God I can’t wait for Season 10

I’m going to abuse Brigitte to hit GM for the first time and I have no shame.


This is why I am skeptical about this season.


At least your being honest


I doubt it will work


Thinking about doing the same with moira and mercy.

but im scared ill get bored of them and then feel bad about basically throwing games at a rank i dont belong.

Dont know why i keep sticking with zen, trying to improve as a player when everyone else is just using the easy option and ranking up.


More Baguette, less Mercy, I guess.

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What if the enemy team has a Brigitte too? Which will happen almost all the time for one or two weeks.
Pretty sure you won’t gain anything.
Unless you played her a lot.
Which is not the case.


i have seen so many moira mains reach masters this season. most of them where high plats or low diamonds for 3-4 seasons.

bridget is the new moira who was the new mercy.

she is boring to death so i dont think you will see her in every game. most people hate her so they will not even play her. i for sure wont touch her even if i know ill win a lost game.



I doubt it will work

Your welcome to try though

It would be fun to see the realization hit you that no hero is a free ticket to gm

Well it could work. When Moira came out I went around 230 games with an 87% win rate.


I think she is the new mercy one trick meme.

I’m going to wait a few days before I start my placement matches.


I have played her a lot. I mostly play in PUGs and Scrims tho so it doesn’t show.

I also play her in FFA but that’s different.

It could actually work, lol. If the persons Brig play is powerful enough we expect a steady climb until he gets to a level players can contain her play.

I doubt it getting gm takes considerable game knowledge

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I intend to one trick Brigitte this season. Well actually I’m going to one trick Lindholm. If Brigitte is already picked I’m going Torb because he’s the next closest thing. If both are picked I’m going Rein because he’s the next closest. I doubt I’ll have to worry about all 3.


The only reason why I think this isn’t going to work out for you is because that Brigitte is busted, but only in the right context. When used in the wrong one, you are no better than an attack Sym.

Doubt it.

I Saw many many MANY high masters who cant even build a proper comb. People are so desperate to be the next Dafran or aimbotkalvin that there are a lot of Genji/Tracers OT. I got many teams where we don’t have a single Tank nor a Main healer.

People can easily get carried to GM by playing on stacks.

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You’re overestimating the strength of GMs.

If anything GMs get the most tilted by Brigitte being no skill.