This game will die

Long as you continue to punish players SR for leavers…

4 leavers in a row today. Done. Until you fix this im outtie.

I know no one will care but im tired of trying my hardest then someone DC’ing or leaving and costing me my whole f**** 30minutes of life. llllllata

Everyone gets leavers, deal with it.

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Everyone gets leavers.

Get over it.

If there was a quick and trivial solution, it would already be implemented.


Spoilers, you will die in the future, we will all die, let’s just give up life. :laughing:

Like you never won a game because of a leaver on the enemy side.

What ever happened to playing a game for fun? All SR is to determine where you belong to have the most fun. If you improve substantially you will rise in SR the same if you perform poorly you will decline.

SR is there so you will get the most enjoyment out of the game. So someone who is in Silver tier does not have to play with those who are in grandmasters. It’s not a punishment, the game would not be fun for either.

People need to stop looking at SR as a stat. Gaining and loosing 300SR is no biggie you are still playing with people that are relative to your skill level to make an enjoyable game.

I understand it’s frustrating to lose, especially if you are down a player, but if you could win 100% of the time is it worth playing whats the goal?

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keep defending sr punishment for leavers and this game will die… like it is now

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According to who? You?

Game is strong and growing.

Not everyone is a crybaby.


I think they left that behind in season 9. Ever since Brigitte joined the meta it has been nothing but stunlock meta. And having no control over your character while the enemy team ragdolls you is not what I consider fun. :stuck_out_tongue: but your point is very valid.