Can we please come back and talk about Brigitte?

Listen, i get it that people hate it when players whine about new characters being overpowered, but Brigitte has been out for a while, and I still think she is way too strong to be in the support category. I understand that a tank-healer hybrid would be hard to deal with considering it’s a new concept for the game, but even with the counters we found against her like using Pharah and Junkrat, she still has too much damage to deal with.

First off, I don’t think a support should be able to hold their own against tanks BY THEMSELVES. Brigitte easily counters so many tanks, such as, Winston, and the most common one being Roadhog. She can just keep hitting away with her flail against hog, getting healed with every swing, so the damage Hog can do to her is nothing, and if the Hog tries to heal, one shield bash would completely negate that, and now Hog is an easy kill. Winston’s Tesla Cannon doesn’t do anything to her because of her passive, only thing left to do is leap away, and doesn’t do enough damage to get past Brigitte’s passive either. usually relies on defense matrix to defend herself, that’s why some heroes with beams and melees have an upper hand, like Zarya, Symmetra, Reinhardt, and now Brigitte.

Her flail doesn’t do that much damage, but it swings so fast that it feels like it does. Also her passive will not only heal allies around her, but can heal herself which is an issue. I tested that one swing on an enemy will heal about 80hp overtime, and if you keep rapidly swinging against an enemy that’s attacking you, it’s like your being pocketed because your health will not go down easily. You need several people to take her down, not because she’s an evasive healer like Mercy with her glide, or Moira with her fade, but because she can EASILY defend herself. She’s like a one-woman army because:
A. She can do an insane amount of damage herself
B. Her passive heals so much its like a Mercy is pocketing her
C. Her stun ability cancels important abilities, ults, and leads up to a broken combo with Bash+Flail+Whipshot=about (one shots Tracer)

In my opinion on what to nerf, i feel like she should swing slower/flail does less damage, make her stun ability harder to hit or replace it with something else, and fix her passive, make it where it only heals allies, and not herself, and give her regeneration like Mercy so she has a way to heal herself, like most supports can.

I also understand that some supports themselves can do crazy damage like Zen with his charge shot and discord, and Moira with her long-ranged beam and orbs, but the thing is is that you need to aim and predict your enemies movements with Zen, with Brigitte you have a melee as your primary, so aiming isn’t a problem with her. With Moira, she will mainly rely on her orbs, whether using a damage orb to try and kill, or healing orb to try and survive, or just flee from the fight. Brigitte has all the damage and healing she needs at the same time, while Moira has to either rely on more damage or more healing in a fight.

Everything else is fine with me such as the Repair Pack, Whip Shot, Rally, and her shield by itself (of course not the shield bash, but the size and health is okay for me) I know this is a long discussion, but I just needed to let this out, and see if there are people that agree with me, or someone who disagrees could change my mind, and maybe if I’m lucky someone from Blizzard will read and respond. If you read this whole thing, and either agree of disagree, please, I’d love to hear your guys’ input on Brigitte. Maybe there are some points I left out! Thanks!

EDIT: I have seen a lot of replies mentioning that in order for Brigitte to input so much damage, you need to be in her melee range, and a majority of you are saying to just stay away from her range. What about when you have to push to capture a point or defend/attack a payload, you will end up being in her melee range if your pushing. Only characters like Widow, Hanzo, and Pharah don’t really have to be in her melee range to help attack/defend a point because their main jobs are to inflict damage from far away, but that’s only 3 of the 28 heroes in the game, and even so, she has a shield to help defend herself against these characters until one of her teammates can deal with the Widow or Pharah or Hanzo. I’m sure there are some characters you’ll say that don’t need to dive the point, but I’m just pointing out the most common characters that don’t usually dive a point. So that’s my argument about being in Brigitte’s melee range! Thanks again for your responses, there were some very good arguments out there!


she has counters tho, its just terrible how difficult she makes winstons job.

her counters are basically soft counters and are not reliable. Junkrat spamming her is not as easy as it sounds, and she can still just walk up to him and stun him. Pharah shooting her for a long time just creates more time for brig’s team to kill the pharah. Doomfist is probably her best counter, and he can’t even 1shot her so she can still get out of it.

All that nonsense about “just break her shield and then shoot her” is ridiculous considering how much time it takes to just break her shield alone, nevermind trying to kill her with her armor on. Her ultimate may as well be renamed to “god mode” because she is unkillable in it. I wish I could attack during transcendence…that’d be nice…also overpowered.


You have a pretty small window to do so anyway, even if she’s completely away from cover.

Nothing feels quite as great as catching her out of position with Roadhog, unloading an entire clip just to break her shield, and then seeing her regenerate most of it during the reload animation.


She’s fine. Every thing about her right now is fine.


You guys need to realize she’s also a tank.

It’s like those “Nerf threads” where they’re saying stuff like, Oh she killed me! She has 600 HP and 2 lives, and even when I get in her face I still die!!! Oh yeah I’m playing McCree.

Like c’mon y’all.


what exactly about her is “fine”? did you even read the arguments about why she is overpowered? or are you just sharing your opinion because she’s your new favorite hero?


In bronze/silver I can see a brigette beating a road hog but once you hit gold + you will find that will no longer be the case as hog can out duel her.


We can normally play around tanks by going around them or poking them down before committing to a fight, since they’re not really doing much other than absorbing damage. Tanks are generally the lowest-priority targets, unless they’re the only thing you’re able to focus on at the time (and their goal is basically to make that happen).

Brigitte, in contrast, is a top-priority target as a healer and stun/burst assassin. She gets the same hard-to-kill attributes of a tank, except she’s the target you’re trying to get past the tanks to kill. Once you do get past them, she gets to tank for herself while still continuing to fulfill her other roles.

The problem isn’t directly that Brigitte is hard to kill; it’s the amount of extra value she’s still getting, beyond tanking, by simply surviving while people are trying to kill her.

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i dont agree w this tbqh, pharah kills her really quickly and in the middle of a teamfight she occupies that role well like any counter should
i mean this is just my experience but whenever ive focused brig as pharah it was an easy & fast kill


I don’t believe she has any counters at all. Someone told me earlier that she was countered by Pharah and Junkrat because she has no range. My thinking is, it’s not her job to kill Pharah or Junkrat, that’s her teams job.

She is, on the other hand, better off than most supports at defending herself from Pharah or Junkrat. She has higher than average health, and she has a 600 health shield.


I agree. Brigette is long overdue for a nerf.
Every hit she makes heals herself, so taking her down has been a challenge, especially if she has a mercy pocking her.
I can’t pinpoint what the issue is with her though, it’s either her speed, healing upon hits or her shield.


What damage? Basic attacks do 35 while Bash does 50 and Whipshot 70, she also needs to get into range for being a melee hero. Her combo does 155 which exhausts all cooldowns, for 200 HP she needs to add two regular melee hits.

The passive is 16hp/s, four more than Lucio non amped healing. Brig also has to score melee hits to activate her passive, fail to see how that’s a problem.

You know what else cancels abilities and ults? Earthshatter, Sleep dart, Flashbang, Mei freeze, Sombra’s hack and yet no one is screaming for nerfs about them.

She combos Tracer to death and 200HP heroes but needs help on anyone beefier. Brig was made to give flankers and dive problems, if Tracer can survive the combo then Brig will be useless.


Make it so she can’t shield bash stun through shield barriers, that’s probably all that needs to be done.

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Yea, how unfortunate that she has to hit that hero once or twice more while they’re shaking around trying to aim at her head so she can take SOME damage, albeit very little.

The problem is that she’s wearing armor. Even 16hps is a lot of survivability to someone who is already hard to kill. She’s also never attacking anyone by herself, so she’s either getting healed while she’s hitting people, or she’s getting peels from her teammates.

That’s because they’re not on a 6sec cooldown and therefore have to be used wisely. Unlike shield bash.

Yea, but most heroes are 200hp, and for the others the help she needs is so miniscule because she is so tanky that it’s basically a guaranteed kill for her anyway.


I don’t think that , just because brig isnt a pushover, means she needs nerfing. If all of her abilities were the exact same, with the exact same values and quantities, but was in the tank category, absolutely no one would have an issue with her.

People throw a fit because she doesn’t meet their expectations. She’s not all that hard to kill. she’s hard to kill for a support, and that’s what people don’t like. There is no topic too petty for the Overwatch community to avoid complaining about. This is Chief among them.

Since day one, complaints about brig have been as ridiculous as they are now.

If roadhog had been released today, the same players would ensure there would be no shortage of uproar about him. “this tank does too much damage he was not a DPS wah wah wah”.

Brig is fine. She has always been fine. people just need to get over the fact that they can’t get an easy kill on her but instead have to treat her like an actual adversary.


pharah and winston both hard counter her pretty hard

You literally did the same thing.

What argument?
No facts presented.
All opinion based, its even in the OP.


Brigitte was designed specifically to counter dive. Slowing her swing speed or damage would prevent her being able to one-shot combo Tracer, which is intentional by the devs

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Pharah kinda sort of maybe, but winstons?!? WINSTON? what? How? She’s one of his harder counters not just because she can stun to save her teammates but because her whip shot is incredibly easy to hit on winston right before he lands sending him flying back. Plus she gives out armor which is winston’s biggets weakness.