Remove natural velf options

The Void Elf customization to make them look like a High Elf was basically a companies (for what it is worth) to avoid adding them to the game. Plus, it largely put an end to discussions like this:

and this:

and this:’dorei-high-elves-as-an-alliance-allied-race/153125

and this:

some of the customization options mentioned here:

A sample of the multiple year’s long “debates” (probably at least 5x the number of posts over the years as subscribers during Wrath)

Proposed customization:

Signs of a compromise (still lots of comments):

Another +17k replies:

Now this guy had some foresight:

May have double posted a site, they are all likely riddled with cross connections and/or linked to other sites. There are way more out there and they go much further back.