Brigitte will be F Tier at this rate

you know those two training bots that deal damage? OP. I can’t even enjoy my video game anymore.

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yeah why would i even argue with a guy that is talking nonsense.

Brigette’s pickrate is less than Ana’s yet DPS one tricks want her nerfed and Ana buffed because she’s the closest support to a DPS.


Brigitte is an easy mode hero. If your team is trash, then yeah, you won’t do much. Doesn’t matter if you’re good at her or not. I’ve had an insane amount of matches with Lucios, Junkrats, Anas, Reaper, etc, that are incapable of doing a god damn thing. Just trash tier comps. Outside of masters+ you still deal with so many people just playing whatever tf they want. It’s QP 2.0.

Brigitte is just on another level of stupidity when it comes to how she is in the chaotic mess of a bunch of terrible players.

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That’s her only role and possibility btw !
She’s crying during long range fight as is freaking useless in theses cases. The only other character like this is Reinhardt… (and he wrecks her ^^)

Oh yes, spam! And quite popular spam at that. The cause enjoys seizing opportunities like this to rise above the nonsense and create awareness regarding in-game balance problems! We ask users to educate themselves on topics before creating chaos, as a Symmetra main yourself, I’m sure you hate chaotic nonsense like your thread! So without further ado, we invite the users of battle-net to enjoy enlightenment and serenity, Brigitte edition!


Mercy has been nerfed and now she is just fine, Brig need a nerf and you have to be blind to do not see that

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Mercy has been nerfed and now she is just fine


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She’s a Mercy player.And has support bias mentality.


After reading this thread, I can’t wait for Hammond’s live version ! :smiley:

I hope for a full page of “nerf the hamster”, “Hamtaro is cheated” or “please remove this insanity” !

It will be far worse !

Alright then i understand

It will be far worse !

This is the forums. You expect them to act better people?

Just look at people bashing each other for the heroes they play.

There will be Brigitte mains crying “Buff Brigg,Hammonds stun throws her in the air and makes her unable to stun,and his abilities go thru the shield.”

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Not really, Brigitte would be a 50/50 because she can still stun him if she times it right.

At best you’ll see people without any CC complaining that theres nothing to stop his movements and he’s hard to stop while forgetting the CC they complain about is what stops Hammond.

Yeah,but Brigitte shuts down everyone so it doesn’t count.He has high hp and shields,it would definietly not be 50/50

No one comes here looking to reconsider their conclusion. We all come here basically just to state it. And then we sort of lean on people agreeing with us in order to make us feel like our point is valid. That’s all.

It’s the same in game. You get a 3 or 4 man dps comp, and then those dps spend the game complaining about how heals are poor, or no one is tanking, or those tanking are just throwing themselves at the enemy etc.

There is no consideration or open mindedness. Just cyclical self indulgence where we try to through majority rule feel our opinion is legit. That’s all.

It’s tribal. It’s basic. It’s common. It’s everywhere, in game and out.

Trying to say anything otherwise is just beautiful ignorance and naivety.

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We forget that its a team game and that while Hammond can manuever that Brigitte can stun him for a bit and let her team go ham on him? (No pun intended).

Orisa can block 1 stun, and that’s it really.

If you get countered by Brigitte when playing Widow, Phara, Mercy (too lazy to list them all) then maybe you should just question your positionning ^^’

That’s true.But you know what I find interessting in general,just sayin’.People say "focus brigg"but for a moment forget that this is a team game.That your team should focus her,while her team focuses yours.