šŸ“¢ Minimum 10 min queue for support

More like they are completely intolerant to the idea that their playstyle should be inconvenienced at all.

Even though the alternative is basically killing the entire game.
But they arenā€™t taking that part seriously.

Nor would have expected them to understand that other options donā€™t exist.

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This, along with

(posted yesterday)

This doesnā€™t sit well with me. You occasionally do have some good ideas but making comments like this is unnecessarily cocky. Iā€™m not saying that devs shouldnā€™t take your suggestions, but this is one of the few issues I have when seeing you on the forums.

Not everyone is going to like your ideas/thoughts. Showing your balance changes to other threads isnā€™t always necessary either, but maybe thatā€™s just me.


Hi. I disagree with you too. I dont fall into what you just described.

I dont care how powerful or weak my hero is in comparison to others in the same role or in other roles. Iā€™ll play him regardless. You could buff tanks to absolute God mode with 5000hp and 1 shot abilities. I still wouldnt play them. The playstyle isnā€™t fun to me.

I disagree with your idea because I dont think it would make dps players change to tank. That makes it pointless because it wouldnā€™t solve anything.

Thatā€™s an awfully high horse youā€™re on. Your ideas arenā€™t the only options available.


Incidentally, the second comment was referring to restricting Hero Pools, to Masters/GM/Pro, and using OWL stats.

Which is exactly what they did.

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That really doesnā€™t explain much about the high horse it seems youā€™re on. Being humble is great :kissing:


Well, I got about 40 changes put into another game called as PlanetSide. Including writing a miniaturized installer that was downloaded over 30,000 times. That was later copied by the devs.

Previously wrote a server modification for another class based shooter called TRIBES, with about 40 servers running it, and tournament play for years with about 25 teams.

And I can point to a wide number of changes that line up with ideas Iā€™ve posted. A lot of which are highly technical and very specific.

Hereā€™s a couple:
GreyFalcon Topic Codex
The whole system that allows for rapid patching, and experimental mode

Probably all 4 of the most recent Mei changes, the Double Headshot changes on McCree, the weighted ticket system for owl hero pools, limiting the hero pools to Masters/GM/Pro based on OWL pickrate.
Heck, I even have a concept that is basically hero pools.

To put it simply, thereā€™s probably more of my ideas in the game, than the rest of the forum community combined.
And I have a pretty strong background in class based shooter game design from other games.

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THIS is what iā€™m talking about. :no_mouth:


Heh, letā€™s throw in that Iā€™ve probably put more thought into Role Queue design than any non-staff person on this forum.

Including the addition of ā€œQuickplay Classicā€.

āœ… [2-2-2] Putting RoleQ into Quickplay
āœ… [Role Select] Finalizing this concept

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Skimming through some of your posts in this thread,

You seem like a capable person, but your ego doesnā€™t help anyone here; ideas are their own currency. As someone who has posted ideas/suggestions/feedback on Blizzard forums for 15+ years over multiple games, my ego still gets in the way, and in the end I end up needing to remind myself of that. Me needing to reference those 15 years is further proof that my ego is involved.

I used to keep track of changes I suggested getting into OW, but I stopped caring as much since I donā€™t play as much. Not saying you shouldnā€™t be proud of your efforts, but a lot of the time there are more people suggesting these things than you or I think/see.


Iā€™m pretty sure a large chunk of those changes are pretty technical enough that Iā€™m pretty sure nobody was suggesting them.

But letā€™s take for example restricting Hero Pools to Masters/GM/Pro. Since that one was generic.

I was mentioning that on the very first post that I heard about the idea. Then later down the discussion thread, Jeff is talking about it.

But either way, to the topic at hand about Role Queue. Iā€™ve been championing this thing for a long time, with lots of design concepts.

And it pretty much comes down to:

  1. Buff tanks, including more firepower
  2. Limit tanks to 1 per team
    • Buff tanks a lot
    • Including more firepower

Just by virtue of Roles having strength relative to each other, itā€™s pretty inescapable that that means DPS becomes less desirable to play.

If DPS donā€™t become less desirable to play, then DPS arenā€™t going to switch to Tank.

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Fair enough.

I agree with this more than I disagree. Main downside is obviously how much itā€™d change the fundamentals of the game, but could also possibly make OW2 actually feel like a new game.

Limiting teams to 1 tank and making them more fun/interesting to play seems to be at least worth experimenting on furtherā€¦and now Iā€™m eagerly awaiting 1-3-2 or 1-2-2 in experimental again.

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Thing is they probably might end up limiting Tanks to 1 per team for OW2.

But that would require a huge rework of pretty much every hero in the game. But primarily a ton more self-peel for healers, and CC immunity for Tanks.

I donā€™t see that happening between now and OW2 launch.

So that pretty much leaves a rework to existing barrier tanks. Although Winston and Rein are mostly fine.

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1-3-2 will probably require way more changes than 1-2-2 imo, even though one takes an entire player out of the game.

But yeah, supports like Zen will need the most I thinkā€¦

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Not saying I disagree, but it is worth noting that people find the most offensive tanks (Rein/Winston/Zarya/Hog) fun, while pros hate the defensive tanks (Orisa/Sig) to be cancerous.

I mean people DID complain about double shield because old Orisa with fortify with old Moira heals made her almost immortal.

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Thatā€™s a fair point, 1-2-2 is probably more likely.

But even then, thatā€™s still a lot of changes.

But I guess near CC immunity for Tanks, and cutting healer self-peel ability cooldowns by half would be a good start.

Zen, dunno, but probably either stronger discord, or maybe make it so kicking an enemy launches him backwards.
Or maybe give him a 15% speed boost when discord is active.

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I would prefer more ā€˜activateā€™ buffs for tanks than passives, but at bare minimum 30% CC reduction for all tank heroes would be a good place to start. This percentage would likely go through a lot of testing and changes, though.

5man teams sound less fun, but more balanced. I like big team fights, but am definitely willing to at least try 5v5.

Guess weā€™ll have to see when OW2 comes out.

Edit: as for your Zen comment, this is partly a joke, but Iā€™d love to have his kick displace both him and his target.

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Yet thatā€™s what people wanted - fast-paced action, ideally in steamroll kind of fashion, where nothing can stop onslaught of damage.

At least as support, you try to stall without having to absorb damage yourself.


assuming the DPS is taking down the other DPS and the healers are healing the tank, otherwise a tank is just a fancy practice droid

dps canā€™t dps without good space from tanks and support.
you will be shocked when you watch how much the dps on a smurf support or tanks team kill.

Currently I am sitting in a 20 minutes queue for support in QP lol
Not sure whatā€™s going on but I constantly find games that are not full, they get cancelled and I am back in queue. Also, I am playing in EU, normally my ping is around 50ms but whenever I find a game after a really long queue the match has a ping of 160ms - 200ms, what is going on?