Please don't ignore players, do something with brigitte

Why you ignore us?
Brigitte it my the biggest frustration in this game.
I hate she, even not because she killed me (other heroes can kill me too), i hate how she do kills. Absolutely NO RESPECT gameplay as brigitte, your opponents shooting, choosing positions, moving, but brigitte just press few buttons…Not balanced? May be. But its totally unfair. Her gameplay is 95% her abilities.

Doomfist has same gameplay. Not fun play against him, you agree? But he has not shield and if something gone wrong he will die, but brigitte - not. She hiding behind shield, someone can heal you at that moment or just use her ult. Noone likes to feel yourself like meat, unpleasantly play and die against it.

I’m sad what Blizzard adding heroes this kind. it shows how they relate to players. To their product (game) they relate very carefully, reverently but not for players.
I haven’t to add anything more…
Sorry for my english i’m ukrainian.

Fun is subjective and shouldn’t be balanced around

I have a blast playing Brigitte


English is not your native language is it?

Yes its fun if you playing as brigitte. Here i said why not fun play against she!

At this point i think he is using a crappy translator but, oh well.

Brig has obvious counters, the main one is staying out of her range or playing range heroes.

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there are countless characters i find un-fun to play against though.

Fun is subjective and should not be balanced around

Brigitte has counters, you can use them by simply switching off

Tracers gameplay is 99% abilities
Genji’s gameplay is 99% abilities
Orisa’s gameplay is 99% abilities


Mb my english so wrong and you cant undarstand what i talking not about her counters or what she is OP, i said about mechanic and why it awful

I can understand you (kinda) but still, Brig is balanced she has her strong and weak points.

A weak point is her lack of range and dmg

I argue she’s fun to play, reasonably counterable and not invincible or OP. I still have not seen this unstoppable Brigitte that people claim to be fighting.


Same for me, the only unstoppable thing i seen is Pharmercy…

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The guy is saying she is antifun and bad game design because she is low skill low risk high reward since her kit was forged in a way that it minimizes being punished for being sloppy and that they shouldn’t put characters like that in the game.

Her being balanced and having counters isn’t a counter argument to what he is saying.

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Try playing someone who’s ranged and more or less focus her down.

Don’t you love looking at kill cams of Brigitte, Moira, or Winston killing you?

How is tracer unfun to play against if the majority of people in silver literally stay still when they shoot? My dude, brigitte is busted. 4% pickrate and 57% winrate in gm. I gladly invite you to a gm game of mine where you can judge if Brigitte is still a blast to play or not.

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you can punish a sloppy Brigitte player

Low skill and high skill are just opinions based on ones own perspective of skill
Fun is subjective based on one own perspective of skill
Bad game design is an opinion based on ones own perspective

OP is really saying nothing at all. We gave him a work around to his perceived problems with Brigitte

Yes! Thanks =)

The only problem I have with Brigitte is more a problem with my choice of main (Sombra); she can kill me while hacked while I’m dancing on a hacked healthpack…but that’s because her strength is close quarters combat while self healing and I have to be close enough to deal adequate damage.

In teamfights where I can get range after the hack its not so much an issue though, so again, really just my problem. She’s fine imo (outside of the absurd amount of armor she grants of course)

If you think Bridget is broken- not in need of tweaks but straight up broken- you’re part of the meta she was designed to kill.

Granted, I don’t like this forced meta nonsense but it’s the game you’re choosing to play.

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At least Ana can get high up where she can’t reach.

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I bought game without bri
And now i feel myself like meat whos brigitte can stun, kill by button. Not this game i bought