Post your season theme idea for S25 or S26


Crazy (Power Creep)

Class specific (new items, new sets)

Season of transformation

Each class gets beast-mode

Imagine a buncha perma-zerker barbarians running around…

season of release from the set-bondage - level 150 LoD.

New, unique item affixes added onto primals from GR70 and up, a new one every 10 to 25 or so GRs. Also slowly increasing drop rate of primals from T70 and up. And dear god get rid of ability affixes on primals.

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Season “You will die”.

Only Hardcore characters are available (I don’t play HC).

To be honest, all proposals are about OP (Over Power), are fun but not for me.
A season with a real challenge can be cool (If I don’t die :stuck_out_tongue: ).

Otherwise, 4 slots, Etheareal, RoRG, blabla…

The question is:
You want Just OP or a “real challenge”?

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I’m just thinking of new builds and for some that might mean, giving some items more power or enabling things like 4 cube slots or free RoRG.

Example: I’ve got a GoD grenades build that I farm T16 with for keys. It’s fun as hell. The art depiction is cooler than Hungering Arrow. And it frees up a weapon or offhand slot and the cube weapon slot too.

So if they did something like put the Hellcat affix on a weapon, or gave a free RoRG or possibly a fourth cube slot so I could equip Depth Diggers, Hunter’s Wrath, and Hellcat it would be a great season for me. Still wouldn’t be as powerful as Hungering Arrow but it would narrow the gap a little.

Season of Fate’s Brilliant Facet:

Proabably a season, where players are occasionally attacked by spirit-like enemies, some of these enemies could be enemies we faced in the campaign (like bosses and act bosses), and other times we can have a random ally appear to aid us.

Defeating the spirit enemies have a chance of them dropping random unique gemstones that can be socketed in a player’s equipment, that offer a variety of different effects that’s dependent on the equipment piece. Gemstones socketed into 3 socketed chest pieces and 2 socketed pants can have combination effects depending on the arrangement.

The lore context can be something similar to:

Ever since the battle between The Prime Evil and the Nephalem, the Realm of Fates had become increasingly unstable, as rapid occurrences have been observed where past, present, and future clash with one another. The potential damage caused by such occurrences have thankfully been kept to a minimum thanks to Ithereal’s intervention, however he has requested the Nephalem’s aid, as abnormalities have been happening across Sanctuary where corrupted shards of Fate take on the form of old enemies and forgotten allies. Defeat these enemies, and collect the shards and, with Ithereal’s blessing, purify them. In doing so, you may just acquire a reward for yourself…

All in all, I’d just want a season where we can fight unique enemies (heck I’d even take something similar to the console’s nemesis system), just to get some unique rewards.

Just a quick note: but a seasonal theme like this (at least the gems portion) had been suggested before by others.

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Season of Insatiable Hunger

Chance on kill to embody your primal form, greatly increasing your size, power and movement speed.

  1. Two percent chance on killing an enemy to trigger Insatiable Hunger.
  2. Insatiable Hunger increases your overall armor, vitality, primary stat, and movement speed values by 100% for 20 seconds, or until you primal form’s insatiable hunger has been satisfied.
  3. Each enemy killed during Insatiable Hunger reduces your armor, vitality, primary stat, and movement speed bonus by 1.5% percent until your primal form’s insatiable hunger has been satisfied - this would be 67 monsters maximum.
  4. Insatiable Hunger cannot be triggered during the skills ramp-down or 20 second timer.
  5. You are unable to trigger Insatiable Hunger on Rift Guardians and Bosses. Although, you may be lucky enough to trigger the skill prior to a Rift Guardian or Boss spawn/encounter. This could be managed by reducing Insatiable Hunger’s bonuses by 1.5% per hit, or by a variable percentage per hit depending on greater rift level.

I figured 2% would be a good number as I used 500 monsters, on average, in a greater rift to fill the bar to 100% (not sure if this is fairly accurate or not but the numbers could be tweaked accordingly) - Insatiable Hunger would only be advantageous in any other game modes to give a slight edge on farming efficiency. I am not too familiar with challenge rifts so this may have its challenges in this aspect of gameplay, especially at beginning levels.

My explanation for a ramp-down, in addition to a 20 second timer, is to ensure at lower greater rift levels the completion time isn’t propelled too far into making the skill too over-powering in farming efficiency or making those rift levels completely useless. On the flip side, the 20 second timer allows a slight edge at pushing your character’s top-end progression levels as it will take much longer to kill those 67 monsters.

With the numbers I used, you would average out to about a 10% up time of the skill during greater rift progression pushes. This up time would be significantly less in lower greater rift levels, as well as other game modes, as you would kill ‘x’ times faster.

I also thought of a potential chance-on-hit percentage, but I feel this would be too hectic and create a niche of viable builds that would be greatly advantageous over others. So, ideally, this wouldn’t work. To make it work, you would have to create percentage values per skill, for every class and build possibility, to ensure a ‘fairest’ balance.

This would also open the door to new art development for each class - size increase, size decrease, buff effect(s), and character physicality/personality.

Season of Archivist? This will be a huge recall to Trials of Tempest but what about a seasonal buff that allow you to cast joke skills from the Archivist class? Questbolt, Lorenado and Shush?

  • Season of Cheapskates, 1 mat 10 souls for Reforge
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Season of Expeditious Fossilization

Your attacks embed sediment deposits that compress the monster. Each attack rapidly fossilizes the monster, reducing their movement speed and attack speed; decreasing the damage of their attacks; increasing the cast time of their skills and special abilities (affixes and rift guardian/boss special attacks), but greatly increasing their armor. After ‘x’ amount of attacks, the monster becomes permanently fossilized until death.

  1. Each reduction percentage, per attack, would have to be different - movement speed by ‘x’ percent, attack speed by ‘x’ percent, etc…
  2. To prevent this from being over-powered, you could make this a stackable debuff on the monster in which you would have to hit the monster again within ‘x’ seconds to continue to progress the monster to permanent fossilization. In addition, the stackable debuff would drop a stack after ‘x’ seconds until the monster returns to its full potential.
  3. Attacks made against Rift Guardians and Bosses could either be a percentage of the original debuff percentages for all other monster types, or Rift Guardians and Bosses could greatly resist permanent fossilization by capping at ‘x’ debuff stacks. This would allow for some fossilized effect to prevent players from locking Rift Guardians and Bosses down in solo fights.


  1. More mobility/maneuverability
  2. Slightly more effectiveness from overall toughness
  3. Usefulness of more map layouts for greater rift progression pushing
  4. Possible build diversity with items built around your main set, or potential use of sets that typically aren’t considered.

The armor increase per debuff stack would be to offset the slight advantages listed above as well as providing authenticity to the monster, essentially, hardening into a fossil.

Cue mobs posting in the Bug Report forum about Stone Gauntlets like behaviour.

Season of nonsassy NPC says.

  • Increases game immersion by 20,000%

I just wish they buffed the first week or two of the season as many people only play that long each season!

Can we get a theme based on rewards and achievements. E.g. complete GR100 on all 7 characters and get a huge cache with mats, bounty mats and a guaranteed primal.

Also it’s about time we made the seasonal journey harder! How good would it be if you completed a new harder journey and get permanent buffs for the rest of the season! Something like 25% increase in salvaged item mats, +50% bounty mat rewards, more keys from RG drops. I guarantee people will complete the journey then!

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season of the fruit bowl

players engaged in pvp during that time the battles will most likely happen this way

Run by Fruiting-Mrs. Doubtfire - YouTube

The Chosen One Season

Only allow one character to be active in the season (one HC and one SC).

As this is a disadvantage, you can offset it by letting every player start with their nonseason paragon levels (at end of season you only add gained paragon experience to nonseason paragon). If you delete your character (or die in HC), you lose everything you have gained (other than experience), all gold, and all items in stash as well.

I think everyone will hate this idea, but it would really make you think about what class you want to play.

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Season of Emanate:
Your follower gives you emanate of any item even sets.

Puzzle Ring:
[Only Follower]
PuR now works with mats. (White, blue, yellow, FS, BoD)

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This whole concept is for solo. They’d have to allow Followers in groups for this to benefit group play. Plus it’d be crazy overpowered running Natalya’s 6pc with worn GoD6, or, Akkhan 6pc with Valor 6pc.

A clean solution is to just get Free RoRG and LoN/LoD at the same time, plus some other small perk worth 3-5GRs. ie.

  • Each equipped Primal Ancient item increases your damage by 15%.
  • Gain 100% damage for 10 seconds when you consume a potion.
  • etc.
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But groups got a whole lot as it is. More xp, faster everything.

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Yes. It really depends on the group these days. If it has the right composition the group will win every day.

Pickup groups are another story. When you’re the top performer in a rag-tag group, and/or there is sizable paragon spread, solo exp can be respectably better.

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