Season 24 - Idea - Inventories

Season of Inventories

  • You can equip any item
  • You gain +1 inventory * and become 5x weaker at Parangon 500, 1000, 1500, 2000

* inventory !== stash
inventory is where you equip armor and weapons


Inventory Tabs : [ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ]


  • 500, 1000, 1500, 2000 Parangon caps make you weaker = Balance, no free power
  • Millions of new combinations
    • Multiple class-free Sets
    • Multiple helms, amulets, armors, bracer, boots, weapons, …etc.
    • Multiple gems, offensive and defensive
  • Thousand of hours of gameplay to
    • Find proper equipement for each inventory tab
    • Level up multiple classes to easily get their Sets
    • Level up all their gems to the maximum level

Legendary items - Examples

Whenever possible, Legendary items are class-unlocked

  • Any pet affected (Demon Hunter, Witch Doctor, Necromancer)

  • Any class can equip

    • Nayr’s Black Death (Poison skills damage increase)
    • Flying Dragon (x2 Attack speed chance)
    • OathKeeper (+50% Primary attack speed)
    • Hunter’s Wrath (+30% Primary attack speed)
    • Vambraces of Sescheron (Primary skills heal)
    • Hellskull (+10% damage if 2 hands weapon)
    • The Grin Reaper (Temporary simulacrums)
    • Storm Crow (Fireball Chance)
    • Ancient Parthans Defenders (damage reduction)
    • Henri’s Perquisition (damage reduction)
    • Winter Flurry (Frost nova on cold kill)
    • Thing of the Deep (Pickup radius)
    • …etc.
  • Necromancer can equip

    • Vo’Toyias Spiker (Thorns)
    • Mask of Jeram (x2 pets damage)
    • Madawc’s Sorrow (x2 damage by guaranted stun)

Set items - Examples

Whenever possible, Sets items are class-unlocked

  • Any pet affected (Demon Hunter, Witch Doctor, Necromancer)
  • Thorns for any class
    • Thorns of the Invoker 6 pieces bonus
      • The Your attack speed of Punish and Slash are is increased by 50% and you deal 15,000% of your Thorns damage to the first enemy hit.

For the Necromancer, it would mean…

:shorts: :shorts: DOUBLE 6 pieces Sets

  • Masquerade + Tal Rasha (Cold Spear)
  • Masquerade + Inarius (Near Bone Spear)
  • Pestilence + Tal Rasha (Cold Lance)
  • Pestilence + Trag’Oul (Blood Lance)
  • Pestilence + Inarius (Near Lance)
  • Zunimassa’s Haunt + Tal Rasha (Pets)
  • Zunimassa’s Haunt + Trag’Oul (Blood Mages)
  • Zunimassa’s Haunt + Rathma (Pets)
  • Zunimassa’s Haunt + Inarius (Near Pets)
  • Rathma + Trag’Oul (Blood Mages)
  • Inarius + Rathma (Near Pets)
  • Inarius + Trag’Oul (Near Blood Mages)
  • Gears of Dreadlands + Inarius (Near Primary skills)
  • Gears of Dreadlands + Tal Rasha (Cold Primary skills)
  • Inarius + Tal Rasha (Near Cold skills)
  • Invoker + Tal Rasha (Cold Thorns)
  • Invoker + Inarius (Near Thorns)
  • Invoker + Rathma (Pets Thorns)

:shorts: :shorts: :shorts: TRIPLE 6 pieces Sets

  • Masquerade + Tal Rasha + Inarius (Near Cold Spear)
  • Pestilence + Tal Rasha + Inarius (Near Cold Lance)
  • Pestilence + Trag’Oul + Inarius (Near Blood Lance)
  • Zunimassa’s Haunt + Tal Rasha + Rathma (Cold Pets)
  • Zunimassa’s Haunt + Trag’Oul + Rathma (Pets)
  • Zunimassa’s Haunt + Trag’Oul + Inarius (Near Blood Mages)
  • Zunimassa’s Haunt + Rathma + Inarius (Near Pets)
  • Zunimassa’s Haunt + Tal Rasha + Inarius (Near Cold Pets)
  • Gears Of Dreadlands + Inarius + Pestilence (Near Primary + Near Auto Lance)
  • Gears Of Dreadlands + Inarius + Tal Rasha (Near Cold Primary)
  • Invoker + Rathma + Inarius (Near Pets Thorns)
  • Invoker + Tal Rasha + Inarius (Near Cold Pets Thorns)
  • Invoker + Pestilence + Inarius (Near Thorns Lance)
  • Invoker + Gears Of Dreadlands + Inarius (Near Thorns Primary)

:shorts: :shorts: :shorts: :shorts: QUADRI 6 pieces Sets

  • Zunimassa’s Haunt + Rathma + Tal Rasha + Inarius (Near Cold Pets)
  • Zunimassa’s Haunt + Rathma + Invoker + Inarius (Near Thorns Pets)
  • Invoker + Pestilence + Tal Rasha + Inarius (Near Cold Thorns Lance)
  • Invoker + Gears Of Dreadlands + Tal Rasha + Inarius (Near Cold Thorns Primary)

:shorts: :shorts: :shorts: :shorts: :shorts: QUINTA 6 pieces Sets

  • Zunimassa’s Haunt + Rathma + Tal Rasha + Invoker + Inarius (Near Cold Thorns Pets)

But wait, you are not forced to use 6 pieces Set for each inventory, you can

  • Mix 2 pieces Sets with Legendary items
    • The Shadow’s Bane 2 pieces
    • Horde of the Ninety Savages 2 pieces
    • Helltooth Harness 2 pieces
    • Istvan’s Paired Blades
  • Mix 3 pieces Sets with Legendary items
    • Captain Crimson’s Trimmings 3 pieces
  • Mix 4 pieces Sets with Legendary items
    • Blackthorne 4 pieces
    • Masquerade 4 pieces
    • Trag’Oul’s Avatar 4 pieces
  • Use only Legendary items
    • on the last inventory to add thoughness
    • accross all inventories

Speaking of Legendary items…

:safety_vest: :safety_vest: :safety_vest: :safety_vest: :safety_vest: QUINTA 13 pieces Ancient Legendaries

  • Allows you to benefit from 65 different Legendary powers
  • Surely boosts a lot your Legacy Of Dreams gem

Speaking of Legendary Gems…

:gem::gem::gem::gem::gem: QUINTA 3 Legendary Gems

  • Allows you equip up to 15 Legendary gems (on 23 available).


How to implement

  • Display some tabs at top of the inventory
  • Define a group additional inventories (additional inventories with at least 1 item equipped) counter, then scale monster level by 5 times that amount (ajust if necessary)
  • Balance Sets to allow combinations, thus make them enjoyable by each class
  • Pick up items is load-balanced on available spaces in all inventories (seen as a big one)
  • That’s all.

Inspired by

See also

The grind for leveling 50+ legendary gems would be a nightmare for anyone trying to push headerboards hard

Could make it so that only the primary inventory can be augmented? And the other gems (non jewelry) can only reach 25 in order to get the effect.

Not that I am a fan of the multiple inventory idea but the other part sounds really cool

Usually people who say this with complicated ideas have never done a single line of code. Let alone seen what it takes to adjust classes/ui for new ideas.

Especially a temporary idea.

Also the balance would be thrown completely out the window with this. Not that the game is really balanced to begin with. But this is just bad.


I’m not saying this is utterly horrid idea but it’s definitely not good one either. I see way more potential issues than benefits. This is a very overcomplicated suggestion for a temporary season theme.

And finally…

Utter BS.


Sure I never wrote a single line of code :joy:

Depends on your level up strategy

  • Level up 15 gems at same time (low level for each gem)
  • Level up 1 gem at max level

It is decorrelated from the Seasonal theme.

If you are actually a programmer then it’s even worse that you think this idea is easy.

But regardless, there’s absolutely no way they are going to redo the entire class structure to support 5 items per characters.

What would even be the point for a temporary season? This is just straight up bad nonsense power creep for no real reason.


There is no such power creep since difficulty scales with additional inventories with a at least 1 equipped item.

It is the opportunity to try new combinations like in the Season of Grandeur and the Season of Forbidden Archives, which were among the most popular seasons. Seasonal buffs and alterations offer a unique and temporary instant of crazyness. That’s the goal.

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Uh you’re power creeping the monsters along with the players. Giant numbers for the sake of giant numbers. It’s pretty ridiculous. How many 0’s do you think will happen because of this idea? Have you thought about how they are going to handle this level of calculations?

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Then we just have to make Players weaker.

A non-answer to a programming question. I wonder if that profile you linked is even you.

You’re asking them to rework the entire inventory system, rework the damage system, rework the monster scaling system, and then try and balance that around a near infinitesimal amount of combinations of gear that already pushes balance limits.

And your answer to that is just one line. “Just make it work”.


Just do it.
Ship it.
i would even pay for this.

You are pushing the numbers up for the sake of pushing the numbers up. That’s the very definition of power creep.

Your suggestion requires an insane amount of effort to make it happen, requiring to rework many systems, all of which would only push the numbers up and would add absolutely nothing meaningful or change the gameplay. All for a temporary theme.

Not going to happen even if you paid them to do it.

A much simpler way of impliementing the core of this idea would be:

Kanai’s Array - Each slot of Kanai’s Cube Archive of Tal Rasha is triplicated, which means each player has access to: 3 Weapon powers, 3 Armor powers and 3 Jewelry powers, effectively granting us up to 9 simultaneously equipped legendary powers beyond the characters’ gear.


“Post must be at least 20 characters.”


Here, lets really hammer the powercreep mobile into overdrive…

Every player gets an aura that covers the visible screen that deals 10 trillion damage per millisecond. All you do is run around and pick up gear.

Kind of reminds me of the dual-Dream Pally Shockadin stack bug. :slight_smile:

Yeah I know, I’d quit playing too.

These ideas just get worse and worse. It makes me sad. WALLS of text. Honestly a good rule of thumb is if it takes you more than two sentences to explain your idea, it’s too complicated.


This :point_up: :point_up: :point_up:. There’s a reason I never read ‘War and Peace’.

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I think stretching the definition to 3-4 sentences would still be reasonable. :wink:

But the point is still valid. Overcomplicated ideas are never going to happen. The season themes are temporary and as such they need to be simple yet have at least a little bit creativity. It’s simply not worth wasting limited resources that the Classic Games team has to create insanely complicated themes when they are going to be used only a few months.

Throwing season theme ideas around is fine but I wish people would be sensible with these things. Keep it simple but creative. Try avoid power creep.