Annoying Bot in Ranked Play

There is an annoying bot playing games in Ranked mode under the name ChinaVirus.
The bot just tries to tap the hero power every 2 seconds. By causing any interaction (playing hero power) the game will not speed up the timeouts. Just you have to wait the full allotted time between turns (or forfeit).

A lot of people are abusing the fact that you get more exp the longer a match takes but unless you are playing control, its a free win. I just play the game normally. It takes 25 or so minutes longer but whatever.

Really? You don’t mind wasting 25 minutes because some script kiddie is trying to show off to his peeps (or whatever else drives these jerks)

they only show up at rank floors win a few games and you wont see them anymore

OK. that may remove the “frustration” but that does not make the actions “right” or “acceptable” within the confines of fair play.
Just because its “not my problem” anymore, doesn’t mean I forget about the issue, as it involves the overall playing experience for ALL players.

Yes, botting is very annoying. But you can report the bots. See Bug Report Forum Guidelines.

While I write this, I’ve had three bot games in a row. Ranked wild is swarming with them.

Surprised a name n shame thread is still up over a year and a half later.

Also nice necro.