Brigitte is balanced !? HOW!

I only have one question. How on earth is this balanced. Like how can you say brigitte is balanced. She just ruined the fun in the game. How can this support hero 1 v 1 a rein and kill him, 1 v 1 a hog and kill him, kill tracer in a second. And above all this, she made alot of ppl uninstall the game.


she isnt she’s broken


She honestly isn’t even that insane. Low healing and overall damage output, plus low mobility. Hell, even the pros hardly play her and that was before her nerfs. The community just sucks in general at adapting to change and coordination, both of which can be used to wreck an enemy brig.


I was playing shooting Brig with her shield down and her health bar didn’t move. She popped me out of my meka with ease and then killed me as baby but Brig isn’t op or broken. :woman_shrugging:t5:


her dps is 56 in 1.2 seconds without cooldowns

she doesnt miss and she doesnt reload

thats crazy


She’s moderately OP, but she’s not crazy hair on fire OP like GravDragons.

Nobody can afford to run brig, unless it’s as triple support.


That isn’t high. That is arround 4 seconds to kill a squishy hero. Nearly every hero in the game has a faster time to kill. Hell, even Mercys pistol can put out more dps.


1v1 a rein? lol that is actually a load good sir. No brig has ever beaten me alone while I play rein. Seems to me those reins who did lose were either injured, can’t aim a fire strike, or for whatever reason didn’t smack her at every possible moment they could.

Roadhog is the same thing actually. Get two or three good left clicks into her, hook, and then finish her. Bam! No armor health prior to hook = dead brig. People need to stop exaggerating. Almost every nerf thread is coming from a place of frustration, and it really clouds a person’s objectivity.


Brigittes shield bash was my trigger to leave the game (Reinhardt main), although there were other factors.
I could argue she’s op, but I don’t feel like looking into statistics or whatever.
Balanced or OP, it doesn’t matter, she’s not fun to be played against.


support btw. I was watching a bit of kabaji’s stream where he played Brigitte for like 5 minutes. he flanked around on attack and got a 4 K (both dps, both healers) by himself by just swinging his egg whisk around. It was pretty hilarious but sad at the same time


it is when you dont have to aim
when you damage is guaranteed when you have a stun and a gap closer to pursue anyone who runs away

lets not forget she heals 16 damage a second so take that off of your damage plus armour reduction
and if she gets in a tight spot the sheild comes up instantly and has no mobility drawback


If you get caught along in a tight space with an enemy brig, that is either your fault or you got outplayed. Her strengths lies in 1v1 close range combat. The situation you described plays to this strength of hers. But what you need to do is take away her strengths and play on her weaknesses. That healing and armor, for example, is nothing to some well played ranged Junkrat nades, or Arrows, or Rockets, just to name a few. Another way to take away her strength in a 1v1 is to coordinate with teammates to focus her and her shield down. Once that is gone, she can’t escape due to having no mobility and she can’t stun taking away her burst combo. Problem solved.


Except it’s only effective at melee range.

It’s not hard to distance yourself from a Brig.


so dont get on the point? great idea


If she’s 1v1-ing your Hog, you are not playing your Hog the right way. Yes I agree on the Rein as I have easily done this, but then I’ve realized that Rein was rushing at me waaaayy out of contact with his healer. Are you doing this? Same for Hog. People who use Hog as a flank tank without a dedicated healer or a co-oping Pharah/Hanzo/McCree (they can all help in their own ways), are just f***ing asking to be killed by Brig.


Tracer made me uninstall, almost. Its a fresh air playing vs brigitte compared to when tracer was in every match without anything to touch her. And now you got hanzo,whos godlike at everything. Brigitte is not even close to how op hanzo is.


I love how everyone argues with this, so here’s what I’ll say:

If she’s on the point then there’s these scenarios:

  1. Her team likely killed off your main healer or tank and pushed on it to take the point, you’ll likely lose the fight anyway. Best to not give them ult charge at all and retreat to the next point. Or contest as long as you can if it’s the second point.


  1. She went off on her own to the point or your team killed most of theirs to cap the point. If this is the case she should die, if not, you and your team are as useful as a sack of potatoes.

brig should not get the value she does for how stupid easy and forgiving her kit is


If her kit were so “stupid easy and forgiving,” I wouldn’t kill her so damn easily, so damn often.

Sorry… doesn’t hold. Maybe at lower levels, yes. But I’ve played Brigitte a lot and I know how to counter her because I’ve played her.


this is a terrible argument where you just makeup a scenario to fit your narrative

what if im on the point and the brig just pushes her way through
what if we lost it and now we have to take it back but brig is standing there behind a shield
what if she pops ult and swings my defensless supports to death
what if what if what if

the fact that she can be worked around in some very niche yeam comps doesnt make her balanced