The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Alliance High Elves Allied race

Disclaimer: This is the Unofficial High Elves Allied race mega thread, We want to respectfully keep the discussion to stay in this mega thread, So the forums aren't contested by 500+ High Elf topics on the front page, any further threads about High elves or Quel’dorei made outside of this thread, will not be the voice nor representation or be in association with the High elven community. As it stands we would like to keep it respectful and for the discussion to focus on the developments and the story of Quel’dorei (High elves) since the last mega-thread. We do not condone trolling from either side both for and against.

With this in mind, we’d like to share some comments and thoughts from our community on what we specifically mean and would like when asking for High elves.

“High elves to me mean loyalty to friends and family above all. What I want specifically for them to be is to embody the ranger culture that was prevalent in the ranger core of quel'thalas. The classic wood elf feels but to also incorporate elements from the high elves of Stormwind and dalaran giving them magi and a link to the kirin tor as well as paladins.

I want those that chose to remain with the alliance for any number of reasons.” - Fliktarg - US

“To me, the High Elves are an adherence to tradition, principles, and family all while hoping for a better future. A renewed future. The High Elves have fought for peace and responsibility (especially in magical use as they are fully aware of the consequences) in the world since their exile from Kalimdor. The Sin'dorei, and now the Ren'dorei have all abandoned their traditional views and way of life when it comes to magical responsibility and traditional values. Values which were long intact due to lessons learned in the first coming of the Burning Legion. Those two have worked with and embraced the very forces that the Quel'dorei have long fought to keep at bay. It is as though they have completely forgotten their own heritage to become that which seeks power at any cost, regardless of the consequences. The Quel'dorei have held onto and openly embraced their traditional ways without succumbing to such a low and basal instinct as one would expect from the other races of Azeroth who are not nearly so long-lived and have not learned the same lessons as a whole people. They are unique, filled with an unwavering integrity in the face of even the darkest days and the ravages of the scourge. Instead of succumbing to the darkness of fel and void like many of their kin they have embraced their unique, continuing cultural identity with renewed fervor; never betraying their principles. Never becoming the 'joiner' in the 'if you can't beat them, join them," mentality. They truly are High Elves in name, action, and in continued principles; which makes them an undeniable and unique bright star in the Warcraft universe.” - Arisena Sunsworn

“To me, High elves represent the Alliance more than most of the races currently in it. They are a strong, independent people who parted from their kin during the most difficult times. And unlike the Blood elves, they never lost their way. They've stayed true to themselves and to the Alliance. That loyalty is something that most playable races today lack. They have always believed in the Alliance, and for that reason alone, they should finally be their own playable race.

And on a more serious note...

Their inclusion as a playable race would be a really nice gesture to Alliance players amongst the current hostility. Sometimes, it feels like Blizzard is putting Horde players' opinions first with every new feature. For once, I'd like to see them put the Alliance first, and give us something of actual value. Give us something that makes us proud to be playing our faction.” - Stephanië US

“High Elves, why should they be added? Well in my opinion not because of what they are, but because of what they represent. High Elves were always deeply connected with azerothian humanity and served as something like (analogically) its older cousins. They tutored humankind since its very origin in Arathor and continued to teach other (now Alliance) races and nations about the world. It's because of them that Alliance exists in its current form and i feel like it's really shame that they can't be officially part of what they helped to build.“ - Spinel EU

High Elves are the Elves who choose loyalty over nationality. People who chose their friends over their brethren. They are the elves who overcame the mana addiction without fel magic. I want them because they have a lot to bring to the lore of Warcraft and represent a missed opportunity at deepening the story behind the Alliance/Horde conflict
Also, Elves just belong with humans dwarves and gnomes - Enariel (CrazedRaven) - US

Overview of what has been done to High Elves in BFA

Now we are going to move onto, High Elf NPC’s in Through BFA beta,Live & PTR, Multiple High Elf NPC’s have been added.

-Let’s start with Frostfencer Seraphi, Who is part of the Island team, <Auric’s Angels> Which can only be referencing Auric Sunchaser. (

-Next we have Two new High Elf NPC's in BFA Islands expendtions.( )

-We also have Yvera Dawnwing, A portal master in Bourlas and Stromgarde keep. Where she is a quest giver. (

-Lastly we have the High Elf 7th Legion shield mages, on the Stromgarde keep, warfront airship (

Speculation on the future

In the recent weeks, there have been some in-game ‘leaks’ related to potential upcoming Warfronts. The text can be seen via typing:

/run for i=5,12 do local n,d = C_ContributionCollector.GetName(i), C_ContributionCollector.GetDescription(i) if n ~= "" then print(n..": "..d) end end

in the in game chat box which shows this text:

Barrens Warfront: Attack the Southern Barrens and break through the Great Gates of Mulgore.
Silvermoon Warfront: Assault the final Horde bastion on the Eastern Kingdoms, and cleanse our land of their filth.
Azshara Warfront: Launch a massive Naval assault on the home of Gallywix. Bilgewater will burn.
Battle for Stromgarde: Donate supplies to the war effort as the impending battle over Arathi Highlands nears.

The text describes possible Warfronts including a potential Silvermoon Warfront.

As the High Elven people originate from Quel’thalas, this Warfront is a perfect opportunity to showcase Veressa and the Silver Covenant on the Front lines fighting alongside the Alliance in an attempt to reclaim their homeland.

Within the High Elf Community Discord ‘The Legacy of the Quel’dorei’, there have been discussions regarding what this Warfront may entail. Without getting into too much detail, here are some potential ideas:

-The Warfront revolves around the war between the Elven factions - Blood Elves, Nightborne and San’layn (for the Horde) against Night Elves, Void Elves and High Elves (for the Alliance).
-The Warfront includes some form of emotional response from the Blood Elves as they remember the Scourge Invasion of Quel’thalas.
-Portrayal of comparisons between Arthas and Anduin.
- A potential betrayal from within Quel’thalas just as Dar’khan Drathir betrayed Silvermoon during the Third War. This has been speculated to be Halduron Brightwing, as he is someone of importance and also has relations with Veressa and Alleria Windrunner since he was a child. It also gives an opportunity for Liadrin to replace Halduron as her character has become quite significant.
- Potential Commanders for the Warfront could include Alleria, Vereesa or Auric for the Alliance whilst Lor’themar, Rommath or a potential San’layn for the Horde.

Note, whilst not all suggestions may necessarily entail High Elves, the ideas are in regards to an opportune time for the High Elves to be added as an Allied Race.

Types of Alliance allied High elves

For clarification, the High Elves which are being requested are NOT the Elves from Quel’thalas. Instead come from ideally the Silver Covenant, however, can come from Lodges throughout Azeroth or Stormwind for example. But, the ideal situation are those from the Silver Covenant.

“The Silver Covenant is a militant faction of high elves led by the high elf Vereesa Windrunner. They reject the admission of blood elves into the Kirin Tor and have taken it upon themselves to serve as a military deterrent for any potential Horde uprising. They have joined the Alliance Vanguard, along with the Explorers' League and the main host of the Valiance Expedition, in Northrend. They employ hippogryphs as well. The Horde equivalent of the Silver Covenant are the Sunreavers.”

The Silver Covenant was first introduced in the expansion Wrath of the Lich King and, since then acted with the Alliance across many events within the Alliance War Campaign throughout expansions. (More information will be listed below)

There are currently 48 named Silver Covenant High Elves whom have interacted with players, including other unnamed members which supply forces to the Alliance military such as the 7th Legion Battlemages as a singular example.

Other concentrations of High Elf NPCs include places such as Quel’danil Lodge - whom work with Alliance Adventurers (the player) to rid Forsaken invaders from it’s lands. The Lodge is the larger of two major populations within Lordaeron.

High Elves are also found within Stormwind - particularly the Mage Quarter. The City of Dalaran as well as the Allerian Stronghold within Outland.

Patches High Elves have played a role.

2.0 = Allerian Stronghold High Elves added with Quests.

3.0 - 3.2 - 3.3 = Silver Covenant and Alliance 7th Legion added with Quests.

4.1 = Rise of the Zandalari - The Silver Covenant takes part.

5.1 - 5.2 = Operation: Shieldwall, Kirin Tor Offensive and Purge of Dalaran etc.

Warlords of Draenor = Not featured.

7.0 = Silver Covenant helps the Hunter Lodge.

7.1 = Suramar Campaign.

7.2 = Silver Covenant helps on the Broken Shore.

7.3 = Veressa, Alleria and other High Elf moments.
7.3.5 = Three Sisters Comic

8.0 = Arathi Highlands Warfront 7th Legion Battlemages,Frostfencer Serphai and Quest giver Yvera Dawnwing added.


If you would like to view High Elf concepts for an Allied Race, you could visit our Tumblr page:

You can also read more on the lore of High Elves and arguments for them as an Allied Race here:

Or, if you would like to support High Elves as an Allied Race you can join our Community Discord:

To Conclude, massive thanks to all members of the High Elf discord who had help put this thread together!


A poll has been created, feel free to vote! - Where would you like the High Elven home hub to be?
This is a new thread! Post to one of the 500+ you just referenced!
I support playable High Elves for the Alliance!
10/10 thread.

Alliance High Elves will definitely be here by the end of BfA. What sorts of High Elf are you all hoping to play? Even though I already have 3 Hunters, I'll probably go with one of those first just because it'd be so perfect.
Support for playable Quel'dorei for the Alliance!

We wish to bring back a constructive and concise place for all to voice their ideas for the concept and legitimate concerns made in good faith on the official forums once again.

We would like to encourage constructive dialogue on the topic.
Speculation of the future

There will be more high elf threads and Blizz will not cave-in and give people high elves.

10/04/2018 03:13 AMPosted by Vaghrarg
No please god no you leave right now.

I’m pretty sure voicing your opinion was never bad
10/04/2018 03:26 AMPosted by Embersis
Speculation of the future

There will be more high elf threads and Blizz will not cave-in and give people high elves.


For real. There'll be yet another new fresh official megathread in a week.
10/04/2018 03:28 AMPosted by Evania
10/04/2018 03:13 AMPosted by Vaghrarg
No please god no you leave right now.

I’m pretty sure voicing your opinion was never bad

There's a thousand other threads to post in about this exact same thing.
My support for the high elves! If they become playable I’ll make a few race changes.
Honestly I don't think you need to write that much to make the argument: The Silver Covenant exists. Give us them.
10/04/2018 03:29 AMPosted by Vaghrarg
10/04/2018 03:28 AMPosted by Evania
I’m pretty sure voicing your opinion was never bad

There's a thousand other threads to post in about this exact same thing.

And so what? If people want to talk about it 500 times than let them be. Quite frankly you’re doing this to yourself no one told you to come here and yet here you are.
10/04/2018 03:26 AMPosted by Embersis
Speculation of the future

There will be more high elf threads and Blizz will not cave-in and give people high elves.


You say that. But do you remember the Wall of "No"?
My honest opinion is that I hope Blizzard never adds High Elves because the forums cry so much about it that it would seem like Blizzard just caved to fan service. They already said no. How many threads do we need about a race that is just blood elves? I hope it never happens.
Here to show my support! Blizzard should hurry up and add playable High Elves. They've been loyal to the Alliance. They're one of our closest allies :C
10/04/2018 03:32 AMPosted by Arrowshooter
My honest opinion is that I hope Blizzard never adds High Elves because the forums cry so much about it that it would seem like Blizzard just caved to fan service. They already said no. How many threads do we need about a race that is just blood elves? I hope it never happens.

Yeah they're biologically the same as blood elves. But not politically or culturally. They call themselves high elves. Other races call them high elves. Hell, the blood elves call them high elves!
I haven't even had my coffee yet. >.<
1 Like
10/04/2018 03:32 AMPosted by Arrowshooter
How many threads do we need about a race that is just blood elves?

That's the entire Allied Race system to this point, man.

Void Elves = Blood Elves
Lightforged Draenei = Draenei
Highmountain Tauren = Tauren
Nightborne = Night Elves
Kul Tiran = Humans
Dark Iron Dwarves = Dwarves
Zandalari = Darkspear Trolls

You may not like it, but it's the reality. Best to accept it.
10/04/2018 03:43 AMPosted by Skig
10/04/2018 03:32 AMPosted by Arrowshooter
How many threads do we need about a race that is just blood elves?

That's the entire Allied Race system to this point, man.

Void Elves = Blood Elves
Lightforged Draenei = Draenei
Highmountain Tauren = Tauren
Nightborne = Night Elves
Kul Tiran = Humans
Dark Iron Dwarves = Dwarves
Zandalari = Darkspear Trolls

You may not like it, but it's the reality. Best to accept it.

Thank you sir! I try to explain this to every “allied race” is literally just a fancy term for “Sub race”
1 Like