Bug Report Forum Guidelines

Welcome to the Hearthstone Bug Report Forums!

Our Blizzard Quality Assurance team will be routinely monitoring the bug forum and collecting reports for our development team. While not every post will see a direct response, please know that your post is read and investigated.

1. Forum Rules

Be kind to each other. Each player that comes to this forum is either looking for help, or making a goodwill effort to help improve the game. Please post respectfully as ALL posts and replies are subject to the Blizzard Code of Conduct

2. Reporting Bugs

If you encounter any in-game issues, please feel free to create a new topic with a description of the issue.

Please provide as much detail as possible as it will help us reproduce the bug on our end. Here are some examples:

  • Name of the relevant cards that were on the board and hand.
  • Screenshots**
  • Videos and replays**
  • Platform and OS version (PC, Mac, Android Phone/Tablet, iOS)

** You can share url links using either the Blockquotes or the Preformatted text option.

3. Other Issues
For account related issues:

For reporting exploits, cheats, and bots:

Thank you for helping us improve Hearthstone!