Brigitte isn’t going anywhere, but something has to change

Because as things stand we just aren’t going to see heroes with automatic or shotgun weapons in regular play.

That’s a significant section of the cast, and I just can’t see how it’s tenable to continue to go on and on like this.


Brigitte really isn’t that impactful in normal team play. In most cases she might even be a handicap to her team, since it can be be difficult to get in close to the enemy without getting annihilated.


If you’re playing one of these heroes, the answer is very often someone just switching to her and they’re more than cancelled out.

“Normal team play” now basically doesn’t involve these heroes. It’s all Widow, Hanzo, Pharah, Junkrat.

For tanks, Winston never gets used and even D.Va is hard to get value from in respect to damage, although DM can be good for soaking burst.

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Brig is easy to counter as well. Anything with splash damage. This doesn’t include how buggy her shield is. There are videos showing people shooting through her shield, that mind you goes ito the ground, yet doesn’t stop earth shatter. So, she’s a subpar healer, mediocre dps, but is balanced with her stun (6sec CD). I would even go as far to argue that the game could benefit by decreasing her spot heal to 4 sec CD now that her stun is up to 6 sec, and her rocket flail doesn’t trigger inspiration off of shields, turrets, or ranged. Inspiration’s hps is extremely low otherwise. Alternatives to decrease her heal to 4 sec would be increase the inspiration hps, or duration, allowing teammates to actively pursue away from the main group. Lucio’s group heal radius and lower hps is complimented by his mobility, something Brig lacks greatly. Also considering her “stop movement” and “shield down” to rocket flail, is also another 1.8 seconds of vulnerability, which is a really long time for a sniper, or any dps to effectively deal 150-200 dmg. Either way, she’s far from perfect, but even further from over powered.

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The only thing that needs to change is the attitude of players refusing to counterplay/counterpick against her.


You should be looking at Reinhardt, not Brigitte. But Reinhardt’s a lot more popular (not just in terms of pickrate, in terms of forum perception), so he’s a lot harder to criticize.

They do counter pick, and that is actually the problem, that’s how we have such a small pool of heroes, because that’s all there is left to pick. Heroes that can counter her.

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I opened up the topic “does healing need a nerf in general” adressing this issue. High burst feels mandatory because its easier than ever to keep teammates alive with triple support and tons of armor flying around.

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I think the Rein vs Orisa balance needs looking at for sure. They should be more even than the stats show. Not sure if that’s Orisa’s weakness or Rein’s strengths.

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Isnt heros that counter Brigitte somewhat weak at dive? Or is it Hanzo killing everthing

At this level it’s Hanzo, Junk and Pharah killing everyone. Even McCree sees more use.

But that’s directly a result of Brigitte existing and not having Shotgun and Automatic heroes available as a consequence, and a need to counter her.

I think weakening healing would only serve to reinforce 3 support.

People like to blame Brigitte for all bad things but in reality she is fine after all the nerfs she has a ok pickrate even behind dive characters. She is not the problem. Hanzo is. He is bloody OP but still people defend him.

Hanzo is so OP that it ia stupid not to have a hanzo in your team. To counter him maybe you need widow and to counter her you need a better widow. Zarya is there for grav and rein because everything would die if you don’t have shield. Brig is not the problem here but lets pretend to believe that she is the problem for all things that happened.


They’re buffing fall off damage next patch for Soldier, McCree, and Bastion meaning that there’s going to be MORE long range damage being dished out than ever before

McCree could be across an entire map and still hit you for 35 or 70 damage; Adding in his rate of fire he can do 70-140 damage from across the map if his aim is good enough

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You mean that (outside of minmaxers tiers of SR where she isn’t even that much used anyway) you aren’t happy choosing betwen: Reinhardt, Pharah, Junkrat, Hanzo/Widow, Mc Cree, Doomfist, Bastion, Roadhog, Sombra (yes, she counters Brig by nullifying her defenses and engaging tools)? Plus it’s not like Genji can’t fight when she is on the field, use the shurikens form the back/flank to poke her (when your team forces their team to shield up) and dash in for the kill.

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She’s had a huge impact on the game, and a lot of heroes need looking at as a result, even without Hanzo who it does go without saying is ridiculous.

When so many heroes need looking at, then maybe something more global is the answer.

Only part of that. Cause counter brig 2 sniper or Pharah doesnt use Brig. If they were weak to dive then they ar forced to switch to brig. Then you can counter brig and they will switch to dive.
It should be a circle. But What part does it stop? Dive cant counter 2 snipers without brig? Or you see a sniper with brig and cant counter with 2 snipers?
If it is first, then sniper is too strong. If it is second then brig is too strong. Which do you see more?

That’s not gonna happen. People aren’t going to be told what is fun, or play what they don’t find fun.

If the only way to win is more like working than playing, people will just go elsewhere.

Not everyone can play Widowmaker and get 1 shots every second.

Junkrat isn;t a counter to Brig and Phara only works if the enemy team who had Brigitte refuses to pick a hitscan.

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It’s not Brigitte’s fault

It’s Hanzo

He can do EVERY DPS role all in one. Need a lot of damage? Need a shield broken? Need someone dead at range?

Why would I put the effort into any other DPS when I can pretty much kill anyone I want as Hanzo :stuck_out_tongue:

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