do it… Since it still leaves all the problems, just masking them with an “oppressive feeling and unfun” beam.

Honestly it doesn’t do much to her ability to deal with shields. The beam width nerf is the thing that’s gonna make some switch, and that doesn’t affect her ability to deal with shields, just enemies.

How did you not complete 3 weeks? The patch was released on August 22 and today is September 11, it has been more than 3 weeks since the patch

September 12th is exactly three weeks after the 22nd.

Lol, like that’s ever gonna happen.

✅ [2-2-2] Putting RoleQ into Quickplay

GreyFalcon Topic Codex

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And usually is a three and a half week cycle for a PTR patch the Tuesday after the 3-4 weeks of a PTR live release, and I would also point out that the last few PTR patches has not been a perfect 3 week release. Version 1.39 actually went five Weeks on the PTR before going live.


Probably since it implemented such a big change. If 3.5 weeks is more normal, then I could see it easily being next Tuesday. I just thought it would go live tomorrow, so they could finally upload a new PTR patch with a new map or so on Tuesday.

I’m actually be more willing to bet a new map will go into the current 1.40 patch. and then allow enough time for it to be tested before the patch has to go live before the Halloween event.


Me too, I’m waiting for the dummy bot changes to arrive soon. I don’t know why it takes so long to bring symmetra and zarya nerfs, I thought this was an urgent need

I would have thought the new map would be released after being revealed at blizzcon.

If that’s true, is there a possibility for more hero changes to also be uploaded on that same patch?

That’s likely Hero 32

You think they want to do a damn thing which could lower the number of tanks queueing for comp right now?

so instead they do something making tons of support and dps players miserable :disappointed_relieved:

You cannot resurect people already dead inside, mr(ms) Wyoming. :V

It could be a double whammy but then again thats probably expecting too much.

Yep, they are not driving queue times.

Honestly I think it is part of it.

If I was in their position I’d be REAL careful of losing tanks right now.

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Here that guys? THERE’S A NEW MAP COMING!

that would explain why I never can gain rank playing mercy.


if tanks get too strong their queue times will go up either due to players all wanting to play the OP class or non tanks leaving the game, then tank queue times will go up. What happens then? a forced OP DPS or Support meta? Is queue time gonna be the new defining factor for balance like pickrate and pro usage were?