If Brigitte can 3 tap Tracer

Then Ana should with:

Sleep dart + M1 + Bionade. This is one of the reasons why Ana doesn’t get a good reward for such a hard play, yet Brigitte gets it with ease.

EDIT: I would love to thank everyone for their feedback. Agreements or disagreements, it was a lot of fun discussing and I honestly didn’t think I would get so many views or likes. This has been the most active post I have made. Thank you so much!


I miss her old damage when you could two tap Tracer with primary fire. But, you know how it is, if something other than Brigitte counters Tracer, it must be changed!


explains why sombra and mei are in such a bad spot.


I love playing Ana, and this isn’t supposed to be a biased post, but it seriously doesn’t make sense. You get a high reward for low skill, but when it comes to high skill, you don’t get a reward in this situation. It is utter non-sense.


Ana straight up needs her 80 damage back. Being able to deal with flankers quicker and in some cases at all would be a large boon.

Ana used to be a pretty decent Phara deterrent. Now Pharmercy is incredibly hard to counter, unless you have a decent Widow.


They should let Ana’s bionade travel through time - so it prevents her from healing her wounds with recall.


While the epitome of non-interactive gameplay probably shouldn’t be used as a model for balance, I do agree that a successful sleep dart should provide greater rewards than a shield bash.

That said, Ana usually does get more out of it, especially if her team is around to help. It just doesn’t work as well if she’s by herself against Tracer, specifically.


Pharmercy might be great but pharah herself is garbage. If you buffed ana’s damage it would be the end for solo pharahs, especially with soldier, mccree, and mei all getting buffed to deal more damage at max range

The point is that Brigitte doesn’t need her team, yet when Ana actually lands proper hits, she’s not rewarded for high play.


I played 70 hours of Brigette season 10, i can count on 2 hands the number of times i managed to 1v1 a tracer with the 3 hit combo. Tracer mains learned real quick how to blink or recall out of a Briggete stun. The really smart ones figured out Brigette can be killed by fighting outside her range, or avoid Brigette altogether.


Sleep Dart has much more reward due to its team capabilities.

Regardless, this change would be fine.


Yet, it’s a lot easier to kill Tracer with Brigitte. That’s my point. She can get a high reward for this. The high reward being killing Tracer.

Team capabilities. She gets nothing out of a solo kill that way.

That’s a good thing.


ana can oneshot tracers if she lands a sleep.

It’s just difficult to time it right.

you can even insta kill any 200 hp hero. You sleep them. Wait for the last half second of sleep duration, shoot, nade and another shoot while they’re in the middle of waking up animation. That’s 200 damage for you.

that used to be the case. SKILL DEMANDING outplays for healers to be damage dealers. Good old times.


Fire strike one shots tracer

No it doesn’t? Fire Strike does 100dmg and Tracer has 150hp.


Ah she just have gotten knicked once everytime i smoke with one lol thanks bud


She’s a support. Generally supports are supposed to be assisting their team in killing/surviving. I understand that we now have a duelist/assassin categorized as a support, but that’s not the standard for healers in general and doesn’t need to be.

Ana needs her 80 dmg back. Let’s be honest here. She isn’t in a good spot.


If we have characters that have high impact with a high skill ceiling then good players are going be able to pick those characters and consistently out skill us so no thanks.