Brigitte will be F Tier at this rate

I know plenty of Orisa players that can counter Brigitte.

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On Illios, it’s always a pleasure when I face a Brigitte !
“Your shield is too small darling !”
Halt -> “aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh !”

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Because Orisa is A tank.A tank can counter anyone.Also i wish they would atleast reduce her walking speed.When I play and get demeched.I try to run away,I try to stay out of her range.But her walking speed is the same as mine+she has shield dash to close the distance.And I just can’t “stay out of her range”.That’s so bs

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She simply doesnt counter her.
orisa can take defense against her , but she doesnt stop her from doing her job you may halt her , but she can still shield bash out.
and im talking from 240 hours experince.

Haha also

Brigitte: coming with her shield towards me
Me an intelectual: Shoots down her barrier as she approaches me and readies fortify if she gets near. Or if she gets near, HALT.

Or have my team back me up shooting her down because its a team game. Yay.

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That’s why people hate her. Because she punishes close-quarter targets like D.Va, Winston, Genji, Tracer, etc. But that’s what she is designed to do, and no one can help that but Blizzard.

So your only idea of a counter is some1 who can instadelete the enemy?

COUGH, Widowmaker.

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no. i never said that
i said that orisa isnt a counter to brigitte.

I’m not talking about her punishing close range heroes.I’m talking about her having the same walking speed in armor,like in a skin suit.

She frekaing is.

She makes her unable to do her job, I even made a freaking list that you keep ignoring.


Pretty much. The general consensus is Hanzo is OP cuz you feel it directly when he clicks u. Brigittes impact is ambiguous. You can’t really pin it down with feels, or clear oppressiveness. Her winrate however, and from my experience playing her, shows she is doing too much for far too little.

She doesn’t have the same speed !
Know your enemy better ^^

But I must say that her shielding speed is way higher than rein’s

you dont play orisa (she isnt even in your top 5)
i have read your list
1.primary fire can harras her , but doesnt really force her to go back unless she started using shield from a long range
2.halt can get her away from you , but she has sheild bash which has a lower cooldown than halt and can just go back to her position
3.fortify only protects you, it doenst stop brigitte from doing what she has to do , again fortify has a higher cooldown that brigittes shield bash

Eh.In the end the best counter ability to Bigitte,that every hero has,is simply punching her thru the shield.

Good. We can play ow again then.

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You’re still playing it, aren’t you? Or are you rehashing the same old joke made by bad players alike?

I have almost 70 h on orisa ^^
And I will say it again, never really got bullied by a Brigitte ^^

She’s not F-tier but she’s already B-tier. No reason to pick her over Zen unless a flanker is being particularly aggressive and you aren’t able to fight them off.

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