Why Brig vs. Tracer is frustrating

Disclaimer: not even a tracer main, I play mostly zen and hog. So I’m not even being overly bias in this post.

Brig counters Tracer with so much less effort, it’s hilarious. On tracer, you need to use “gamesense” to select and time your flank correctly, have excellent aim to track, and rely on quick reactions to recall out.

On brig it’s just hold shield until flanker is close enough, bash in their general direction, hold mouse 1, and they’re dead. Less skill requiring heroes are more effective than those that require more skill. That’s why this game is frustrating.


And pharah counters brigitte just as badly, what’s your point.


In the end the basic idea of this hero system is that some heroes counter others and if someone picks your counter you have to switch to something that works or you need to be so much better that she can’t stop you.


It’s frustrating for the same reason pharah vs symm is frustrating as stmm. Because they are meant to be a counter. Although the main reason people call brigi a counter to tracer is because she hands out permanent armour via her ulti which increases time to kill people as tracer.

Normally a tracer which just play outside a Brigid range and chip her down without brigi having the chance to do anything.


This is how hard counters work.

Your 9/10 going to lose against a reaper as Winston and 7/10 going to lose against a reaper as hog :man_shrugging: try to stop 1v1ing so much.


Not necessarily, you can have someone else deal with the Pharah whereas getting someone else to deal with the Brigitte is a bit more of a team effort (albeit, if they decide to run Pharmercy, you might have to consolidate more members to dealing with that Pharah) and Pharah is oppressive because of her primary fire which you can avoid. Tracer still needs to contend with armor that is going to make her entire job harder than merely avoiding Brigitte.

It is honestly the worst match-up in the game.


Brigitte was designed to counter her and Dive.

The real issue is she counters a lot of other heroes that weren’t in Dive.


High skill tracers were dominating the game, now average players have a chance, too bad so sad


Try Junkrat vs Pharah. Widow vs Winston. Winston vs Brigitte. Tracer has plenty of counter play.

Press x, square, or h.


It’s not any more complicated for Tracer than just not getting within stun range. I think you’re exaggerating a bit. I had a Tracer pick my shield down from just outside stun range yesterday. 600 damage isn’t that much for a big target like that.

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and what exactly can do Zen against tracer?
that’s how the games work

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I think it’s fair because brigitte is probably tracer’s only hard counter in the game.


Its just annoying that they add brain dead heroes to counter high skill ones, wouldnt be an issue if brig was at least a moderately skilled hero, not the easiest in the entire game.

don’t know what to say but this is not fair …

This isn’t called “more effective” it’s called “counter”. And everyone should have at least one. Everything is fine.


First of all, Tracer doesn’t need to aim. She has the mobility to get in point blank range of someone, making it so she can’t miss.

Second of all, that’s what a hard counter does. We still meed her former counters-Roadhog, McCree, Sombra- to be strong enough to finally come back to counter her as well, simply because Tracer deserves getting countered.


Nice bait

auto aim overwatch …

Well yeah all heroes should have counters- the issue i see is the difference in skill that brig and tracer require to do well

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