Brigitte's shieldhealth should be lowered. It is what makes her dominate everyone 1v1

Nah she doesn’t need a compensation buff. Just shield to 500 and see where she stands. In play she takes either a support or a DPS slot the VASTTTT majority of the time. Tanking is also just space denial, presence, ability to draw focus from the enemy team. Her 600 hp shield that can’t be head shot, along with her close range burst combo, allow her to have an immense presence.

Just drop the shield to 500 and see how it plays out. Well played Brigittes probably won’t feel it. Meanwhile, her winrates might normalize somewhat throughout the ladder.

It’s rare to see an honest Brigitte player.Most of them say “Eheh git gud.U dunt wanna adapt.”

Burst damage can happen at roughly any time, though. Just because Reinhardt’s shield is healthy right now doesn’t mean that by the time you try to go confirm a kill around a corner or something (your words) his shield will still be healthy and waiting for you when you return.

Statistical character winrates don’t demonstrate character balance, though. Brigitte is a character that virtually every good player says is not a problem. The people who have issue with her are typically bad players who don’t even realize their own bad play.

My next-highest is Orisa at 65% and slightly less than half the playtime.
What does this question have to do with SR, though?

Like I said, winrates don’t matter to me, so as far as I’m concerned, that’s just Greek.

If this is meant to imply something, then just say it.

Otherwise, I don’t see how me having a lot of hours on a character disqualifies me from having an opinion about the character. Especially when (as already stated) I’m willing to swap off of her when countered instead of complaining.

Im specifically talking about the guy that said 200hp. Like…really?

As much as you cant headshot Brigitte, she still has some leeway around her shield; splash damage is quite effective against her because compared to other barriers, it only covers just the character model, allowing damage from the angled sides unlike Rein or Orisa who has a bigger area.

100hp still makes a difference, just like how they reduced S76 damage from 20 to 19, Tracers pulse bomb from 400 to 300 and micro missiles damage nerf. Small, but its a big difference.

If you want to nerf her 500hp, at least increase inspire from 16 to 18 and let her heal better.

I would focus the healing less on her and more on her team mates.Like reducing repair pack to 4 seconds and 100hp(25hp/sec).So she can heal more frequently.

No, she is by herself, a full on anti-flanking monster. There needs to be a compromise. She needs to be an anti-flank assist. I have invested so much time into getting good at Tracer and other flankers but suddenly a hero is introduced that doesn’t take a player with anything more than three fingers and one arm to counter high skill heroes who people have invested a lot of time into.

Before Brig, Tracer could be countered with commutation and heroes like Zen, Cree, Reaper, Doom, and even Soldier who all took equal skill to shut down a Tracer. Now we have Brig who people can just pick up and counter enemies immediately. How boring.

Here is how you fix the stupid IKEA knight, with a brig fat nerf.

  • Shield health reduced to 200 HP
  • Shield bash stun now replaced with a boop that knocks enemies back and does 70 damage, formerly 50 damage. (Now if the Brig has enough skill, she can land her rocket flail on the booped enemy leaving them crippled, flying backward, and retreating instead of 1-shot-comboing them. IT’S FINALLY FUN! and SKILLFUL!)
  • Inspire healing (the one with the mace flails) now only heals Brigitte if she has not taken damage for 1 second. Inspire healing reduced from 16 healing/second to 10 healing/second.

Oh my god, she is perfect now and still viable. Rather than completely shutting down Tracer and flankers on her own, she can properly assist anti-flank allies in fending them off by using her shield, armor packs, and mace. Brigitte can no longer 1 shot combo enemies now and is far less annoying to deal with.

The game needs dynamics brought back to it, there are so few fun options on what to play now. It’s always a Brig and grav dragon. Give us more and don’t ruin the game for heroes that take skill by adding some OP ones that take none. That’s all I want, I just want to enjoy Overwatch again, and I don’t want to end up quitting to go play some boring Royalle shooter or some typical COD/Siege-like shooter. But people ARE quitting, regional top 500’s and pros ARE quitting because this game is just annoying to play. It’s going to take less than some dev making a better game with the ideas of Overwatch to completely shut this game down. I’m getting close to finishing my CS degree and I’m considering to start planning one myself (I would rather apply that energy to work towards completely rebalancing/reworking Overwatch’s sandbox in my spare time, but I don’t think the devs would even bat an eye at it), I am just getting so annoyed at this game. The same thing happened with WOW, people got too angry about the balancing on that game, that Blizzard completely pulled out of their own forums and other community forums, OW is getting to the point of annoyance and the community is getting to the point of anger that the same is imminent to happen here soon.

So basically, she’s a worse Roadhog?


Not even close.

That’s game sense through and through. To have a 66% win rate you should be able to know where the enemy is, where the pressures are likely to come from, what your main tanks situation is like. While burst damage ofc happens, Brigitte also has one of the most clutch burst heals in her 150 repair pack that goes into armor overheal. Can set someone up for a kill they’d be pressured away from, or get someone around a corner they’d otherwise die trying to reach.

Game sense, and when played with strong game sense, Brigitte is ridiculous outside of the highest tiers.

We are all bad players. The good players you are referring to are literally 1% or less of the overall population. And yeah, I even said her kit is kind of balanced, with highest tiers in mind, but outside of that, it’s ridiculous, as demonstrated by the winrates. The goal isn’t to prove some conclusion we came to through feeling, but to understand a situation and illuminate the details of it. Statistics help us in that illumination. Dismissing them is just willful ignorance. There’s margins of error in EVERYTHING. Inaccuracies in everything. Objective statistical data like pick and win rates offers us something to refer our anecdotes and experiences to. They are not to be dismissed or taken as gospel, they are to be considered.

Considering that, my own personal experience, and also what I have seen/thought about/considered, the most logical adjustment to Brigitte is to lower her shield health. It raises her skill floor, as you need to rely on game sense to mitigate damage, not just derping into a storm of projectile spam and such. Brigittes get away with too much throwing their body into stupid situations and coming out of it alive. Sure, it feels good when you do it, but it’s not good for the game as a whole.

Keep playing Orisa and see if she keeps up with your Brigitte in winrate, similar hours played. For you to be maintaining 60%+ winrates within your tier, after like 10 hours of playing, you are being matched with people you’re clearly better than. If you’re only achieving that on 1 hero, then that hero is possibly broken in the tier you’re playing in.

The matchmaker, the SR system, etc, tries to create matches where the teams have a 50/50 chance of winning. To have consistent 60% over a lot of hours is an issue. Especially if it’s only with 1 particular hero.

When we have THIS MANY PEOPLE having this level of success with one specific hero, to have such a wild variance in the overall average via Overbuff, for over a season, there is no way you can argue this isn’t a problem, or a huge deviation from the norm as far as this game and hero design is considered.

The obvious cause is probably a rock bottom skill floor. Lowering shield health raises that floor substantially, while having less of an impact at the highest tiers where team coordination and such make the individual shield health not very important. It’s not relied on often.

She had counters.But those counters required aim and skill. Compare tracer,on her you had to burn down max. 299hp.On Brigitte it’s 600hp shield+200hp+50armor(which halves the damage you deal).
And the people who say Tracer has a "free out of jail card"with recall.Atleast you can cause her to retreat.Besides Brigitte’s “free out of jail card” has 600hp.

Go away Brig main, your presence tilts me out of my chair. Try to get GM before she is nerfed fixed.

No you shouldn’t have said that.Now she’s gonna try and make you look like a crybaby to make herself feel supperior XD

Nah, they already made themselves look like a crybaby by reducing the shield to 200hp

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I am a crybaby who wants this IKEA knight who is more wretched than the Dark Lord Sauron repelled so peace and skill can return to the realm of Overwatch.

200 hp is ridiculous 400-500 is the sweet spot

My point still stands, crying over one hero and making them useless just to get their way is basically a crybaby.

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See the problem with your logic is that you’re assuming that Brigitte was introduced to target average Tracers, like yourself.

She wasn’t.

She was introduced to curtail Tracer’s at a solid level who could literally play around every single one of her counters. Those changes would do literally nothing to make her a flanker counter, because she’d be trivial to play around. You’d never have to fear her combo, she’d be completely non-viable as an actual healer and she’d have no personal survivability in a teamfight despite being a squishy, high-value target, who has to get up close and personal to get any sort of value from her kit.

Brigitte is far closer to being balanced than not.

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Any reasonable person should see a suggestion of 200 shield health and write that person’s opinion off. Super exaggerated. Shield health reduction though, imo, is what should be done. 400-500 shield hp total.

200 HP, flankers will need to be at range before closing in. Tracer does 120 DPS at range and with spread, some of those will miss, so she will do about 60-80 DPS on the shield, it will take no less than 2.5 seconds for her to pop it in a good scenario. On average, a Tracer could probably pop the 200 HP shield at range in 3-5 seconds. This is more than enough time for Brig to close the distance and boop her away or call an anti-flank over to deal with the problem.

Yeah, no kidding. There’s a reason that I referred to this sort of thing as being punished for mistakes.

It’s not a mistake I make often. But the point IS, when it happens, she’s capable of be punished for it. That’s what this entire conversation was about.

Problem with this argument is that it’s swapping statistical data for probability. Winrates DESCRIBE what’s happening with a character, but doesn’t prescribe it. In other words, even if only 1% of the gaming populace right now is dealing with Brigitte properly, there’s an easy fix for that: the rest of them need to get better, even if only a little bit.

The 1% number is not an unchangeable absolute.

That’s not an excuse. Statistics are helpful, but they aren’t the gospel, either. As I said, this isn’t probability. The 99% of players that are losing to Brigitte have the same opportunity to improve their game that the 1% do.

And, for a while in Season 10, they were. Her winrates fell to like 54% or something. Even now, they’re still falling. When the season started, her winrates were like 64% or something else ridiculous.

Again, I don’t care about winrates, so I don’t see what I have to prove. I don’t feel like playing as Orisa right now, so I’m not going to just to see if my wins are deserved or something. I don’t care.

When I see how badly people are actually playing against her, yes, I will.

And that’s the last I’m going to say about this. We’re going in circles now and it’s clear we aren’t going to get past this whole “winrates” thing.

You forget 2 things tho.

  1. Flankers arent supposed to be good against Brigitte as she primarily counters them
  2. Other heroes exist that can output damage. I get that Tracer is the mascot of the game, but other heroes exist as well.