Might as well join this: "Dream Patchnotes" bandwagon

A lot of people have recently been posting patch notes they deem to be ideal for them. I guess it’d be cool to upload mine.

  • Configuration: Sentry:
  1. Iron-Clad - Removed
  2. Previous Changes to Configuration: Sentry’s spread have been reverted
  3. Headshots Enabled
  • Configuration: Tank:
  1. Iron-Clad - Removed
  2. Bastion now gains 150 armor when Configuration: Tank, is activated
  • Leap:
  1. Cooldown increased to 8 seconds
  • Combat Roll:
  1. For each headshot hit Combat Roll’s cooldown will decrease by 1 second
  • Shadow Step:
  1. Cast time reduced to 1 second
  • Sombra:
  1. Movement speed increased to 6 meters per second (from 5.5)
  • Hack:
  1. When hack is applied after an ability is cast, the ability will be purged.
  • Translocator:
  1. Translocator is now indestructible
  • Photon Projector:
  1. Time spent to increase damage has been reduced to 1 second (formerly 2)
  • Sentry Turret:
  1. Time taken to produce another turret reduced to 8 seconds (formerly 10)
  • Grappling Hook:
  1. Cooldown increased to 10 seconds (formerly 8)
  • Biotic Rifle:
  1. Damage increased to 75 (formerly 70)
  • Sleep Dart:
  1. Cooldown decreased to 10 seconds
  2. Damage threshold of 30 damage now added for sleeping enemies
  • New Ability - Rappel:
  1. Ana can use this ability to move up to a ledge or high space before engagement
  2. Cooldown: 10 seconds
  • New passive - All Patched Up:
  1. Ana will gain 40% of the healing she provides back to herself
  • NanoBoost:
  1. Fully replenishes target’s health upon activation
  2. Provides 30% speed boost to target
  • Crossfade:
  1. Area of effect increased to 15 meters (formerly 10)

Tell me what you guys think of my ideas. I’m always open to criticism and advice.


I love your Lucio and Ana ideas!

Your Sym ideas are great too! Though I think the 5 second cooldown on turrets are a bit too low, perhaps 8 seconds though? The turrets are a lot more powerful than before but for sure the 10 seconds is still lengthy.

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Thank you!

I can see what you mean about my Symmetra idea. My thought process was: “Well there are half as many so she should get them back in half the time” But at the same time they’re twice as effective. So yeah maybe 8 seconds is a bit more fair.

I think brigs combo against 150 hp heroes should be kept so that a tracer cant recall and re attemp while brigs abillities are down

The problem with the combo is that sequentially does 155 damage in less than 3 seconds if you execute it right. The main builder for damage in this case is whipshot since it does 70 damage, which is way way too much for an ability meant to push opponents away. The combo you talk about may kill tracer off but it also ruins every other 200 hp hero in the game like supports.

Yeah and i can see the problems with it. Im currently not home but would a mace tothe face followed by her combo kill a tracer?

Not sure what this means. Hopefully you can explain! The translocator buff needs to be put in before the garbage PTR changes go live. I think giving extra damage to hacked targets would work better than just blatantly increasing her damage because it seems like they want her focused less of her gun and more on hack, so increasing damage to hacked targets even if it just increases damage taken from sombra would keep emphasis on hack while giving her the extra damage she needs

Currently when hacked is applied after an ability is cast the ability stays active.

Take Zarya for example. I can hack her but if she activates the bubble righ before the hack is complete she keeps the bubble. With my proposed change the bubble is immediately destroyed.

Also increasing her damage normally is just more consistent. Sombra’s 2 biggest issues are that she can’t help much during a team fight and she’s extremely inconsistent. Making it so only hacked enemies get increased damage would only make her more inconsistent and worsen her.

ana one is good so she can two shot tracer

Yeah having to 3 shot a flanking tracer is a bit ridiculous

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Why would you make Briggitte easier and useless? Wouldnt it rather be better to increase her skill ceiling?

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Most of these are quite good, with the exception of Ana and Brigitte’s changes.

The first half of the Ana changes are great, but the said they don’t want to add mobility to her, and 30% speed boost as removed for a reason. Instead, boosted targets could have increased healing by 50%(imagine boosting a coalecance…)

As for the Brigitte changes, these would destroy her. She has one skill shot, and it shouldn’t be removed. Instead, how about these changes:

Shield health reduced to 500

Shield bash cool down increased to 8 seconds

Flail damage decreased to 30 per swing

Self healing from inspire reduced to 12 health per second(same as Lucio)

Inspire now lasts 10 seconds

Repair pack projectile speed increased

Repair pack cool down decreased by 1 second

Rally now rapidly provides armor for 5 seconds, giving up to 300 at once on a target(this would be 60 per second), after 2 seconds, it decreases at the same rate.

I have just one request:
Make seismic slam and uppercut reset if you manage to get a kill with them. This increases doomfists survivability

I’m not too sure on that one.

I feel like any increase to Doomfist’s survivability is through his shield passive, otherwise he will actually become an unstoppable behemoth.

But if I had to give a buff to him, it’d be to reduce the end-lag of Rocket Punch and Seismic Slam.

You cant’t break Brigitte’s one-shot on Tracer without breaking both Brigitte and Tracer. Brigitte doesn’t need a bigger hitbox on whipshot, it’s working as intended. This isn’t really related but we’re talking about Brigitte balance so I’m going to mention that Shield Bash stunning through barriers is killing the main tank role.

Bastion would still need at least one rework after your suggested changes, I don’t know if that is intended or not.

Just lower the cooldown of combat roll. A western theme is no reason to over complicate a balance decision and potentially leave the hero worse off as a result.

I’m assuming the Sombra changes are based on the live patch but you should clarify for readers. What is purging an ability? Please explain in detail if it is a cc.

Have you considered lowing Widowmaker’s hp to 150, instead? I don’t know if it’s the best idea but I find the concept of more 150 hp heroes to be fascinating.

Please explain rappel in greater detail, I could explain way too many unique mobility options in this game with that same generalization. Everything about “all patched up” sounds super OP combined with whatever Rappel is. What if getting cc’d canceled just the speed boost?

Why no love for Junkrat?

Bastion: Yes please

McCree: Sure

Reaper: Sure

Sombra: I personally don’t think she really needs the spread and damage buffs, if she can kill people too quick, people won’t want to play against her, which will just get her nerfed again… I think Fitzy also said something along those lines, and I agree with him on that.

Symmetra: Yeah, her primary fire feels a bit weak, it’s a little too hard to build up DPS with it…

Widow: Sure I guess…?

Ana: I like everything but the 30% speed boost… I doubt they’d want to bring beyblade back.

Lucio: Sure

Brigitte: I don’t think she needs that many nerfs… The combo should be able to kill a Tracer, she’s a counter to flankers. The rally nerfs also seem pretty unneeded. And Rally is a transformation ult which are unstoppable, having hack stop it would mess with the consistency of the game quite a bit.

I think you are too harsh on the Brig nerfs. I honestly think she is in a okay state right now. What you are proposing would pertty much gut the hero to uselessness.

I like the ana ideas. From the wording i would assume the hook would only be able to be used out of combat? i like that. give her more options for positioning while still having a mobility weakness that Blizz seems to want her to have.

The lucio idea is not bad. personally i like the idea of using amp it up to increase the healing or speed radius for its duration. Since its not constant you could knock it up to around 20 meters (same as current brig) that way your bursts have a better chance of hitting your team and you still have to pay attention to your positioning outside of it like normal. Plus its thematic. he is playing his music louder right so it only makes sense it affects reach farther.

The Brigitte changes you’re talking about are much better than mine. Pretty reasonable.

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