Brigitte is singlehandedly killing my will to play this game

No it’s not Hanzo, not double sniper or grav combo or whatever, it’s Brigitte.

Every single time someone picks that hero, I instantly want to quit the game for good, simply because the reward she gets out of the effort you have to put into play her is absurd.

Her pickrates are solid, her winrate is through the roof.

No, I do not want to pick something to counter her, because it’s absolutely pointless, you need 3 people countering (and focusing) her at low diamond, and sometimes it’s not enough, you’ll just lose the teamfight to the other 5.

I am fed up of this hero, and no nerf is on the horizon, she absolutely, singlehandedly, swings entire games by herself

I am not an OWL player, i’m not even a master player, and this is the issue: in diamond and below, this hero is absolutely and utterly unbearable, and i have no idea on what to do about it.


i might just instalock her every game until blizzard decides to nerf this 4% pickrate 59% winrate hero

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Honestly I’m all out of suggestions now…


I think shes killing everyones will.

She counters like the whole squad.

And that’s a lot of hero’s that people love to play

so a lot of people are in the dumps.



Your explanation actually reminds me of Pharah

Mace to face about to make you quit. Hanzo is more of an problem than Brigitte.

  • play hanzo
  • use storm arrow on her shield
  • shoot 2 arrows into her body
  • she dead and you have 80% ult charge
  • shoot some1 else
  • 100% ult charge
  • shoot ult through wall
  • kill 5 people at once
  • get POTG and feel good about urself

I think we have a fundamental problem if the answer to “counter this hero” is “one of the most broken heroes ever” (that is also gonna get nerfed btw)

You could also pick Pharah or Junkrat, but if you don’t want to pick a counter counter… Then you just have to deal with it or leave.

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I guess Pharah or Junkrat or Hanzo is the reason why she has 59% winrate

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And Symmetra had the highest winrate of all characters before her rework. The game will be as hard as you want to be, you can pick Pharah and destroy her, or keep doing the same without switching to a counter and whine. In the end the choice is yours to make.


then lose,

You either out skill her, out counter her,

end of story


Symmetra 0.53% pickrate

Brigitte 4.36% pickrate

Quite the difference

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I’ve been saying since she came out that her issue (beyond power level) is exactly the same as Pharah’s: She’s specifically designed to decide outcomes on the character select screen instead of in gameplay.

Also known as Rock, Paper, Scissors.

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Orisa, reinhardt, roadhog, zarya, bastion, doomfist, hanzo, junkrat, mccree, mei, pharah, reaper, soldier, sombra, symmetra, trobjorn, widowmaker, ana, lucio, moira and zenyatta.

Those are the heroes that counter her.
(some simply erase her the moment she steps in front of them)



Now explain the 59% winrate if she has all those nice counters.

Facts guys, facts, not opinions.


She does have counters, and specially at low diamond, they feel like they’re unstoppable. Just get a spam hero and ask for damage boost. Easy kill.

Look at the pickrate of those heroes.
Facts people. Facts.


Whats your favorite hero you like to play?
can you or do you stream to provide us with matches?
so we can help with your gameplay we can give a critique, give advice to help against a Brig?

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