Brigitte will be F Tier at this rate

I know enough about her even if I didn’t spend 200 hours on her.

You body block her with fortify up and save ecvery1 in your team.
If you start halting her from when she is already in melee range it’s your fault.
If she uses her shield bash as a gap closer congratz, she wasted her engage tool.

As always you guys expect a character to delete others by its mere presence and not by playing.

i didnt say orisa gets bullied by brigitte.
i said that she isnt a counter

have they announced anything or is this just an assumption? not salty here, i like brig, just curious :slight_smile:

As a matter of fact i’m not. I just came late to the thread but i do agree with the rest of the ppl. If brig/mercy got F tier’d, it would be based on the skill level they require to be effective with compared to ana/zen.

yeah you clearly have no idea.
body blocking brigitte isnt a viable counter , neither the ideas that you suggested

That’s the issue with Brigitte. She punishes any hero at close range. Most characters can evade Brigitte, but most cannot cause her to stop advancing. Of the one’s that can she can usually walk a long a flank and get nearby.

If you constantly try to evade her you give up space. Eventually shes on the objective. Either you need to lay down enough fire power to remove that shield or set-up a cross flank and deal with her. In which case, most heroes require 2+ people to deal with her quickly.

The only one’s to really cause her to stop would be Pharah, Bastion, and Junkrat. The rest I would not care. I’d just keep advancing provided the shield can hold out. If not, then I just rest up on cover and move along cover to get to the target or they just give up the space.

usually, that shield can hold out against a single target long enough to cover several meters of walking as most heroes are only <200 DPS which means she can cover something like 10 meters, then another 5 with shield bash distance. That’s pretty far.

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Arent counters in general supposed to make other heroes lives harder? Orisa in a way can be a counter considering she can prevent Brigitte from advancing and doing her job.

Just like how when I play Mei, I cant effectively fight against a Pharah as shes airborne and unless shes afk or im lucky my shots land. Or when I play Junkrat, I cant do anything to Pharah.

Then you wasted 200+ hours of your time.

Blizzard shouldn’t balance around ppl unable to exploit their characters for teamplay and counter.

you know those two training bots that deal damage? OP. I can’t even enjoy my video game anymore.

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yeah why would i even argue with a guy that is talking nonsense.

Brigette’s pickrate is less than Ana’s yet DPS one tricks want her nerfed and Ana buffed because she’s the closest support to a DPS.


Brigitte is an easy mode hero. If your team is trash, then yeah, you won’t do much. Doesn’t matter if you’re good at her or not. I’ve had an insane amount of matches with Lucios, Junkrats, Anas, Reaper, etc, that are incapable of doing a god damn thing. Just trash tier comps. Outside of masters+ you still deal with so many people just playing whatever tf they want. It’s QP 2.0.

Brigitte is just on another level of stupidity when it comes to how she is in the chaotic mess of a bunch of terrible players.

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That’s her only role and possibility btw !
She’s crying during long range fight as is freaking useless in theses cases. The only other character like this is Reinhardt… (and he wrecks her ^^)

Oh yes, spam! And quite popular spam at that. The cause enjoys seizing opportunities like this to rise above the nonsense and create awareness regarding in-game balance problems! We ask users to educate themselves on topics before creating chaos, as a Symmetra main yourself, I’m sure you hate chaotic nonsense like your thread! So without further ado, we invite the users of battle-net to enjoy enlightenment and serenity, Brigitte edition!


Mercy has been nerfed and now she is just fine, Brig need a nerf and you have to be blind to do not see that

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Mercy has been nerfed and now she is just fine


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She’s a Mercy player.And has support bias mentality.


After reading this thread, I can’t wait for Hammond’s live version ! :smiley:

I hope for a full page of “nerf the hamster”, “Hamtaro is cheated” or “please remove this insanity” !

It will be far worse !

Alright then i understand

It will be far worse !

This is the forums. You expect them to act better people?

Just look at people bashing each other for the heroes they play.